Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Dragon, Gold

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Dragon, Gold[edit]

Gold dragons occasionally take more than a passing interest in mortals. Thanks to their alternate form ability, some leave a lasting reminder of their presence in the form of a half-dragon child. Even many generations later, this draconic blood can manifest in the form of bloodline traits. Descendants of a gold dragon tend to get along well with other good-aligned creatures, display uncommon grace and courtesy.

Bloodline Traits
Minor Intermediate Major
1st +2 on Sense Motive checks
2nd +2 on Sense Motive checks Alertness
3rd Strength +1
4th +2 on Sense Motive checks Alertness Resistance to fire 5 (Ex)
5th Gold dragon affinity +21
6th Strength +1 +1 to natural armor
7th +2 on Heal checks
8th Alertness Resistance to fire 5 (Ex) Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)
9th Constitution +1
10th Gold dragon affinity +21 Water breathing (Ex)2
11th Gold dragon affinity +41
12th Strength +1 +1 to natural armor +1 to natural armor
13th +2 on Swim checks
14th +2 on Heal checks Power Attack
15th Intelligence +1
16th Resistance to fire 5 (Ex) Resistance to fire 10 (Ex) Breath weapon (Ex)3
17th Gold dragon affinity +61
18th Constitution +1 +1 to natural armor
19th +2 on Jump checks
20th Gold dragon affinity +21 Water breathing (Ex)2 Immunity to fire (Ex)
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with gold dragons.
  2. You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use special abilities while submerged.
  3. 30-ft. cone of fire; 6d8 damage; Reflex half (DC + one-half HD + Con modifier).

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