Publication:Dread Codex/Magic Items/Ring of Control Undead

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Ring of Control Undead

This ring allows the wearer to control up to 20 HD worth of unintelligent, corporeal undead per day. Undead within sight that fail a Will save (DC 22) are placed under the wearer’s control until the next sunrise, up to the ring’s 20 HD maximum. Once under the ring’s control, undead are difficult to turn or rebuke and gain turn resistance +4. Ring-controlled undead that are later turned or rebuked still count against the 20 HD daily limit that the ring can control.

Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Forge Ring, control undead; Price 140,000 gp.

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Cost140,000 gp +
SummaryThis ring allows the wearer to control up to 20 HD worth of unintelligent, corporeal undead per day. +
TitleRing of Control Undead +