Publication:Dread Codex/Magic Items/Lesser Zombi Powder

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Zombi Powder, Lesser

Lesser zombi powder is similar to greater zombi powder, except that it has no power to slay. Unlike most potions, lesser zombi powder is not consumed by the user, but is instead sprinkled upon the corpse of a dead humanoid. The corpse immediately reanimates into a true zombie. Reanimation does not occur if the body is treated or damaged by fire, salt, acid, or holy water, or dismembered with a holy or blessed weapon.

Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Brew Potion, animate dead; Price 800 gp.

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Cost800 gp +
SummaryLesser zombi powder is similar to greater zombi powder, except that it has no power to slay. +
TitleLesser Zombi Powder +