This is homebrew, you may be looking for Power Word Pain from Races of the Dragon.
You feel your body getting weaker, as your life drains away.
You speak a single word of power that wracks the target with pain. They take 1d6 damage, plus another 1d6 damage each round for the duration. However the damage of power word pain can never take a creature below 1 hp. The duration of the spell depends on the target's current hit point total, as shown below. Any creature that currently has 101 or more hit points is unaffected by power word pain. The duration also immediately ends if the creature receives enough healing to bring it to full hp, or +15 hp, whichever is less.
Power Word Pain
Hit Points |
50 or less |
3d4 rounds
51-75 |
2d4 rounds
76-100 |
1d4 rounds
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