Ooze (3.5e Type)
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This type is a substitute for the standard Ooze Type and is NOT part of the SRD.
Oozes are large masses of sludge and goop that have strange powers and a primitive intelligence, despite the fact that they look like something from a toxic waste dump. In D&D terms, the reasons for these freaky anomalies are varied, but usually have something to do with some wacky arcane experiment gone awry. In other cases, it could be a physical manifestation of emotion similar to an undead, except that oozes generally deal an a much more disgusting arena. Their already nauseating nature is made worse by the fact that oozes rarely have consciously activated abilities; any powers they have are intrinsic to their form and usually instigated through physical proximity or contact. Consider the slime from Ghostbusters 2, which was the channeled negative feelings the entire metropolitan population of New York City. Direct exposure caused these emotions to permeate within the affected individual. These are the kinds of effects oozes should have.
An ooze has the following features.
- d12-sided Hit Dice.
- Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (as Fighter).
- Good Fortitude saves.
- Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die.
An ooze possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
- Amorphous (Ex): An ooze has no solid form to speak of. It only has a limited ability to increase its own movement speed, making it able to run only up to three times its base speed and charge up to its base speed. An ooze is also incapable of holding and using weapons or other magic items or wearing any kind of armor in its natural form. This form is now without benefits, however. An ooze cannot be flanked or tripped, and is also not subject to critical hits or precision-based damage (such as Sneak Attack) unless the attacker succeeds on a Knowledge (dungeoneering) check (DC 10 + the HD of the ooze) each turn that they wish to attack. Oozes have such simplistic body structures that they are immune to poisons, paralysis, sleep effects, and stunning. An ooze is also capable of manipulating the contours and dimensions of its form, able to seep under or through solid surfaces at their normal movement speed as if it were a creature four size categories smaller than itself.
- Blind (Ex): Oozes are blind, but have receptors and spots where they are capable of receiving sensory information. This gives them the blindsight special quality out to a distance of 30 feet plus 10 feet per Hit Die. Oozes are immune to gaze attacks, illusions, and all other effects that depend on senses. They also cannot be blinded or deafened, due to their lack of most sensory organs.
- Fast Healing (Ex): Because of the simple components of the ooze's body, it able to rapidly reconstitute itself. It automatically has fast healing equal to one half its Hit Dice.
- Nucleus (Ex): Oozes are no longer mindless; they are just incredibly primitive creatures, as they should be. They do not follow only programming and commands in the fashion of other mindless creatures; oozes are guided by the most instinctual drives just as animals are. The nerve center of their brain, however, is so small that it cannot even be registered by most creatures, thus not jeopardizing its immunity to critical damage. Pending extraordinary circumstances (as indicated in the creature‘s entry), oozes always have an Intelligence score of 1 and cannot have their Intelligence (nor any other mental ability score) decreased by any means. While they possess a rudimentary Intelligence, they are so primitive that they remain immune to all mind-affecting effects.
- An ooze typically has a single slam attack that deals damage according to its size (2d6 for a Medium ooze). It also adds one and a half times its Strength modifier to damage.
- While oozes technically need to eat and breathe, their forms are so simple that they are able to acquire enough nutrients to sustain themselves merely from their surroundings. The largest oozes, however, are typically those who actively seek out prey. Oozes never need to sleep.
Ooze Type Creatures[edit]
The following creatures have the Ooze type:
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