Omnes sunt Visi (3.5e Epic Spell)

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Author: Hammerhead (talk)
Date Created: 11/2/14
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Omnes sunt Visi
Divination (Scrying)
Spellcraft DC: 3,640
Components: Crystal ball worth 150,000 gp
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: Personal
Target: One Plane
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 656 days, 32,760,000 gp. 1,310,400 xp. Seeds: Reveal (DC 19), transform (DC 21). Factors: See a different plane of existence (+8 DC), reveal seed takes snapshot of a targeted 20 ft radius area instead of creating a sensor (ad hoc +4 DC), illusions in the snapshot are defeated as per true seeing (+6 DC), reveal seed ignores effects which usually block divination (+50 DC), expand area of harmless spell to encompass entire plane (ad hoc +300 DC), change target of harmless spell from a single plane to every single plane (+300 DC), transform seed turns the material component into a vessel which carries the entire snapshot from the reveal seed (ad hoc +2 DC), transform seed alters the mind of anyone who holds the vessel to be able to comprehend the snapshot from the reveal seed in it's entirety (ad hoc +30 DC), change duration to instantaneous (ad hoc x5 DC). Mitigating factors: Requires crystal ball worth 150,000 gp as material component (ad hoc -60 DC).

It was a normal day.

In Hell, Mephistopheles sat at a dinner table, sipping a glass of blood and reading a progress report from one of his subordinates: A devil who had been infiltrating the government of a material plane nation. Before him, on the table, sat a roasted and stuffed Aranea, an apprehended spy from Lolth, along with a dozen further reports and papers.

Meanwhile, in Arcadia, the Formian city of Mandible was throwing a festival in honor of a group of adventurers, who were being paraded around the streets of the city, carrying the head of a powerful demon who had been menacing the city.

In the Negative Energy Plane, things were quiet and still, as nothing could truly live there. However, there was a vast undead deity who had slept at the lip of a bottomless canyon for the past eternity. This divine zombie, the result of a long forgotten conflict, was stirring, perhaps to go find another place to rest, or perhaps for some other reason.

In the swirling maelstrom of Limbo, there was a battle taking place, between an army of Slaad and an army of Gith. Yet, elsewhere in the same world, there was a Slaad proposing marriage to a Human visitor.

On the Material Plane, bakers baked, adventurers went on great journeys, assassins crept through the shadows, and planets swirled around stars.

A dozen planes, a thousand demiplanes, septendecillions of mortal souls, and an endless number of dramas. All of it taking places on this one, normal day. The short list of broken and poorly explained scenes I mentioned were the tiniest drops in the bucket compared to the infinite expanse of events that were taking place at this moment across our cosmos. This moment, some hundred years ago, during a run-of-the-mill day.

I stood transfixed, gazing into the crystal orb in my hands, confused and astounded. My allies and I had stumbled across a hidden cache on a routine scavenging trip. We had deactivated a dozen traps and cleaned out the bugbears that had been squatting in these tunnels, only to come across a secret door, so well hidden that we wouldn't have found it had we not gotten so stupidly lucky. It was beyond a secret door at the back of a closet which had itself been made almost undetectable, despite that fact that it was already inside a secret room. The stash was around a hundred years old, and I swear, with all the layers of secrecy on this room, I must have been the first in a hundred years to pick up this crystal ball.

But now, my mind had expanded into endlessness, as I witnessed this frozen moment, from a normal day, which I held in my hands.

Omnes sunt Visi is likely the only spell to have a literally infinite area of effect. It takes the entire multiverse, every single plane, infinite and finite alike, and takes an image of it all.

Maybe you were expecting a more impressive effect. I mean, just taking a picture is not really helpful is it? Well, keep in mind, it's an infinite picture, encompassing all things to exist at the moment that image was taken, and simply making a spell capable of doing something at an endless scale, even something as mundane at taking an image down, is unbelievable.

That's what makes this spell an elder spell, a step beyond regular epic spells. Almost no mage, only the absolute best of the best of the best can even wrap their mind around what would be required to actually cast such a spell. It's even one of the more difficult elder spells to cast.

Just look at what is required to develop this spell. Omnes sunt Visi requires nineteen million, two hundred sixty thousand gold pieces worth of research equipment. Not to mention that over the course of six hundred and fifty six days, almost two straight years, you must expend of one million, three hundred ten thousand, and four hundred experience points (alternatively, you could says that it requires the expenditure of around 328 tons of gold and almost enough experience to get you from level 1 to level 53). On top of this you must succeed on a DC 3,640 Spellcraft check. After you have managed to succeed at these incredible things, the actual casting of the spell only takes a single minute of time and a crystal ball worth 150,000 gold pieces.

At the conclusion of the spell, a flash of light blinks from inside the crystal ball. After this, the crystal ball contains a snapshot of the entire multiverse from the moment that the flash took place, and anyone who picks up this crystal ball will be shown this snapshot. This snapshot sees everything, ignoring any force which would normally block divination spells and blasting past any illusion. The snapshot can even see beneath or inside things, or in even the darkest darkness. So, someone perusing this snapshot can read a document even it's buried under miles of dirt and stone or see a person's facial expression even in the depths of deep space.

Normally, no mind can truly contain infinite information, so, the spell also grants the crystal ball a property, which makes anyone holding it temporarily able to comprehend all things contained within the snapshot. However, as soon as they put the crystal ball down, their mind reverts back to it's normal state, and they lose almost all information that the spell had granted them, except for a few dozen details that they might have focused on while they were holding the ball. For this reason, many people choose to write things down while they hold the crystal.

Material Component: Crystal ball worth 150,000 gp.

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AuthorHammerhead +
Identifier3.5e Epic Spell +
RatingUnrated +
SchoolDivination +
Spellcraft DC3,640 +
SubschoolScrying +
TitleOmnes sunt Visi +