Night Ritual (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 05 October 2012
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Night Ritual
Conjuration [Evil]
Level: Cleric 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: Full-round
Range: See Text
Effect: See Text
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No

Flavor text here

You may cast Night Ritual as a spell of 3rd level or higher, prepared caster need to prepare it using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher while spontaneous caster simply cast it as a spell of 3rd level or higher. Night Ritual require a sacrifice, the sacrificed creature must be good aligned and have a CR equal to the spell level x2+1 (so night ritual cast as a 4th level spell require a CR 9 sacrifice). If the sacrifice is not provided for any reason, the spell simply fail.

After the casting of Night Ritual is finished the caster choose one of the following effect:

  • Dark Improvement: Gain a +2 vile bonus to any ability score for 24 hours. Increase the duration by 24 hours for each level Night Ritual was casted beyond 3 (so a 5th level ritual of the night would grant the effect for 3 days). If you cast Night Ritual as 8th level spell or higher, the effect is permanent.
  • Vile Favor: The Night Ritual duplicate any spell on the sorcerer/wizard and the cleric spell list whose level is equal to Night Ritual spell level -3. The duplicated spell gain the evil descriptor.

Focus: One creature of a sufficient CR.

Channel: A night ritual can be channeled in the following ways.

  • Lesser: Change all mention of 'you' in the effects to 'target creature'.
  • Greater: You may choose one the following effect instead of the choices above.
  • Dark Knowledge: You gain a vile feat of your choice as a bonus feat. You may only benefit from this effect once.
  • Embrace of Beauty: You are under the an effect similar in many way to disguise self except it duration is instantaneous and it is considered a transmutation with the [evil] descriptor.
  • Infuse the Bloodline: You gain the fiendish subtype of your choice for 24 hours. Any child you conceive within 24 hours will be born with fiendish subtype and retain it permanently. Increase the duration by 24 hours for each level Night Ritual was casted beyond 3 (so a 5th level ritual of the night would grant the effect for 3 days). If you cast Night Ritual as 7th level spell or higher, the effect is permanent.
    • Greater: You may choose one the following effect instead of the choices above.
    • Eternal Youth: You cease to age, and at your option you regress to young adult. You keep aging mentally, this is a partial rejuvenation.
  • Greater: Choose two of the effects allowed instead of one.
  • Greater: Lower the required sacrifice CR by 1. Can be taken multiple time to a minimum of 1.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4503 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
ComponentV +, S + and F +
DescriptorEvil +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelCleric 3 + and Sorcerer/Wizard 3 +
RangeOther +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolConjuration +
SummaryA ritual granting sinister powers. +
TitleNight Ritual +