N-19 Combat Robot (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 5th May 2017
Status: Finished
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N-19 Combat Robot
Size/Type: Medium Construct (Bot)
Hit Dice: 8d10+20 (100 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 40 ft., climb 10 ft., Swim 10 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (+4 Dexterity, +8 Natural), touch 14, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+12
Attack: Nikita Burst-Fire Shotgun +14 (2d6+8 20/x3) or Burst Fire +14 (6d6+8 20/x3) or Slam +14 (1d6+6 20/x2)
Full Attack: Nikita Burst-Fire Shotgun +14/+9 (2d6+10 20x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Self-Destruct, Target Lock, Wrist Rocket
Special Qualities: Adaptive Firewall, Advanced Mind, Bot Traits, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, DR 5/Adamantine, Low-Light Vision, Hardened Carapace, Neural Network, Programming
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +10
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 18, Con -, Int -, Wis 18, Cha 7
Skills: -
Feats: Improved Attack BonusB, Intuitive InitiativeB, SharpshooterB, Stay Back!B, Weapon Focus (Nikkita Burst-Fire Shotgun)B
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or Squad (8-12) or Strike Force (4 Squads)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Nikita Burst-Fire Shotgun
Alignment: Always True Neutral
Advancement: 8+ (Medium)
Level Adjustment:

The Futurist League's main troops is the N-19 Combat Robot, an efficient humanoid robot clad in black and white armor. The model is in fact a heavily modified Schaft-6006 General Purpose Robot and still possess all of it original capacity. The N-19 is typically employed in overwhelming numbers for assault or used guards and protocol droid. Some are outfitted to look more human, but the disguise does not hold up to scrutiny.

The N-19 use many technological advances the Futurist League made (and stole), including it deadly signature shotgun and an advanced firewall system.


The N-19 is a brutal combatant, without any intelligence behind it will will advance toward the objective relentlessly. It will use it robotic vigor as well as any cover it can use to reach it goal and will always fight to the death. If a League Mastermind is present however, they become much more efficient, using superior tactics such as flanking to eradicate an enemy force.

Adaptive Firewall (Ex): The N-19 possess an advanced firewall system which adapt itself against would-be hackers. The N-19 possess a Firewall witha DC of 30, any failed attempt to hack into it increase it by 5 for that particular hacker. This is cumulative and last for 1 day.

If the N-19 is not acting according to it programming, such as being somehow affected by a [compulsion] effect without first hacking it. It will reset to factory default as a 1 round action by itself, removing any such effect. If it unable to restore factory default it will self-destruct immediately.

Advanced Mind (Ex): The N-19 gains +6 additional programs in addition to the normal amount.

Hardened Carapace (Ex): The N-19 is equipped with a ablative armor which ward off attack, granting it maximum hit point per hit dice and a +4 resistance bonus to all saving throws.

Nikita Burst-Fire Shotgun: A Stainless Steel Battle Shotgun made by the Futurist League, the Nikita possess multiple advanced features well in line with the League's cutting edge technology. The Nikkita has double the range of a normal battle shotgun, only require a move action to reload and possess the Burst Fire ability of the Battle Rifle. The Nikkita is an exotic weapon (which the N-19 is proficient with) and a base worth of 750 gp.

Some advanced N-19 possess the Nikita Burst-Fire Shotgun Elite, which is +2, made of Iridium Steel and loaded with Darklight bullets.

Self-Destruct (Ex): Upon being destroyed the N-19 will trigger charges within it own body, destroying itself completely, the explosion is very flashy, Dazzling any adjacent creature. Any creature in it square while itself destruct make make a DC 20 Reflex save or be permanently blinded, even on a successful save they are dazzled and take 5d6 fire damage.

A League Mastermind may input the self-destruct command before it demise, it only accept such command if given through it neural network.

Programming: The N-19 possesses the following programs: Attack, Calculate, Collect, Communication x2, Identify Creature, Identify Object, Mimic, Protect, Reposition, Search, Self-Preservation, Sort.

Neural Network (Ex): The N-19 is in constant telepathic communication with any other allied constructs within 1 mile. While it is a capable fighter, a League Mastermind will typically direct them in combat for maximum efficiency. If such a figure is present the squad of N-19 will act much more tactically.

Target Lock (Ex): As a move action, a N-19 Combat Robot can lock onto a single creature gaining a +2 bonus on attack rolls against them, but a -2 penalty on AC against creatures other than the one it is focusing on. It may remove a target lock as a free action on their turn.

Wrist Rocket (Ex): As a swift action the N-19 can fire a concussive rocket from it left wrist, exploding like a fireball (DC 17, caster level 8th) except dealing force damage. The N-19 may elect to deal non-lethal damage with it concussive rocket. The N-19 only possess a single rocket and need to resupply after firing it. The DC is Dexterity-based.

Variation: Some N-19 are made to be bodyguard, those N-19 have Dedicated Bodyguard feat but lack the Target Lock ability.

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AlignmentAlways True Neutral +
AuthorLeziad +
Challenge Rating8 +
EnvironmentAny +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeBot +
TitleN-19 Combat Robot +
TypeConstruct +