Mythic Charge (3.5e Class)/Abilities
The abilities of a Mythic Charge are intrinsic to the Mythical Weapon, they are unlocked through hard-work, introspection or through succeeding on the tests of a questing weapon. The Mythic Charge may only select an ability once, unless specified otherwise. She may also change a single of her minor ability whenever she gain a level, this is not the case for a major ability. Unless specified otherwise an ability is only usable while transformed.
The DCs of abilities is 10 + 1/2 Class level + Charisma modifier.
Minor Abilities[edit]
Arcane Smite (Su): As a swift action, the Mythic Charge may expend one of it Magical Powers's spell-like ability. The next attack she make add her Charisma bonus to damage roll + 1d6 damage per level of the expended spell.
Blessed (Su): The Mythical Weapon is always under the effect of bless weapon, except any effect which affect critical hit still take effect. If you place the Holy enhancement on the mythical weapon, it gain the Keen enhancement against evil creature for free.
Body Re-Sizing (Ex): The Mythic Charge's body while transformed change much more significantly, she gain either Powerful Build or Slight Build. Once chosen this can only be changed when leveling.
Call Weapon (Su): As a move action, the Mythic Charge may call her Mythical Weapon to her hand by calling it name. It travel 100 feet per round, and will always reach the Mythic Charge at the end of the 10th round, no matter how far it was and even across planar boundaries. The weapon also gain the Rebound enhancement for free, as long as the Mythic Charge can speak freely. If the mythical weapon is held by another creature, you may make an opposed check using your class level against the creature Strength, if you win the weapon return to you.
Command Word (Ex): The Mythic Charge can activate her transformation with a simple command word, speeding up the transformation to a move action and removing the somatic component. When she gain Quick Transformation it speed up to a swift action, then a free action and then a free action usable outside of her turn.
Dazzling Transformation (Ex): Once per encounter, whenever the Mythic Charge transform she emit light as the daylight spell for 1 round, all foes who were adjacent to her while she transformed are also blinded for 1 round and dazzled for 1 minute unless they succeed on a Fortitude save. A successful save make them dazzled for 1 round instead.
- Blinding Transformation (Ex): When you activate Dazzling Transformation, all foes within 60 feet must make a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds and dazzled for 1 hour. On a successful save they are merely dazzled for 1 round. This Minor Ability require Dazzling Transformation and a minimum class level of 8th.
Detection (Su): Choose an alignment, non-humanoid creature type or an humanoid subtype. The mythical weapon glow like a candle when a such a creature is within 500 feet, if it mean harms it glow as a torch instead.
Dimension Slice (Su): The Mythical Charge may swing her weapon to create a portal within 10 feet per class level as an attack action. The portal is medium or her size, whichever is larger and may be attacked through. She may close a portal as a free action. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the Mythic Charge's Charisma modifier. The Mythic Charge must be 4th level or higher to select this ability.
Elemental Affinity (Ex): The Mythic Weapon deal an additional +1 damage for each dice of elemental damage dice it does and gain the Pure Elemental enhancement for free. A flaming shock mythic weapon would deal it normal damage, 1d6+1 fire and 1d6+1 electricity by example.
Essence (Ex): The mythical weapon may deal non-lethal damage without any penalty and it cannot harm you in any way. You may even sheath the weapon without yourself and it passes without blood or wound. You may toggled this ability as a free action.
Harmful (Ex): The Mythical Weapon deal an additional 1d6 damage.
Glamorous Transformation (Ex): The Mythic Charge gain her Charisma modifier to her AC as long as she wear no light or no armor, it is also limited by her armor or shield's max dexterity in the same way dexterity is. Additionally whenever the Mythic Charge transform she may have different clothing, hairstyle and so on. Her bodily alteration (if any) stay the same. This may even alter the appearance of her stored equipment.
Infinite Ammunition (Ex): The Mythical Weapon now provide infinite ammunition, which appears to be made of a magical material (such as pure light, darkness, blood, etc). The special ammunition act as normal ammunition for the weapon, and does not prevent the Mythic Charge from using magical ammunition. If the weapon need to be loaded, it can always fire the infinite ammunition without requiring the Mythic Charge to reload. This ability may only be added to a Mythical Weapon capable of being a projectile weapon.
Morphing (Ex): The Mythical Weapon can change what kind of weapon it is to any weapon the Mythic Charge is proficient with once per round as a free action. The base form of the weapon stay the same when the transformation is reverted.
Mutable Size (Su): The mythical weapon is capable of altering it size, becoming larger, longer or smaller at-will. It gain the SizingMiC enhancement for free.
Prejudice (Su): The Mythical Weapon gain the ability of an Oathbow, however she may dismiss it as a free action at any time even if she does not slay the target. The enhancement bonus of the weapon may also not exceed twice it original value. This ability is usable once per day an an additional time per day at 12th and 18th. The Mythic Charge must be 6th level or higher to select this ability. This
Punishment (Ex): The Mythical Weapon deal an additional 2d6 damage to any creature who damaged you in the previous round. If another creature attempt to use the Mythical Weapon against you, it is struck by divine energy, dealing 1d6 damage per class level and automatically drop the weapon.
Separation (Ex): The Mythic Charge has separated her heroic transformed self form her normal self in a more decisive way. With the exception of hit point damage, ability damage and burn, any condition or non-harmless effect inflicted upon the normal or the transformed mythic charge only affect their respective self. The duration of those effect still elapse while the Mythic Charge is in the other form. By example, if the Mythic Charge is affected by a bestow curse spell in normal form, she does not suffer from it while transform, however it resume affecting her once she goes back to normal.
Sharp (Ex): The mythical weapon is extremely sharp, ignoring a number of points of DR (except DR/-) or hardness equal to your class level and deal an additional 4 points of damage. This can only be added to a mythical weapon that deal slashing damage, and do not apply if it not used to do as such.
Smiting Lightning (Su): Once per encounter when the Mythic Charge transform she call a lightning from the sky as per call lightning, she only fire a single bolt no matter her level. If she target herself it does not damage her and she channel through her blade, either as a lightning bolt spell or by granting her weapon the Shock enhancement for 1 minute. The Mythic Charge must be 6th level or higher to select this ability.
- Continuous Smiting Lightning (Su): The smiting lightning ability now behave as call lightning storm and is no longer limited to one bolt. The Mythic Charge must be 12th level or higher to select this ability and require the smiting lightning ability.
Specter (Su): The weapon gain the ghost-touched enhancement, you may also make it take up a ghostly appearance as a free action for a number of rounds per day equal to your class level, uses need not be continuous. In this state all attacks with it are incorporeal touch attack and pass through cover, but cannot damage construct and objects.
Major Abilities[edit]
Bulk-Up (Ex): When transformed the Mythic Charge's base Strength become 18 + half her class level, this overwrite any bonus granted by race or template.
Divine Weapon (Ex): The Mythical Weapon count as a holy symbol and Mythic Charge's Magical Powers are drawn from the cleric list instead of the sorcerer/wizard list, likewise they are divine spells. The Mythical Weapon must have an alignment and count as the Mythic Charge's deity. The Mythical Weapon also receive the appropriate lesser alignment based enhance (such as lesser holy), which improve the the actual full-powered enhancement at 10th. This Major Ability must be taken at 2nd level, no later.
Infinite Reach (Su): The mythical weapon's reach increase by 5 feet, it rain the ability to strike adjacent creatures. It still retain the ability to threaten adjacent creature. As a standard action the mythical weapon may be extended way past normal, making a single attack within medium range. At 10th level this become Long Range and at 16th level it become 1 mile/level.
Intelligence: The mythical weapon is intelligent, possessing a single Psicrystal's Personality (which you benefits from). The weapon gain the Intelligent enhancement for free.
Magical Potency: The Mythic Charge choose an additional spell of each level she can use for her Magical Powers ability, they draw from the same pool of uses.
Protection (Ex): The Mythic Charge is protected by the powerful legend of the mythical weapon, as long as she has temporary hit points granted by her transformation she has 50% chance each round of ignoring any and all non-harmless condition that affect her. The duration of those condition still elapse as normal. This does not allow the Mythic Charge to ignore dying or death however.
Souleater (Su): The Mythical Weapon eat the soul of creature it slay, allowing a Will save to prevent the effect. The souls are stored inside and may be moved into another contained or freed as a standard action. You may not steal the soul of a creature whose CR exceed your class level by 4 or more. At your option the weapon may consume the soul over the course of 1 year or keep them trapped forever, chosen when this ability is chosen.
Undying Hero (Ex): As long as she is transformed, the Mythic Charge do not dies when below -10 hit point, she dies as normal as soon as she return to her normal form.
Vampiric (Ex): The Mythic Charge absorb half the damage she deal with Mythical Weapon as healing, up to the struck creature maximum hit point + 10.
Wraithblade (Su): The Mythical Weapon now exist as part of the Mythic Charge, it cannot be disarmed or removed from the Mythic Charge. However it may now be sundered, although it cannot be done so with a check instead damage must be dealt to it. The Mythical Weapon has half your hit point and it hardness is 10 + 1/2 class level, if the weapon is struck and brought to 0 or below it shatter and you immediately de-transform. It may be re-formed after 1d4 rounds as part of transforming.
Undead Slaying (Su): This weapon is capable of utterly destroying unlife, it can inflict critical hit and precision damage to undead and gain the Undead Bane enhancement for free. If this weapon slay a undead creature who possess some form of immortality, such as a lich, it must make a Will save upon being slain. If it fail, it is unable to return to life for one-hundred years.