Monk of the Open Eye (3.5e Prestige Class)
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A ascetic or monk who manage to open her third eye, gaining substantial power through it. 8 Other Full
Monk of the Open Eye[edit]
“ | The world is a lie, only a veil of illusion exist. It is you who must cast away the veil and see the world for what it truly is! | ” |
—Mandara, Human Monk of the Open Eye |
While most monks strive for enlightenment, there are many methods to attain a higher state of being. A few monks manage through meditation to open their third eye, granting them a large amount of powers and marking a large stepping stone on the path to ascendance.
Becoming a Monk of the Open Eye[edit]
Base Attack Bonus: | 4 or higher. |
Skills: | knowledge (arcana or religion) and spot 11 ranks. |
Feats: | Skill Focus (spot), Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike. |
Special: | Must perform a 12 hours ceremony to open one's third eye. |
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +0 | +2 | +2 | +2 | Open Third Eye, Opened Vision, Monk Abilities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +1 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Close Eyes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Exalted Vision, See Weakness | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Eyebeam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +4 | All Seeing, See Chakra Point | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +4 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Eye of Control | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +5 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Eye of Death | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +6/+1 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Gaze of the Ineffable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +6/+1 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Eye of Absolute Control | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +7/+2 | +7 | +7 | +7 | Omniscience, Eye of Absolute Death | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level) |
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Monk of the Open Eye.
Open Third Eye: At 1st level a Monk of the Open Eye gain the ability to open her third eye situated on her forehead. The eye look slightly different for each person, some have it appear as an actual eye while other as a tattoo and some even as a ghostly image hovering an inch above the forehead. In any case the eye can be opened or closed as a swift action. While her third eye is open she is able to see from it, making her immune to blindness and dazzling. Most class feature of the monk of the open eye can only be used while her third eye is open.
Other creatures are able to target your third eye individually from you, however doing so incur a -8 penalty to attack roll (your third eye has your AC). If at least 4 points of damage per class level is dealt to your third eye in a round it immediately close and cannot be opened for 3 round.
Your third eye is always visible when open (assuming you are visible as well). Even if you attempt to mask it with mundane disguise or magic, it is extremely easy to identify even by mundane observer. As a result closing your eye may be necessary to maintain disguise.
Monk Abilities: Levels in monk of the open eye stack with monk for advancing class features and count as effective monk levels. It does not grant new features you do not have, but pre-existing features (such as flurry of blows, speed bonus, and unarmed strike damage) are advanced.
Opened Eyesight (Ex): A 1st level monk of the open eye's eyesight greatly improve, she gain a +8 bonus on spot check, gain the see in darkness ability and is constantly under the effect of see through fog as long as her third eye is open.
Close Eyes (Ex): A 2nd level monk of the open eye gain an additional use out of stunning fist, instead of stunning a creature she may force that creature's eye shut for 1 round per class level (the creature gain it saving throw as normal per stunning fist), this has the usual effect of blinding the creature unless it has alternate ways of seeing. An afflicted creature is allowed a fortitude save at the start of each of it turn (same save DC as stunning fist), a successful save allow it to open it eyes. This ability also close the third eye of any monk of the open eye struck, they may not attempt to open their third eye until they either succeed on the fortitude save or the duration expire.
Using close eye use up two stunning fist attempt instead of one. Creatures normally immune to stunning fist are also immune to close eyes.
Exalted Vision (Ex): At 3rd level monk of the open eye is always under the effect of see invisibility while her third eye is open. She may also focus her opened third eye, allowing her to replicate the effect of any of the following: detect alignment, detect heat, detect hostile intent or detect thoughts.
See Weakness (Su): A 3rd level monk of the open eye is capable of spotting the weakest spot in anything while her third eye is open, she ignore any DR and hardness and damage caused by her unarmed attack cannot be reduced below her effective monk level or the total damage dealt (whichever is lower). Additionally you may use discover weak spot as a spi-like ability at will as long as your third eye is open.
Second Mind (Ex): A 3rd level monk of the open eye may concentrate on a single effect (which require concentration of course) as a free action as long as her third eye is open.
Eyebeam (Su): A 4th level monk of the open eye is able to fire a powerful, destructive ray from her open third eye as an attack action. She make a ranged touch attack against a creature with 100 feet within line of sight, dealing 1d6 damage per class level if it hit.
All Seeing (Su): A 5th level monk of the open eyes gain dimiss the unreal as a bonus feat without requiring to meet the prerequisites, 360 degree vision and immunity to gaze attack as long as her third eye is open.
See Chakra Point (Su): A 5th level Monk of the Open Eye is capable of focusing on a creature as a move action, revealing it chakra points and their particular sensitivities. The chakra stay revealed for 1 round per class level and while they are revealed she may make a special unarmed attack against one of these point as an attack action, the attack do not deal damage but has an additional effect (see below). Only living non-mindless creatures have chakra, those without chakra are obviously immune to this ability.
A monk of the open eye may attempt to block, reverse or stimulate a chakra, each with doing an effect based on on what you do on what chakra point, there is no saving throw against the effect of striking a chakra unless noted otherwise, any saving throw are wisdom-based. A creature who save against a chakra strike effect is immune to that effect for 24 hours.
Crown Chakra Point: The chakra point on top of the head, deal with higher awareness:
- Block: The creature take 1d4+1 point of intelligence, wisdom and charisma penalty for 1 minute.
- Reverse: The creature see obvious hallucinations and doubling, all creature she attack count as having mirror image (caster level equal to your effective monk level) and she count all terrain as difficult terrain (even if it is flying) for 3 round. A successful will save negate.
- Stimulate: The creature gain a headache, if you hit with a critical threat it get a migraines instead. A successful fortitude save negate.
Brow Chakra Point: The brow chakra is said to affect psionic abilities and the one's inner vision.
- Block: The creature become blind to any magical or supernatural ability, effect and creature for 1 minute (she see everything extraordinary normally). A successful will save negate.
- Reverse: The struck creature fall under the effect of hostile schism for 1 round. A successful will save negate.
- Stimulate: The creature become dazzled (oh no!) for 1 hour.
Throat Chakra Point: This chakra affect breathing, and many feelings.
- Block: The creature become unable to breath, this will typically kill it eventually. A DC 20 heal return the ability to breath to the struck creature. A successful fort save negate.
- Reverse: The creature become shaken for 3 round. This does not stack with other fear effect or itself.
- Stimulate: The creature is caught in lucid dreaming and become fascinated, the effect do not break normally for 1 round but after that it break as any fascination. A successful will save negate.
Heart Chakra Point: The heart chakra point handle love, blood circulation and such.
- Block: The creature heart stop for a moment before starting again, stunning it for 1 round. A successful fort save negate.
- Reverse: The creature take 3 point of bleed, on a confirmed critical hit the creature suffer instantaneous bleedout.
- Stimulate: The creature fall under the effect of good hope for 3 round (making it a buff).
Solar Plexus Chakra Point: The solar plexus chakra point include stomach, the digestive system, and courage.
- Block: The creature become unable to digest or benefit from ingested item for 1 hour.
- Reverse: You cause the struck creature to vomit, nauseating it for 1 round and sickening it for 2 round afterward. A successful fortitude save negate the vomiting (nausea).
- Stimulate: The creature become immune to fear and ingested poison for 1 minute.
Sacral Chakra Point: This chakra point is associated with desire, need and well being.
- Block: The creature become immune to [compulsion] for 1 round, this suppress any ongoing compulsion effect for 1 round as well.
- Reverse: The creature gain all the penalties but none of the bonus as a barbarian's rage for 3 round. A successful will save negate.
- Stimulate: The struck creature become charmed (as charm monster for 1 minute) in regard to you. A successful will save negate.
Root Chakra: This chakra point is associated with survival instinct and the fun zone.
- Block: The struck creature become very reckless, it take a -4 penalty to reflex save and AC for 1 minute. A successful will save negate.
- Reverse: The struck creature take a jolt of pain, dealing twice you unarmed strike damage in nonlethal damage.
- Stimulate: The struck creature become affected by nealan's erotic touch.
Eye of Control (Su): A 6th level monk of the open eye has power over the thoughts of others, as long as her third eye is she may force any creature within line of sight of her to obey her as per suggestion or extract thoughts from them as per probe thoughts as a standard action.
Eye of Death (Su): A 7th level monk of the open eye's eyebeam greatly increase in power. She may fire it as a 1 round action as a 200 feet long, 15 feet wide line or a 80 feet cone, either dealing 2d6 damage per effective monk level and blinding them for 1 round and knocking them prone, a successful reflex save halves the damage and negate the blindness. Using eye of death immediately close your third eye and you cannot open it for 3 round.
Gaze of the Ineffable (Su): A 8th level monk of the open eyes gain a gaze attack out of 30 feet, she may initiate her gaze a s a standard action and must stay immobile for as long as she maintain it. All creature caught by the gaze attack must make a will save or become dazed and blinded for 1 round both. A successful will save make you immune to Gaze of the Ineffable for 24 hours.
Eye of Absolute Control (Su): A 9th level monk of the open eye may now dominate monster through her eye of control ability. You may only keep a single creature dominated at all time, if you dominate another the previously dominated creature is free from your control.
Eye of Absolute Death (Su): A 10th level monk of the open eye may focus her eye of death as a ray on a single a target, maximizing damage (12 damage per effective monk level). This count as a use of eye of death causing your third eye to close.
Omniscience (Su): A 10th level monk of the open eye is always under the effect foresight and true seeing of and may use eye of the gods as a supernatural ability once per day as long as her third eye is opened.
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Leziadv [Expand] |
Article Balance | Very High + |
Author | Leziad + |
Base Attack Bonus Progression | Moderate + |
Class Ability | Other + |
Class Ability Progression | Full + |
Fortitude Save Progression | Good + |
Identifier | 3.5e Prestige Class + |
Length | 10 + |
Minimum Level | 8 + |
Rating | Unrated + |
Reflex Save Progression | Good + |
Skill | Autohypnosis +, Balance +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Escape Artist +, Heal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Profession +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Spot +, Swim + and Tumble + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Summary | A ascetic or monk who manage to open her third eye, gaining substantial power through it. + |
Title | Monk of the Open Eye + |
Will Save Progression | Good + |