Ah, the White Eyes Blue Dragon. Very good luck.
By taking a set of cards and seeing into the weave of fate, you ensure, or condemn, a creature to have some small amount of good or bad future in the upcoming 24 hours. First, roll a 1d3 to determine if a creature will have good, neutral, or bad luck, and consult one of the following charts.
Good Fortune
d8 |
Card |
1 |
Heart |
+1 max hp
2 |
Shoes |
+5 ft enhancement to land speed
3 |
Tool |
+1 ability checks and opposed checks
4 |
Book |
+1 morale to skill checks
5 |
Shield |
+1 morale to AC
6 |
Cape |
+1 morale to saving throws
7 |
Swords |
+1 morale to attack rolls
8 |
Roll twice on good fortune and ignore duplicates and 8s
Neutral Fortune
d8 |
Card |
1 |
Old Pendant |
Automatically stabilize when dying.
2 |
The Rhino |
Once per harrow, if you charge, you do not take the -2 penalty to AC (discharged on use).
3 |
The Worker |
Once per harrow, you can take 10 on an ability check or opposed check even when stressed (discharged on use).
4 |
The Philosopher |
Can use trained-only skills untrained.
5 |
The Knight |
When fighting defensively, your AC is +1 higher.
6 |
The Faithful |
If you fail a saving throw, you gain a +1 morale bonus to your next saving throw.
7 |
Lucky Coin |
You do not automatically fail on a natural 1 (but you might still fail normally).
8 |
Can choose to either reroll on the neutral fortune results, or roll twice starting with the choice of good, neutral, and bad fortune results. You must accept the two results of the reroll.
Bad Fortune
d8 |
Card |
1 |
Wounded Heart |
-1 max hp
2 |
Caltrops |
-5 ft enhancement to land speed
3 |
Broken Tools |
-1 ability checks and opposed checks
4 |
Dunce Cap |
-1 penalty to skill checks
5 |
The Nudist |
-1 penalty to AC
6 |
The Slave |
-1 penalty to saving throws
7 |
The Coward |
-1 penalty to attack rolls
8 |
Roll twice on bad fortune and ignore duplicates and 8s
Regardless of the result, a creature can only benefit or suffer the effects from this spell once every 24 hours, even if the effect is expended, dismissed, or otherwise removed.
Focus: A deck of special cards worth 50 gp.
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