Mimic Maneuver (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 3-7-16
Status: Complete
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Mimic Maneuver [Fighter] Ruby Eye Blade? You know that one, it will be easy to repeat.Prerequisites: Initiator level 3rdBenefit: If you witness the use of a maneuver you know within line of sight, as a non-action you can ready the maneuver (replacing one of your previously readied maneuvers) even if it was not previously readied. If the replace maneuver was already expended, you must refresh it as normal.

If you witness the use of a maneuver you know within line of sight, and actually have it readied, you can instead choose to refresh that maneuver as a non-action. Example: You know, but have not readied, Ruby Eye Blade. The enemy bugbear uses it, and you choose to replace your Action Before Thought maneuver with Ruby Eye Blade. You had previously used Action Before Thought, so Ruby Eye Blade comes in expended.

Another bugbear uses another use of Ruby Eye Blade. You see this, and instantly refresh your use of Ruby Eye Blade.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteInitiator level 3rd +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryIf someone uses a maneuver you know, you can ready that maneuver even if it wasn't readied before. +
TitleMimic Maneuver +
TypeFighter +