Medallion of the Lodge (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 7th December 2018
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Medallion of the Lodge
Price: 8,000 GP
Body Slot: None
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate Conjuration (Creation) and Transmutation
Activation: See Text
Weight: 2 lbs

This item take the form of a heavy black medallion with the graving a comfortable and luxurious hunting lodge on it. When thrown in the middle of a clear 40x40 feet and the command word spoken, create a Ranch House fully stocked with well-made furniture and other luxury, including food, water and a hot bath. It provide protection from the elements as the endure elements spell to all those who are inside as well as enough food and room for up to eight medium creatures. The lodge take an hour to deploy and is always the same, any damage or changed made between it deployment are reverted. While it is active, the lodge automatically restock and cook food each 8 hours, it always has a supply of clean cold and hot water.

A newly made Medallion of the Lodge has 50 charges, each day of uses drain a single charge, to a minimum of 1 day. If the last user speak the closing command word the lodge crumble into silver dust and return into it medallion form, any items and creature inside are harmlessly displaced to the nearest empty square. If the lodge is destroyed it return to medallion form and lose 5 charges.

Once all charges are drained it become a nonmagical item and the lodge become instantaneous, it will need to be restocked and maintained regularly but otherwise retain it luxury.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, cook, create food and water, endure elements, secure shelter.
Cost to Create: 4,000 GP, 320 EXP, 8 days.

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Leziadv [Expand]
AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotNone +
Cost8,000 GP +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryAn item which create a luxurious lodge for the user and many allies. +
TitleMedallion of the Lodge +