Marmoso (3.5e Race)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 2nd July 2024
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Marmosi are an artificial race, created to be the pinnacle of human artistry.A myth of their origin, or inspiration, tells that in ancient times a great sculptor created the most beautiful statue of a woman ever created, with perfect shapes and incredibly realistic, so much so that all that was missing was the word. The sculptor, completely enraptured by the beauty of his creation, did nothing but despair because the statue was not alive. One night, a deity of love, having heard his complaints and prayers, decided to give life to the statue to satisfy the artist's dream of love. In the morning, when the sculptor woke up, he saw that the statue had come to life and was looking for him to satisfy his love. Unfortunately, the shock of this event killed the man instantly, and the disconsolate statue was forced to wander the world alone. This, however, is only a legend and the origin of modern marmosets is much more well-known and recent. In an era of artistic, technical and magical growth, a cabal of artist-magicians attempted to combine advances in artistic techniques with new magical formulas and spells to create not the usual rigid and cold constructs, but a kind of living constructs that they represented the pinnacle of human physical and mental capabilities. And so, through long studies, thanks to the intrinsic properties of marble, they created the first marmosi and from there they were inserted into the social fabric, so much so that they became an integral part of it.


Marmosi are naturally refined, intelligent, sharp, interesting and great conversationalists and orators, full of interests and artistic ability to show, but the trait that most defines them is arrogance. Behind the veil of physical and character perfection lies a sense of superiority towards every other race, which they consider "inferior", while relationships of envy and ambition are established between them, which always make them compete with each other. 'other. This does not mean that all marmosi are like this or in any case that they are intensely competitive and arrogant, on the contrary, the appearance of good manners on the one hand and the culture of virtue and spiritual goods on the other make marmosi very sociable and well-liked.

Physical Description[edit]

Being statues, strictly made of marble, they have a varied appearance, being able to be white or marbled in various colours. In any case they have the shape of humans and their specific physical appearance depends on how they are sculpted but they are all typically beautiful, well proportioned, muscular and athletic. They have, like humans, a distinction between males and females, although functionally they are not fertile, but they are nevertheless anatomically correct. Some are already sculpted with robes and armor, but typically they are naked, or at most covered with a fig leaf, so they dress in elegant and refined clothes (the presence of robes sculpted on their body does not in any way prevent them from wearing other clothes or armor).


They primarily live alongside humans and are integrated into their society, so they have adapted to be models, athletes, artists, poets, architects, high-value servants, entertainers, nobles, and high-level officials. Other races can only be admired for their abilities but their disdainful attitude can quickly cause this veil of admiration to fall.


Mostly purely neutral, any alignment is possible for them, with a certain prevalence of order and good over chaos and evil.


They usually live in artistic cities and villages of humans, and are only rarely found in other places, often just passing through or for artistic tourism. It is not typical for them to found their own cities, but when they do they are similar to their cities of origin.


As with humans, marmosets can be very religious or not at all. The second inclination is often a fruit of their arrogance that does not allow them to imagine superior beings, but the many spiritually inclined marbles are often fervent believers.


They speak elegant Common, and also typically learn two other languages ​​of their choice.


Traditionally they take the name of art masters, such as Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael and the like, or otherwise they use names with a high-sounding meaning, such as Laurenzia or Magnifico, or names of important characters and deities. Typical male names: Formosus, Rinaldo, David, Giotto, Augusto, Achille. Typical female names: Diana, Desdemone, Formosa, Demeter, Bella, Musa.

Racial Traits[edit]

  • +2 Any: Created perfect, each marmoso excels in a different field.
  • Construct (Living Construct): Marmosi are constructs animated to closely resemble humanoids. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a marmoso has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Marmoso base land speed is 30 feet.  
  • Statuary: Marmosi are, in appearance, completely similar to statues and have the ability to remain almost perfectly still. They have a +10 racial bonus to Disguise checks to look like statues, and can use the skill for this purpose even if they are not proficient. 
  • Chiseled Physique: The perfect body structure of the marmosi and their hardness provide vigor and beauty. Their bodies count as perfect tools for Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma-based ability and skill checks, granting +2 proficiency, and they gain damage reduction of 2/bludgeoning, which increases by 2 for each 5 HD they possess. 
  • Fragility: Although resistant, the body of marmosi is not immune to fractures and other damage. Whenever it suffers a critical hit or would be afflicted by physical status such as bleeding or ongoing damage (for example from a burn, but not from poison or disease), it loses the benefits of Chiseled Physique and gains a -2 to all saving throws. The effect lasts until the marmoso is subjected to a Craft (stonework) or Profession (sculptor) check with a DC equal to 15 or equal to the effect's DC if any, to restore the marmoset's body. Repairs have a cost, between materials and labor, equal to 100 gp x HD of the marble. Continued damage from acid acts normally and does not activate this trait. 
  • Craft Mastery: Marmosi are not only created perfect in body but also in their abilities. They gain the maximum ranks per level in one of the following skills: Craft, Perform, or Profession. The choice is permanent. 
  • Living Construct Traits (Ex): A marmoso cannot heal lethal damage naturally. Unlike other constructs, a marmoso is not immune to spells and mind-affecting abilities. Unlike other constructs, marmosi are subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, and death or necromancy effects. As living constructs, marmosi can be affected by spells that target living creatures as well as those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a marmoso can be healed by a spell cure light wounds or by a spell repair light damage, for example, and a marmoso is vulnerable to disable construct and harm. However, spells from the Healing subschool and supernatural abilities that heal hit point or ability damage provide only half their normal effect to a marmoso. A marmoso responds slightly differently than other living creatures when reduced to 0 hit points. A marmoso with 0 hit points is disabled, just like a living creature. It can only perform a single move action or standard action each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. When its hit points are below 0 and above -10, a marmoso is inert. It is unconscious and helpless and cannot perform any action. However, an inert marmoso does not lose additional hit points unless additional damage is dealt to it, as with a stable living creature. As a living construct, a marmoso can be resurrected. A marmoset does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but can benefit from consumables or effects such as heroes' feast
  • Perfect Action (Ex): Their perfection extends to their abilities. Once per day, a marmoso, before rolling any kind of die, may choose to either add its own HD (if the die is a d20 or d100) as a perfection bonus or to choose the result (in the case of a d4, d6, d8, d10 or d12).
  • Automatic Languages: Common
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except for secret ones
  • Favored Class: Any
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Racial Options[edit]


To be done.

Pathfinder Options[edit]

Alternate Racial Features[edit]

  • Putto: Some marmosi are carved in the shape of children, or small races. Marmosi with this trait are Small in size. They gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –4 size penalty on special attack checks (bull rush, grapple, overrun, and trip), and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks. but they use smaller weapons than Medium creatures, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters that of a Medium character. This alternate trait replaces the Medium dimension.
  • Sacred Idol: Some marmosi are created in the form of gods, saints, or other spiritually relevant creatures. They gain a +4 racial on Knowledge (Religion) checks related to the religion they represent, and Knowledge (Religion) is always a class skill. This alternate trait replaces Craft Mastery.
  • War Aspect: Marmosi sculpted into the form of heroes and soldiers gain a spark of their abilities. A marmoso with this trait gains proficiency with a weapon of its choice. This alternate trait replaces Craft Mastery.
  • Alternative Form: Not all marmosi are created in the form of humans, and other races are as well have engineered living statues. Rather than having a human form, marmosi with this trait resemble other humanoid races (which does not make them well-liked by the original marmosi, and in any case there are only a few examples of alternative forms). They gain two physical racial traits of the chosen race (for example, a dwarf's Stability ability or a natural attack) but cannot choose a racial trait that affects mental or magical characteristics (for example, you cannot choose a dwarf's Stonecunning ability or the ability to cast certain spells of one gnome). It's possible instead to choose one of the race's ability modifiers, even if it affects Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Finally, the marmoso counts as belonging to that race for all purposes. This alternative trait replaces the ability modifier of your choice, and the Chiseled Physique, Fragility and Perfect Action traits.


Some, seeing the incredible perfection of the marmosi, wish to become like them. Although the process is sometimes prohibited or otherwise frowned upon, there is a ritual involving craft, magic and alchemy, through which one can be transformed into a living statue. The few that survive actually manage to transform into full-fledged marmosi.

A creature that undergoes the process, called Renaissance, loses its race, archetype and classes, and all the benefits and effects that depend on them, along with feats, bonuses and penalties to skills and returns to being a 1st level character , with no memories of his past life, sometimes maintaining a vague physical resemblance. Even personality, gender and alignment can change. It obtains all the characteristics of a marmoso, as presented above.

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Facts about "Marmoso (3.5e Race)"
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassAny +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments+2 Any +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeLiving Construct +
SummaryMarmosi are an artificial race, created to be the pinnacle of human artistry. +
TitleMarmoso +
TypeConstruct +