Luck of the Monkey (3.5e Feat)

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Author: HB Forged (talk)
Date Created: Revamped in Febtober 11, 2018
Status: Tried, AND FAILED, to err on the side of caution
Editing: Go on ahead if I screwed up something
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Luck of the Monkey (3.5e Feat) [Skill,Luck] You are a bit curious on how monkeys are so lucky. Now you know.Prerequisites:: must be medium or smaller. Or an ape, or otherwise be a primate Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Climb.

  • 0 ranks: If you fail a roll, You gain a +3 luck bonus to the next roll you make. You also get +3 to Climb checks without the need to fail a roll, but both bonuses stack
  • 4 ranks: Gain 1 luck reroll per day, as per luck feats & the luck domain (if use this luck reroll, you must take the second roll, even if it's worse than the original).
  • 9 ranks: You gain +2 to all saves. In addition, choose a special material (cold iron, adamantine, silver, or the like). Gain +5 DR against all attacks made on you, overcome by said material
  • 14 ranks: The number of luck rerolls this feat grants you increases to 2
  • 19 ranks: The Monkey God embraces its child. From now on, every time you roll a natural 20 you gain a stacking +2 luck bonus to all rolls, lasting for 1 round per level, but if you roll a natural 1 you suffer from a -1 luck penalty to all rolls, also lasting 1 round per level. Rolling a natural 20 or a natural 1 refreshes the duration of both, and the luck penalty stacks negatively with the luck bonus.

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Article BalanceUnquantifiable +
AuthorHB Forged +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
Rated ByEiji-kun +
RatingRating Pending +
SkillClimb +
SummaryYou are a bit curious on how monkeys are so lucky. Now you know. +
TitleLuck of the Monkey +
TypeSkill + and Luck +