Legacy of Darkness (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Geography/Senulia

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  • Size: Small
  • Shape: Sphere
  • Location: Outer Ring
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Terrain: Forest
  • Other Features: Poor illumination
  • Race:
100% Senalis Manes
  • Civilization Traits
  • Owner: None
  • Dominant Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Civilization State: Independent Clans
  • Religious Beliefs: Ancestor Worship
  • History and Background: Senulia is small isolated shard in the end of the outer ring. They live in a very religious society where the deads are worshipped like gods. No light reach the shard, instead the surrounding shard poorly illuminate (similar too moon illumination). Here each cities must remain silent, since terrible creature roam the shard.

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You see, the ships were used in our grand grand grand ancestors time to cross the ocean, but now there is no more ocean so we cross the void between the shards with it.
—Mienor the Ex-pirate, explaining the void ship basic to children
This page is part of the

Legacy of Darkness
Campaign Setting