Legacy of Darkness (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Character Options

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Character Options[edit]


General Feats
Feat Summary Prerequisites
Find the Weak Spot You are able to find the weak spot on non-living entity allowing you to critically damage it. Base Attack Bonus +6
Greater Find the Weak Spot You are able to find the weak spot on non-living entity allowing you to critically damage it. Base Attack Bonus +16, Find the Weak Spot, Improved Find the Weak Spot
Gsillan Beckon Grant summoned shadow creatures the psuedonatural template Ability to cast mysteries, Augment Summoning, Knowledge (Arcana) 12 ranks
Improved Find the Weak Spot You are able to find the weak spot on non-living entity allowing you to critically damage it. Base Attack Bonus +11, Find the Weak Spot
Racial Feats
Feat Summary Prerequisites

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We are not fallen, we are the sun elves and we will rise once again!
—Maravor, Fallen Elf Wizard
This page is part of the

Legacy of Darkness
Campaign Setting