Lance (4e Equipment)

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Author: Sam Kay (talk)
Date Created: 24th January 2009
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Military Melee Weapon[edit]


Weapon Prof. Bonus Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Lance +2 1d8 30gp 12lb. Polearm, Spear Charging 2


A lance is a weapon favored by mounted warriors. It consists of a long shaft with a sharp point on the end, and is designed to make devastating charges. A lance is a one-handed weapon when you use it mounted, but is a two-handed weapon when you use it on foot.

Charging: A charging weapon gains the high crit property and a bonus to damage rolls equal to the charging value given when the wielder charges.

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Facts about "Lance (4e Equipment)"
AuthorSam Kay +
Cost30gp +
Damage1d8 +
GroupPolearm, Spear +
Identifier4e Equipment +
Proficiency+2 +
PropertiesCharging 2 +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleLance +
TypeMilitary Melee Weapon +
Weight12lb. +