La Llorona, the Drowned Maid (3.5e Vestige)
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[hide]La Llorona, the Drowned Bride[edit]
The haunting specter of a betrayed lover and a caring mother.
Level: 6th
Binding DC: 26
Special Requirement: Yes
A long time ago there was a young woman, who was betrothed to a handsome and quite rich man. They were in love and planning to marry each other. However, as the girl was of poor family, the man's family did everything to delay the wedding. So much was done that they agreed not to marry each other, and the young man was conjoined with an older, yet beatiful, woman, that was approved by his family.
The young lady was saddened by this, but decided to live with her lover as much as possible. She became a servant in their mansion and frequent were the visits that he paid to her, wheter in the countryside or in the servants' rooms.
Life wasn't perfect but it was quite satisfying for her.
This all changed when she announced to him that she was pregnant. He didn't react as she expected and convinced her to hide the thing, marry some other man and claim the kid was his. She complied, heart-broken but still in love with him. When the babies were born, they were twins, one male, one female, and as they grew he became more and more detached and cold, and she was left with an husband that she didn't wanted. Her previous lover was, in fact, growing infatuated with his real wife, that finally gave him a child.
Years passed and the life of the lady was unbearable and so she succumbed to pain and decided to punish her former lover. She used her kids to lure the man's boy to a deep pond in the night. Then, she surprised him and drowned him.
The body was found the morning after, and nobody suspected a thing.
The man, distraught and in a fight with his wife, was lead to the arms of his former love, to be consolated. She was very happy to receive him and things seemed to return to their previous state.
But joy is short-lived and all crimes must be punished. The two lover's formal partners grew jealous and the man's wife revealed to the lady's husband the real origin of his children (he wasn't aware that they were of the young man). And so, he understood what was happening behind him and, in a fit of rage, he drowned her children in the pond.
Their parents were shattered by this event, and the young man killed the husband with his knife. As he was bleeding out, she came to the killer and, in panic and confusion, accidentally revealed what she had done to his other kid, blaming herself for all this sorrow. He was shocked and became furiously mad at her. He beated and beated her, and when she managed to escape, he followed her up to the pond. In the vain attempt to evade him she went deeper and deeper in the water, until she drowned, not able to sustain herself.
He never found her, and pain washed away the rage.
After these events, her spirit is said to haunt bodies of water and children and men are in danger alike, when approaching ponds and lakes by night. It is said, in fact, that she take children away, believing them to be her own and stalks, scares and sometimes kills young men, that she hates with all her heart.
Distraught parents often try to summon her to have their children back, but this spirit doesn't offer kids, but supernatural gift to those calling her.
This vestige is based on the legend of La Llorona.
Special summoning[edit]
Only female binders may summon this vestige. It will not respond to males.
A scream pierces the air. After it ends you see a woman's body floating before you, as if immersed in water. She has a bride dress, all wet, and her skin is pale, as if very cold. She raises slightly her head, her vitreous eyes pointed towards you.
Your clothes are humid and slighty wet, and you appear uncomfortable around bodies of water. Your words are often interrupted by sobs and your cries are similar to wailings.
You hate or despise men, and avoid interacting with them if possible, or you are hostile to them. You are very protective of children, even those of others.
Granted Abilities[edit]
Your malefical and heartbreaking cries can kill any who listen to them and you gain abilities related to fear and water.
Aura of Discomfort[edit]
You emit a 10-feet (3 meters) aura that puts anyone in it in a state of uneasiness. Those inside the aura have a -3 to save to resist mind-affecting effects and any Charisma check or Charisma-related skill check. A subject inside the aura that fails a save to resist a fear effect is automatically affected by the next stage of fear, if possible. You must show La Llorona's sign to use this power.
Drowning Cry[edit]
As a standard action you may reproduce the spell drown. You unleash a baleful scream. Anyone in 30 feet (9 meters) that hears it must make a Will save or be subjected to the spell (the Will save substitutes the Fortitude save). Male targets suffer a disadvantage on this throw equal to your Charisma modifier. You must wait 5 rounds to use this power again. This is a mind-affecting effect. Once per day you may replicate the wail of the banshee spell. This only affects male targets, they must make a Will save to resist and you must still wait 5 rounds after using it, before using this power again.
Mist of Tears[edit]
As a move action you may replicate the spell solid fog. Anyone inside must make also a Will save to prevent being shaken for one minute. You may decide to make this fog follow you or to make it stationary at any time. You may dispel it as a swift action or let it wear off. In any case, you must wait 5 rounds before using it again, if the first effect disappears for any reason.
Watery Eyes[edit]
Your vision is not impeded by fog or mists of any kind or by water. You are also unaffected by additional effects, such as those of solid fog. You must show La Llorona's sign to use this power.
Wet Feet[edit]
You may always walk on water, as per the spell water walk. In addition, you may rise from underwater at the speed of 120 feet (36 meters) per round, possibly saving you from drowning.
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