Krakamari (3.5e Race)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 11th July 2024
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Krakamari are an ancient race of humanoids with kraken-like traits. They were created in a distant time by a terrible and powerful deity, who resides in the depths of the sea, known only as the Forgotten One with the aim of conquering the earth and expanding the ocean and the kingdom of the god.


Unreliable, calculating, and shrewd, the krakamari, as a society, are the most unpleasant thing there is. They are manipulative and extremely selfish, usually, and will do anything to achieve their goals. It is true, however, that their efficiency and ability are undeniable, and rightly recognized.

Physical Description[edit]

The krakamari have a humanoid body structure, but their flesh is that of a mollusc, usually reddish or brownish, but it can also be found in a greenish or dark gray color, and, although soft, it is covered with small plaques and chitinous growths. Their head is bald and similar to that of humans, except that it lacks external ears, has no nose, and their mouth is a chitinous beak, like that of an octopus. Mostly their skull is round, but that of some, especially if they live in the depths of the sea, is elongated, like a squid. Their limbs are very particular, given that they are eight highly specialized tentacles covered in suckers. Four are located at the top, attached to the shoulders two by two. These pairs of tentacles have twisted and fused together until the end, so as to form a single arm on each side, leaving the two tips free to move, so as to serve as incredibly precise fingers. Their legs have a similar fate: these too are in pairs on each side, but separated, in such a way as to form the typical dome shape of octopuses, useful for swimming. When they come out on land, to make themselves more stable, the krakamari can "sew" their lower tentacles together in pairs (using the suckers), so as to strengthen their legs, while the final part of the tentacles remains free, and is twisted in a spiral into a one way or the other, like a foot (the spirals are opposite to each other, and act as the tip and heel of the foot). They wear light robes, especially for swimming, but adorn their bodies with lots of jewelry and piercings.


They do not have much contact with the people of the mainland, except with coastal and maritime communities, mainly for trade, extortion or theft. Their trafficking and contacts take place mainly with other aquatic creatures, such as certain elves, merfolk and kuo-toa. Given their fundamentally evil nature, their relationships are more often conflictual than peaceful, but for this reason they also manage to be a considerable influence among the marine kingdoms.


The vast majority of krakamari are lawful evil, but neutral evil and lawful neutral are also common alignments. Fewer are neutral or chaotic (especially evil), but even fewer are the krakamari who turn to good.


They have kingdoms and nations of their own spread throughout the oceans, and they reign especially in the abyssal depths. Krakamari who live far from the sea are usually exiled and very rare, so they never establish communities on land.


Most of them have a strong spiritual connection with their god, and religion is a large part of their culture. Their god, the Forgotten One, is represented as a powerful dark kraken, whose tentacles are the flows of the Abyssal Current, which fills the krakamari with power. His clerics and followers seek to hasten the return of the Forgotten One, who grants them the Water, Darkness, Evil, and Destruction domains.


They speak Aquan among themselves, but they also know the Common for trade with the land and the Abyssal for their arcane trades.


The onomastic convention of the krakamari varies from group to group, but tends to use words in Aquan and Abyssal.

Racial Traits[edit]

  • +2 Intelligence: Krakamari are naturally extremely intelligent.
  • Humanoid (Anthro): They are some sort of hybrid between a kraken-like octopus and a humanoid creature. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a krakamari has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Krakamari base land speed is 20 feet. Swim speed 30 feet. A krakamari can move through water at its swim speed without making Swim checks. It has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. 
  • Low-Light Vision: A krakamari can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. 
  • Suction Cups: Being related to octopuses, krakamari have suckers on the ends of their limbs. This gives them a +2 racial bonus on Climb and Balance checks, grapple checks, and disarm checks or to resist them. 
  • Amphibian (Ex): Krakamari are basically marine creatures, but they can still survive on land, if at all they prefer not to stay there long. They can breathe both in and out of the water, without penalty. 
  • Flexible Skeleton: Although they have a skeletal structure, this is minimal, and their body composition allows them to squeeze and move through narrow passages. They have a +4 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks and count as one size smaller when having to squeeze into tight places. 
  • Mind Flux (Ex): Their natural connection to the Abyssal Current allows them to influence the minds of other creatures. As a mental standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, krakamari can flood a non-mindless creature within 30 feet with mental energy inflicting 1d4 + their highest mental modifier (minimum 0) of nonlethal damage. If the target who suffered the damage attempts to perform an action that requires concentration (such as casting a spell) within a round, it must pass a Concentration roll (DC is 10 + damage dealt) or fail the action. If the roll is successful, he will not have to make any more, even if he performs other actions that require concentration. 
  • Hydrolalia (Ex): Magic is an integral part of krakamari society, and Krakamari use their abilities to use it even underwater. When they are completely immersed in water they can cast spells or use any type of magic without the need to vocalize. This ability does not work unless they are completely submerged in water. 
  • Dry Skin: Like all molluscs, krakamari also need to keep their body sufficiently hydrated. At least once a day they must immerse themselves completely in water, otherwise their skin may dry out, giving them a -1 to all saves. When dehydrated, they take one non-lethal damage for every hour spent in direct sunlight 
  • Connection to the Flow (Ex): When in water, krakamari can communicate telepathically with each other within 60 feet. When fully immersed in water, krakamari can project their thoughts into the minds of their peers without the need to speak. This ability is not telepathy, therefore it does not allow them to read minds, however it allows them to communicate with other mollusks, as if they were always under the effect of the spell speak to animals.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Abyssal and Aquan.
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages.
  • Favored Class: Wizard or Psion
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Racial Options[edit]


To be done

Pathfinder Options[edit]

Alternate Racial Feature[edit]

  • Spawn of the Kraken: Some krakamari are born with the gift of the kraken's physical strength, rather than its mystical powers, to the detriment of their wits. Krakamari with this trait are Large in size. They gain a -1 size penalty to Armor Class and attack rolls, a +4 size bonus on special attack checks (bull rush, grapple, overrun, and trip), and a -4 size penalty on Hide checks, but use larger weapons than those used by Medium creatures, and their lifting and carrying limits are double those of a Medium character. This alternate trait replaces Medium size and Intelligence bonus.
  • Deepdweller: Some krakamari live relatively close to the coast and are therefore among the best known. However, most of them actually reside in the deep sea, untouched by sunlight, closer to the Abyssal Current. These krakamari are immune to high pressure due to environmental conditions, such as in the abyssal depths, and they gain darkvision out of 60 feet. However, they are sensitive to sunlight, and become dazzled (-1 Search, Spot, and attack rolls) if exposed to it or to a spell such as sunlight. This alternate trait replaces low-light vision.
  • Kraken Style: Some krakamari communities, further away from the influence of the Abyssal Current, do not develop the same abilities as their peers, choosing instead to train in the arts of close combat. These krakamari get for free the feat Improved Grapple. This alternate trait replaces the Hydrolalia trait.
  • Tentacle Hooks: Although most krakamari are equipped with powerful suckers, some, despite still having them, also have hooks that cover their arms. Thanks to these, they deal piercing damage, as well as bludgeoning, with unarmed attacks and grapple checks, and gain a +2 racial on grapple checks. This alternate trait replaces the Suction Cups trait.

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Facts about "Krakamari (3.5e Race)"
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassWizard + and Psion +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments+2 Intelligence +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeAnthro +
SummaryKrakamari are an ancient race of humanoids with kraken-like traits. +
TitleKrakamari +
TypeHumanoid +