Jaws of the Feral Beast (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Halloweenman33 (talk)
Date Created: 2/24/17
Status: Finished, but open to improvement suggestions
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Jaws of the Feral Beast [Racial, Fighter] Prerequisites: Canin, Mighty Jaws (3.5e Feat), Masterwork Bite (3.5e Feat) or Masterwork Body (3.5e Feat), Improved Natural Attack, BAB +15Benefit: he damage from your Bite Attack improves by another step as if the creature’s size had increased by another size category. This stacks with Improved Natural Attack, so the Teacups now deal 1d4+1d2, Toy Breeds now deal 1d6+1d3, Miniature Breeds now deal 1d8+1d4, Standard Breeds now deal 2d6+1d6, Large Breeds now deal 3d6+1d8, and Giant Breeds now deal 4d6+2d6 damage. Normal: Your bite attack does regular damage for your sizeSpecial: Fighters can take Jaws of the Feral Beast as one of their Bonus Feats

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorHalloweenman33 +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteCanin +, BAB +15 +, Mighty Jaws (3.5e Feat) +, Masterwork Bite (3.5e Feat) or Masterwork Body (3.5e Feat) + and Improved Natural Attack +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou have developed your bite to truly devastating levels +
TitleJaws of the Feral Beast +
TypeRacial + and Fighter +