Inglorious Maiming Shot (3.5e Maneuver)

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Author: The Demented One
Date Created: 12/13/2008
Status: Complete
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Inglorious Maiming Shot
Black Rain (Strike)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: One Black Rain maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Firearm attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

Nothing is more cruel than a bullet in the guts, the cruel, bleeding wound it leaves. Such a shot all but guarantees a slow and miserable death that is worlds apart from the clean kill of a shot to the head.

As part of this maneuver, you make a single ranged attack with a firearm or ray weapon against an opponent. If the attack hits, the opponent must make a Fortitude save, DC 14 + your highest mental ability score, or take 2 points of Constitution damage. In addition, they suffer a grievous bleeding wound, causing them to take 1d6 damage each subsequent round for 5 rounds. Magical healing equal to the amount of damage dealt by this strike or a Heal check with DC equal to 14 + your highest mental ability score ends the bleeding. If the bleeding is not healed before the end of the 5 rounds, then the foe takes an additional 2 Constitution damage. Foes that are immune to precision damage are immune to the Constitution damage and bleeding from inglorious maiming shot.

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DisciplineBlack Rain +
Identifier3.5e Maneuver +
Level4 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryFirearm attack deals 2 Constitution damage, leaves bleeding wound. +
TitleInglorious Maiming Shot +
TypeStrike +