Hexknight (3.5e Class)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Co-Authors: Eiji-kun
Date Created: 6th April 2018
Status: WIP
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A class that mix a bit of the KnightPHII, the HexbladeCW and WarlockCA alongside quite a few unique abilities to make a unique curse-based tank.

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The dark forces beyond this world are never content with their servants, from powerful devilblooded sorcerers, dark cleric, the pact-making warlocks, to hexblades and blackguards. The Hexknight exist as servants or user of the same kind of dark power, they master it and bind it in an unseen forces that is unerringly obedient to their will. The Hexknight carry themselves with pride and strength, for unlike many of their kind they are the masters not the slaves.

The process of becoming an Hexknight is similar to a warlock or hexblade, usually gained through pact or bloodline. The hexknight does not bother with spellcasting, instead they possess the ability to channel an unseen force to enforce their will. Their greatest strength is the vast arrays of curses they have access to, and the readiness they may use those curses.

Designer Note: The Hexknight class is essentially an hybrid between the KnightPHII, the HexbladeCW and WarlockCA, using a greater array of curses in lieu of challenges and spells. It has been adapted for higher level of play, granting it an inbuilt ranged option capable of performing several essential maneuvers.

Making a Hexknight[edit]

Abilities: The typical Hexknight need a high Strength and Charisma to function, they need at least a decent Constitution to survive in the fray for long. There are some Hexknight who use Weapon Finesse and a high Dexterity instead of Strength, while they usually sport less damage they tend to have a higher AC.

Races: There are few Hexknights around, the few that exist tend to be human or from races which grant a boost to Charisma. There are a few Half-Orcs and Orcs Hexknight, usually using the Genetic Black Sheep trait.

Alignment: Although characters of any alignment can be hexknights, the class tend to attract people of looser moral standard.

Starting Gold: As Fighter.

Starting Age: Moderate.

Table: The Hexknight

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Bonus Feat, Hexknight's Curse, Ill Omen +1, Unseen Force (Manipulation), Unseen Strike
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Familiar, Unseen Shield
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Accursed Weapon, Unseen Tricks (Least)
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Doom, Undying Vigor
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Bonus Feat, Mettle
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Ill Omen +2, Unseen Force (Assistance), Unseen Tricks (Lesser)
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Greater Hexknight's Curse
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Doom, Occult Resistance
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Bonus Feat
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Dark Soul
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Unseen Tricks (Greater)
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Doom, Ill Omen +3, Unseen Force (Flight)
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +8 Bonus Feat
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +9 Curse of the Revenant
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 Timeless Body
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +10 Doom, Unseen Tricks (Grand)
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Bonus Feat
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Ill Omen +4
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Dire Hexknight's Curse
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Doom, Dying Curse

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Hexknight.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An hexknight is proficient with all martial and simple weapons as well as all armor. She is proficient with all shields except tower shields.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, 5th level and each 4 level thereafter, a Hexknight receive a bonus [Fighter] or [Hex] feat she meet the prerequisite for.

Hexknight's Curse (Su): A 1st level Hexknight can place a terrible curse upon her foes, once per round as a free action she may cause a single creature within 60 feet to make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Class Level + Charisma modifier) or take a -2 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls which last until you release them from the curse. If a creature succeed on their save they are immune to further attempts for 1 hour.

While she may use her curse essentially at-will, the Hexknight can only maintain her curse for a few rounds at a time. The Hexknight has a number of rounds equal to 4 + her Charisma modifier. The Hexknight who curse multiple creature still only use a single round each round she maintain the curse, although she can free one or more creature from her curse as a free action. As long as the Hexknight is conscious she may have the curse persist as a free action, even if she not able to otherwise act, however if she become unconscious all instance of her curse immediately vanish. An hexknight regain one round of hexknight's curse uses each 10 minute she does not uses it.

The Hexknight's Curse count as a Hexblade curse for the purpose of prerequisites and effect, anything that affect an Hexblade's Curse affect an Hexknight's Curse the same way unless specified otherwise and vise versa. If an ability use an Hexblade's Curse use for the day it instead uses two rounds of Hexknight's Curse.

At 7th level, her Hexknight's Curse penalty increase to -4, and at 19th level they increase to -6.

Ill Omen (Ex): A 1st level Hexknight feeds off her curse and she become invigorated whenever a creature is slain while under it. After a creature under her Hexknight's Curse is killed or otherwise defeated, she gain a +1 morale bonus on Attack Roll and AC. This bonus last for 5 rounds. She also regain a number of hit point equal to the CR of the defeated creature.

At 6th level and each 5 level thereafter the morale bonus granted by this ability increase by 1.

Unseen Force (Su): The Hexknight has bonded herself with the forces of the underworld, allowing her through a occult psychic powers or the manipulation of incorporeal undead to move and manipulate objects without being present. The Hexknight can manipulate objects from afar as if she was using her hands to do so, she may even do so while her hands are full. However she may not wield weapon or activate magic items at range with this ability. The Hexknight's Unseen Force Range is 30 feet + 5 feet per class level.

At 6th level she may use her Unseen Force assist herself and other in various task. She may use her Unseen Force to Aid Another at range, don and remove her armor as a move action and to replicate the effect of the levitate spell.

At 12th level, the Hexknight may use her Unseen Force to gain a fly speed of 60 feet or twice her land speed, whichever is higher, with good maneuverability.

Unseen Strike (Su): As they are capable of manipulating with Unseen Force, the Hexknight can also harm. As a standard action they may make a ranged incorporeal touch attack within the same range as her unseen force. If she hit she deal 1d4 + her Charisma modifier in force damage with a 20/x3 critical modifier. An Hexknight's Unseen Strike count as a melee attack whenever doing so is advantageous. The damage increase by 1d4 at each odd class level.

Familiar: A 2nd level Hexknight gain a Familiar (as a Wizard) using her class level as her effective caster level. Alternatively she may trade her familiar for a Dark CompanionPHII, using her class level as her hexblade level.

Unseen Shield (Su): A 2nd level hexknight add her Charisma modifier as an deflection bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor, it is limited to her Max Dexterity. If a piece of ammunition or thrown weapon miss, she may catch it with the unseen force, either making it fall on the ground harmlessly or catching it in her hand.

Accursed Weapon (Ex): A 3rd level hexknight may imbue her curses into her one of her weapon. She choose a single weapon to be her accursed weapon, she count as having the appropriated crafting feat, user her class level as her caster level and she count as being able to cast any spells on the sorcerer/wizard list for the purpose of enhancing that weapon.

Because of their link together, the hexknight is capable drawing her accursed weapon from herself as a move action, even if it was separated from her. The weapon is also cursed in the hands of other, inflicting the penalty of your Hexknight's Curse (no save) as long as it is wielded or held by another creature. If the hexknight is slain the weapon may be freed from the cursed with a remove curse spell, this require a caster level check opposed by the hexknight class level + charisma modifier.

If your accursed weapon is destroyed, you may spend 10 uses of your Hexknight's Curse to recreate it.

Least Unseen Trick (Su): A 3rd level hexknight has learned how to manipulate her Unseen Strike in strange ways. Unseen Tricks offer new attack options, at the cost of reducing the damage from their Unseen Strike ability. On your action, before using her Unseen Strike, you may choose to subtract a number of unseen strike dice you would be allotted and instead gain the benefit of one of the unseen tricks listed below. This number is specified with each unseen trick and may not reduce the amount dice you would be granted below 1d4. Any non-instantaneous effect of the unseen trick applies until your next turn.

At 3rd level the Hexknight only has access to least unseen tricks, as listed below. You can add one unseen trick a round. The saving throw for any combat trick is 10 + 1/2 Class Level + any one ability modifier applied to the attack roll.

Forceful Push: You use the dark forces at your command to push the weaklings away. If you hit with your Unseen Strike, make a free Bull Rush attempt, adding your Charisma modifier to the result. Unlike a normal Bull Rush you do not move alongside the target and it does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 1d4.

Disarm: You use your unseen strike to disarm a creature of their weapon, perhaps also their pride. If you hit with your Unseen Strike, make a free disarm attempt against the creature. If you are successful and have a free hand you may the unseen force serving you pull the weapon into your free hand. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 1d4.

Grab: If your unseen strike hit, it attempt to violently grab it target. This force it to make a Will save or become Immobilized for 1 round. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 1d4.

Shove Down: Your Unseen Strike possess the Trip ability of a Wolf, allowing you to make a free trip attempt if you hit. If you possess the Improved Trip feat you may make an additional Unseen Strike attack after successfully tripping. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 2d4.

Doom (Su): As a move action, a 4th level Hexknight can inflict a peculiar curse a single creature within 60 feet. The curse manifest a specific doom, which is listed in the list below. When a creature is affected by a doom it automatically know it effect and who is the source. Additionally each doom come with their own effect, which usually make it obvious to the creature 's ally that their ally is under a malicious effect and who is the source. A doom can be suppressed by doing certain actions, usually striking the hexknight. When a doom is suppressed, all of it effect cease until the end of the target's next turn.

The hexknight know one doom at 4th level and learn another each 4 level thereafter. She may only have a single doom active at any given time, if she initiate another her previous is instantly dispelled alongside any effect it had. Once a doom is used on a creature it suffer it effect until a remove curse is used on them or until they break line of sight with the hexknight for more than 1 round. The Hexknight pick her Dooms from the following list: Hexknight (3.5e Class)/Doom

Undying Vigor (Ex): At 4th level is capable of warding off death with her curse, she extend the amount of hit point require for her to die by half her class level x her Charisma modifier. After being brought below 0 hit points, the hexknight may still act normally for 1 round as she is being puppeteered by the unseen force.

Mettle (Ex): If a hexknight of 5th level or higher makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), she instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping hexknight does not gain the benefit of mettle.

Lesser Unseen Trick (Su): At 6th level the Hexknight's Unseen Trick expand to include the following:

Disrobe: Through the unseen force you loosen the straps of your foes armor to strip them of their protection and dignity. If you hit with your Unseen Strike, the target is allowed a Will save, if it fail one secured piece of equipment falls off. This can be an armor, an amulet, ring or other worn items but cannot be an held item or a levitating item, such as a ioun stone. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 3d4.

Impede: You proficiently make the unseen force cling to your foe, slowing them down with an unseen weight. If your Unseen Strike successfully strike a creature, it must make a Fortitude save or become burdened as if it had a heavy load. If it already was under a heavy load it become completely unable to move under the weight and fall prone. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 2d4.

Lift: You use the unseen force to stop a foe in it track and helplessly lift it into the air. This trick function as the Grab trick except you cause the creature to slowly move up as per levitate, even if it unwilling. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 1d4.

Pierce: You use your unseen force much like a lance, piercing an enemy after another. You deliver your unseen force as a line equal to it range, instead of requiring an attack roll a Reflex save is allowed halves the damage. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 2d4.

Occult Resistance (Su): A 8th level Hexknight add her Charisma modifier on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities.

Dark Soul (Su): The hexknight's mastery over curses grants the ability to counteract them. At 10th level the hexknight becomes immune to curses and petrification.

Greater Unseen Trick (Su): At 11th level the Hexknight's Unseen Trick expand to include the following:

Choke: You use the unseen force to choke your target and potentially break their spine and neck. Unlike a regular Unseen Tricks, it can be maintained as a standard action every round, although it can be interrupted as a concentration spell. This trick function as the Grab trick except that any foes under it effect cannot vocalize and take non-lethal damage equal to their hit dice at the end of each of their turn. If you maintain concentration for 3 rounds you may break the neck of grabbed foe, allowing a Fortitude save against sudden death. Only foes which have a neck or dies from the loss of their head are vulnerable to the sudden death. At the start of each round, the target is allowed an opposed Strength check against your Strength or Charisma to free themselves. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 3d4.

Disarm & Strike: You use the unseen force to rid a foe of their weapon and strike them with it before disposing of it. This trick function as the Disarm trick except after you successfully disarm you may make an immediate attack with the weapon, using your own attack bonus. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 2d4.

Mass Submission: A popular trick with the evil hexknight overlords, you use the unseen force to make a people kneel before you. Make an unseen strike against any number of targets in a 60 ft. cone, all struck creature must also make a Fortitude save or be forced to kneel for 1 round. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 3d4.

Curse of the Revenant (Su): The 14th level hexknight can bring back the dead, in a way, through the curse of the revenant. They can touch any dead body up to 1 week old and revive them as a ghost with a compulsion to slay the one who slew them. The hexknight has no control over the raised ghost, but they may be able to use the ghost to their purpose. Once the murderer is slain (or it is discovered that revenge is impossible) the ghost will typically pass onto their afterlife.

It can be used on allies to "bring them back from the dead", but the ghost must be destroyed or the soul must move on before the ally can be raised.

Timeless Body (Su): At 15th level, a hexknight's link to the supernatural grants them eternal youth. A hexknight no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties he may have already incurred, however, remain in place.

Grand Unseen Trick (Su): At 18th level the Hexknight's Unseen Trick expand to include the following:

Behead: Off with their head! You use the unseen force to make a risky strike which can kill a foe outright. If you hit the target, and it is denied it Dexterity to AC, it must make a Fortitude save be instantly beheaded. If a creature can survive without the loss of it is obviously not fatal. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 6d4.

Eye Gouge: You use the unseen force for a terrifying painful attack to the eyes. If you hit, the target must make a Fortitude save or become permanently blinded and take 1d6 point of Constitution damage. If the save is successful or not, the target experience vivid pain, taking a -2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks and ability check for 1 round. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 7d4.

Pull & Tear Apart: You use the Unseen Force to literally pull apart your opponents. Unlike a regular Unseen Tricks, it can be maintained as a standard action every round, although it can be interrupted as a concentration spell. This trick function as the Lift trick except for each round it is maintained, the target take a -2 penalty to it Strength and Dexterity, at the start of their turn if one of them would be lowered to 1 the target is torn apart and killed unless it succeed on a Fortitude save. At the start of each round, the target is allowed an opposed Strength check against your Strength or Charisma to free themselves. This reduces Unseen Strike damage by 6d4.

Dying Curse: Curses fill the hexknight's body, and on death the curses spill forth en masse. Any creature which slays the 20th level hexknight is afflicted by bestow curse with no save, and the hexknight can choose to be affected by their own curse of the revenant.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad + and Eiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionGood +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level1 +
RatingUndiscussed +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillBalance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Diplomacy +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Move Silently +, Profession +, Ride +, Spellcraft + and Use Magic Device +
Skill Points4 +
SummaryA class that mix a bit of the KnightPHII, the HexbladeCW and WarlockCA alongside quite a few unique abilities to make a unique curse-based tank. +
TitleHexknight +
Will Save ProgressionGood +