Hammer of the Dwarvish Lords (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 7-30-11
Status: Complete
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Hammer of the Dwarvish Lords[edit]

Forged by the dwarven gods to teach their children the ways of the dwarf, the hammer of dwarvish lords is part of a powerful artifact set which has been passed down through generations of royal dwarves since the beginning of their history. Part of a hammer, an axe, and an anvil, the hammer of dwarvish lords has forged many famous artifacts throughout history, each item created by its powerful impact becoming an item which changed the course of history. In times of strife it has been taken up as a weapon to crush through the enemy and cripple them.

This weapon is a +6 fiery blast spell storing adamantine warhammer, black with silver runes embossed in the flat business ends and glowing with an internal fire as hot as any forge. With each great strike, flames belch forth scorching anything it touches. Any dwarf who holds it gains a +10 bonus to all Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gemcutting, stonemasonry, and weaponsmithing) checks. All items made from the hammer are automatically masterwork without the masterwork cost. If the user makes the normal masterwork check, the item becomes triple-masterwork, providing three times the normal benefits granted by masterwork items of that type. Crafting also takes a shorter amount of time, cutting the time needed by half. Users may forge without proper equipment or even a forge, the hammer's own inner fires supplementing, though any Craft checks made increase their DC by +5 without proper equipment.

While wielding the hammer the user is considered to have the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor feats. Their effective caster level is equal to their HD (or their own, if higher). The 50% reduction in time also applies to creating magical items, though they must still expend gold, experience, and spells as needed.

Used as a weapon, the hammer acts as a large warhammer, dealing 2d6 damage with a 20/x3 critical. Medium sized dwarves can use it as a one-handed weapon, all other medium creatures treat it as a two-handed weapon with -2 to hit for inappropriate size. Once per day as a standard action, a creature can attune to the hammer and fill the spell storing aspect of the hammer with any spell up to 9th level from any list, even if such a spell could not normally work within the spell storing enhancement. They may then proceed to activate it on touch or impact of the hammer, as if cast by a 20th level caster. The DC for any abilities is 20 + the spell's level. Spells with expensive material components or xp loss draw from the wielder, who must provide them to activate the spell.

Additionally, if you possess at least two items of the set, the hammer is weightless for the owner (and as such may be counted as a Light weapon, if so desired) and grants immunity to all poisons and diseases. If you possess the entire set, your Leadership score is counted as 2 higher for Dwarves and the wealth of your community is boosted by another point.

Only dwarves who are of epic level (21 HD and above) or of royal blood may use the hammer, in all other hands the hammer is merely a +6 dwarven warhammer. Dwarven communities which possess the hammer are blessed with unusual luck, giving them an average wealth of a community one step bigger. This stacks with the benefit from the other items in the set.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
Rated ByHavvy +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryForged by the dwarven gods to teach their children the ways of the dwarf, the hammer of dwarvish lords is part of a powerful artifact set which has been passed down through generations of royal dwarves since the beginning of their history. +
TitleHammer of the Dwarvish Lords +
TypeMajor +