Half-Outsider Hybrid (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
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Half-Outsider Hybrid[edit]

Born of celestial or fiendish stock, the half-outsider hybrid has the blood of celestials and fiends within them that gives them power. It is a power they grow into over time, but soon they awaken into their full blooded forms for all to see.

Making a Half-Outsider Hybrid[edit]

Abilities: What abilities are important to a half-outsider hybrid varies largely on their other classes, but for the most part they are capable of both mixing it up in melee and casting with their spell-like abilities. Any ability score might be important.

Races: Any, though leveling in half-outsider hybrid indicates they have celestial or fiendish origin.

Alignment: Any good or any evil (at least until half-inevitables and half-slaadi become a thing).

Table: The Half-Outsider Hybrid

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Bloodline, Darkvision, Natural Armor, Outsider Qualities 1, Planetouched Subtype, Smite, Spell-Likes 1
2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Energy Resistances, Natural Weapons, Outsider Qualities 2, Spell-Likes 2 +1 previous class
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Outsider Qualities 3, Spell-Likes 3, Spell Resistance
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Damage Reduction, Outsider Qualities 4, Spell-Likes 4 +1 previous class
5th +5 +4 +4 +4 Outsider Qualities 5, Outsider Type, Spell-Likes 5, Wings

Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Select any 12 class skills.

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the half-outsider hybrid.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Half-Outsider Hybrids are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and light armor and shields.

Advancement: At 2nd and 4th level, you gain class features (including spellcasting ability) and an increase in effective level as if you had also gained a level in a class to which you belonged to before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain the benefit of your previous class's hit dice, attack progression, skill points, or saving throws. If you had more than one class before becoming a half-outsider hybrids, you must decide which class to add to each level for the purpose of determining class features.

Bloodline: At 1st level the half-outsider hybrid awakens his celestial or fiendish traits in his blood. Choose celestial if good aligned, or fiendish if evil aligned. This determines your benefits for the subsequent levels in half-outsider hybrid. Those of each kind are sometimes referred to as half-celestial or half-fiend hybrids.

Darkvision (Ex): A half-outsider hybrid gains darkvision 60 feet (or if they already have darkvision, they increase it by +30 feet).

Natural Armor: A half-outsider hybrid gains a +1 bonus to natural armor.

Outsider Qualities: Each level, the half-outsider hybrid receives a number of abilities based on if they chose celestial or fiendish blood, as seen below.

Level Benefits
1st Resistance to Poison
2nd Ability Bonus (+2 Str, +2 Int)
3rd Ability Bonus (+2 Dex, +2 Wis), Immune to Disease
4th Ability Bonus (+2 Con, +2 Cha)
5th Ability Bonus (+2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha), Daylight

Ability Bonus: As a half-celestial hybrid gains levels in this prestige class, his ability scores increase as noted above. These increases stack and are gained as if through level advancement.

Resistance to Poison (Ex): The half-celestial hybrid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison.

Immune to Disease (Ex): The half-celestial hybrid becomes immune to disease.

Daylight (Sp): The half-celestial hybrid can use daylight as a spell-like ability at will.

Level Benefits
1st Resistance to Disease
2nd Ability Bonus (+2 Str, +2 Int)
3rd Ability Bonus (+2 Dex, +2 Wis), Immunity to Poison
4th Ability Bonus (+2 Con, +2 Cha)
5th Ability Bonus (+2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha), Blacklight

Ability Bonus: As a half-fiend hybrid gains levels in this prestige class, his ability scores increase as noted above. These increases stack and are gained as if through level advancement.

Resistance to Disease (Ex): The half-fiend hybrid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against disease.

Immune to Poison (Ex): The half-fiend hybrid becomes immune to poison.

Blacklight (Sp): The half-fiend hybrid can use blacklight as a spell-like ability at will.

Planetouched Subtype: The half-outsider hybrid gains the planetouched subtype, associating them with one of the upper or lower planes as appropriate. This has no mechanical benefits (other than making them the target of outsider-specific effects like favored enemy and dismissal) and they do not gain the benefits of the Outsider type.

Smite (Su): Once per day a half-outsider hybrid can make a normal melee attack to gain its Charisma modifier as a bonus to attack rolls, and to deal extra damage equal to its HD against an opponent of evil (if celestial) or good (if fiendish) alignment.

At 5th level, the half-outsider hybrid can use their smite ability once per encounter instead of once per day.

Spell-Likes (Sp): Half-Outsider Hybrids gain a number of spell-like abilities. Each level they gain access to more abilities, but do not actually gain them until they have enough HD to match. At 1st level, a half-outsider hybrid gains access to the first 2 levels of spell-like abilities, provided he has enough HD. At 2nd level, he gains the next two levels. Then at 3rd, the next two, at 4th the next two, until finally at 5th when he has the complete list. Below are the spell-like abilities granted (based on his bloodline) and the HD limit to be able to use them. If not otherwise marked, spell-like abilities are able to be used 1/day.

HD Abilities
1–2 Protection from evil 3/day, bless
3–4 Aid, detect evil
5–6 Cure serious wounds, neutralize poison
7–8 Holy smite, remove disease
9–10 Dispel evil
11–12 Holy word
13–14 Holy aura 3/day, hallow
15–16 mass charm monster
17–18 Summon monster IX (celestials only)
19–20 Resurrection
HD Abilities
1–2 Protection from good 3/day
3–4 Desecrate
5–6 Unholy blight
7–8 Poison 3/day
9–10 Contagion
11–12 Blasphemy
13–14 Unholy aura 3/day, unhallow
15–16 Horrid wilting
17–18 Summon monster IX (fiends only)
19–20 Destruction

Energy Resistances (Ex): At 2nd level, the half-outsider hybrid gains energy resistances associated with its bloodline. Half-celestial hybrids gain energy resistance acid, cold, and electricity equal to twice their class level. Half-fiend hybrids gain energy resistance acid, cold, and fire equal to twice their class level. These resistances stack with racial energy resistance, but not temporary or magical resistances.

Natural Weapons: At 2nd level, the half-outsider hybrid gains natural weapons associated with its bloodline. Half-celestial hybrids gain a slam attack which deals 2d6 points of damage plus one and a half times your Strength modifier (for medium creatures). Half-fiend hybrids instead get two claws and a bite attack that deal 1d4 and 1d6 points of damage plus Strength modifier.

Spell Resistance (Ex): At 3rd level, the half-outsider hybrid gains spell resistance equal to 10 + its HD.

Damage Reduction (Ex): At 4th level, the half-outsider hybrid gains damage reduction/magic equal to its class level. If the half-outsider hybrid has 12 or more HD, the damage reduction becomes twice its class level.

Outsider Type: A 5th level half-outsider hybrid has become a full outsider and gains the outsider type, as well as the Good or Evil subtype as associated with their bloodline. They are considered to be a native of both the appropriate outer plane and the material plane, but are not of the native subtype. They do not need to eat or sleep, and are biologically immortal. They are considered to be a member of their original type when beneficial (and as such can be raised and resurrected normally).

Wings: A 5th level half-outsider hybrid gains wings appropriate for their type (angel wings, or devil wings). Regardless of the appearance, they gain a fly speed (good) equal to twice their land speed.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Half-Outsider Hybrid[edit]

Religion: As paragons literally made of goodness and evilness, most half-outsider hybrids are very much in tune with religion. Most serve a deity directly, or at least the whims of the planes themselves.

Other Classes: The alignment of the half-outsider hybrid defines them, and as such others react less on their class, and more on how their own viewpoints see the powers of raw good and evil made manifest.

Combat: A half-outsider hybrid benefits from both powerful spell-like abilities, fantastic skills, and powerful martial might. How they use it and what they focus on is a concern for their other 15 levels...

Advancement: A half-outsider hybrid can fit any role, though non-casting roles do fare better since they lose caster levels.

Half-Outsider Hybrids in the World[edit]

Welcome, may the Lady of Wisdom bless you friend.
—Moros Acmon, Aasimar Half-Celestial Hybrid

Daily Life: A paragon of good seeks to encourage the most good in the world, and so too his other half with evil. Their alignment-based natures can sometimes lead to extremist views others have difficulty understanding, making them ever slightly alien to the material plane.

Notables: Master Lemegeton of a church in the south was known to bring enlightenment down from heaven to others. However, it's also said he angered several gods in the process and as a result the Promethian priest could not return to the heavens.

Organizations: As paragons of good and evil, half-outsider hybrids often become leaders in alignment-based organizations of clerics, paladins, and blackguards.

NPC Reactions: Most NPCs react with awe or fear to outsiders, and you are no different to them. Some may question what manner of event would cause the beings of the outer planes to tred the earth.

Half-Outsider Hybrid Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge The Planes can research half-outsider hybrids to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge The Planes
DC Result
10 The half-outsider hybrid is a planetouched being with a strong connection to the planes of good or evil.
15 The half-outsider hybrid has several powerful spell-like abilities, as well as martial might. They might even have spell resistance and damage reduction.
20 The half-outsider hybrid is in essence a being with the half-celestial or half-fiend template, but slightly stronger in that they lack the weakness associated with those born immediately into power. There are, however, a few subtle differences.
30 Those that reach this level of success can learn about specific half-outsider hybrids, their motives, whereabouts, and events surrounding them.

Half-Outsider Hybrids in the Game[edit]

Adaptation: Found a half-inevitable or half-slaadi? The class is easily adapted to law and chaos as well.

Sample Encounter: The goblins have spoken of a terrible and powerful goblin warlord with wings. Could it be a legendary half-fiend hybrid goblin?


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Eiji-kunv [Expand]
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionGood +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Racial Paragon Class +
Length5 +
Rated ByLeziad +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionGood +
Skill Points8 +
SummaryGain the benefits of Half-Celestial or Half-Fiend, plus a little more. +
TitleHalf-Outsider Hybrid +
Will Save ProgressionGood +