Great Flaming Sphere (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 12-1-14
Status: Complete
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Great Flaming Sphere
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Druid 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: 5-ft.-diameter sphere
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Reflex negates or Reflex half; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

A burning star of flame flies through the air under your beck and call.

This spell acts like flaming sphere with the following changes. It moves on your turn with a fly speed of 60 ft (perfect) a round and moves on its own, following its target until redirected to a new target or position as a move action. It deals damage to all creatures it passes through, as well as any creature in the square it stops in. Those it passes get Reflex saves to negate damage, while the one sharing the square with the sphere gets a Reflex save for half instead. It deals 1d6 fire damage per two caster levels.

In addition to flying around and dealing damage, you can order the sphere to perform certain actions as a standard action.

  • Explosion: The sphere detonates into a fireball (no cap on damage). This ends the spell.
  • Flashpoint: The sphere detonates into a bright flash which dispels [Darkness] effects 6th level and lower. All creatures in a 60 ft radius burst are blinded for 1d4 rounds and dazzled for 1 minute, while those out to 120 ft are just dazzled for 1 minute. Creatures get a Will save to reduce the effect to dazzling for 1 minute, or dazzling for 1 round respectively. This ends the spell.
  • Smoke Ball: The sphere deals no damage but surrounds itself in a cloud of smoke out to a 5 ft radius from it, and creatures inside the smoke must hold their breath or begin suffocating. When it moves, it leaves a trail of smoke 15 ft high and wide in its wake for 1 round. It's smoke form lasts until you toggle it back to flames as a standard action.

Material Component: Tallow, brimstone, and powdered iron

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5657 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
ComponentV +, S + and M/DF +
DescriptorFire +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelDruid 6 + and Sorcerer/Wizard 6 +
RangeOther +
Rated ByLuigifan18 +, Spanambula + and Leziad +
RatingRating Pending +
SchoolEvocation +
SummaryAn improved flaming sphere with several options. +
TitleGreat Flaming Sphere +