Gossamer (3.5e Equipment)
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Thin and heavy gossamer can be used to make armor normally made from fabric or leather. Simply add the cost of the gossamer suit to the armor's base cost, reduce the armor's check penalty by 2 and can be donned in half the time of the base armor.
Suits of armor made of colluxe gossamer are treated separately.
Bolts (rolled sheets of cloth) of gossamer can be traded at value as a trade commodity.
Thin Gossamer[edit]
This soft fabric is thinner than other natural fabrics and amazingly resilient. Gossamer also resists flames, being totally fire resistant. However, it does still get hot when burned. Gossamer is used to replace many typical fabrics, such as silk and linen, as well as more resilient materials, like burlap. Equipment, such as satchels and backpacks are occasionally lined with gossamer to provide an extra layer of protection for the gear inside.
When thin gossamer is made into well-fitting clothing, it provides a +1 armor bonus as though it were armor, but requires no proficiency, as it is merely clothing. These clothes, designed to be form-fitting (though typically embellished by tailors, maintain comfort under harsh conditions, never restricting movement as typical armor or hindering abilities. Gossamer often appears in black and pastel colors. It's prohibitive cost makes it often only available in larger cities. A gossamer suit is comfortably worn underneath other clothing or armor.
The armor bonus granted by a gossamer suit overlaps with other armor bonuses, such as when worn in conjunction with other armors.
A gossamer suit is donned and removed in half the time of padded armor.
When available, gossamer is purchased by the square yard in bolts, or by custom order from tailors as a finished product. A Medium creature requires 4 square yards of gossamer to make a full suit, and weighs a single pound. That amount of cloth, as well as its weight, is doubled for Large creatures (8 yards for a Large creature), and doubled again for every size after. Small creatures only need half the amount of gossamer required for Medium creatures (only 2 yards) and the number is halved again for every size smaller.
Thin Gossamer costs 100 gp per square yard.
Thin Gossamer has 5 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5.
Heavy Gossamer[edit]
Gossamer also comes in a heavy grade that is manufactured as a replacement for some leathers, with a thick, layered weave that's surprisingly supple and flexible with some stretchiness.
Heavy Gossamer carries a greater cost, but is custom made for the purpose of granting a resistance to extreme heat, wicking it away easily. When made into well-fitting clothing, it provides a +1 armor bonus as though it were armor and grants Fire Resistance 2.
Heavy Gossamer is typically available whenever thin gossamer is available, and suits from it require the same amount of fabric. However, these suits weigh twice as much, with a medium suit weighing two pounds instead of only one pound.
Heavy Gossamer costs 150 gp per square yard.
Heavy Gossamer has 6 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 6.
Colluxe Gossamer[edit]
Also known as true gossamer, colluxe gossamer is an amazing material and generally only used to make armors (which are always masterwork, included in the prices below) that would normally be made of fabric or leathers. It's comfortable, doesn't cause chafing and resists stains and wrinkles.
- Colluxe gossamer armor functions as one size lighter for the purposes of movement and limitations. Heavy armor is treated as medium and medium is treated as light. Light armor is still treated as light.
- Reduce the armor's arcane spell failure chance by 10%.
- Increase the armor's maximum Dexterity bonus by 2.
- Reduce the armor's armor check penalty by 3 (to a minimum of 0).
- Reduce the armor's weight to a quarter of its base weight.
- The armor can be donned in half the time and never requires help.
- Gain Fire Hindrance 10%. This rises to 50% when fighting defensively or using a total defense standard action.
- Functions as masterwork skill tools for Move Silently, Escape Artist and Tumble. The bonus provided by the masterwork circumstance bonus is enhanced by an additional +1 for every +1 magical enhancement bonus on the armor.
- Change the amor's hardness to 10 with 10 hp per inch of thickness.
- Check the table below for the additional cost incurred for the type of armor.
Item | Additional Cost |
Light Armor | +3,000 gp |
Medium Armor | +6,000 gp |
Heavy Armor | +11,000 gp |
Gossamer Adventuring Gear[edit]
Item | Cost | Weight |
Backpack (empty) | 200 gp | 1/2 lb.1 |
Bedroll | 100 gp | 1 lb.1 |
Blanket, winter | 240 gp | 1 lb.1 |
Pouch, belt (empty) | 20 gp | 1/8 lb.1 |
Rope, Thin (50 ft.) | 100 gp | 1 lb. |
Sack (empty) | 15 gp | 1/8 lb.1 |
Sheet, Thin (sq. yd.) | 100 gp | 1/4 lb. |
Sheet, Heavy (sq. yd.) | 150 gp | 1/2 lb. |
Tent | 400 gp | 5 lb.1 |
Origins of Gossamer[edit]
Gossamer is a natural material spun together and finely woven from a variety of exotic sources, most of which are kept as a trade secret by its manufacturers. However, it is known that several silks are used in its production, such as the silk of the firebrat. It is also believed that a fiber obtained from a rare desert earth-elemental grass that is both delicate and strong is also used in manufacturing gossamer. In addition to the base components, speculation abounds that these base components undergo a drawn-out alchemical process that binds them into one and alters their basic nature, obscuring the origins. Hats, a race of fiery earthen elemental folk are known as one of the few who know the secrets to producing this material.
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