Extended Death and Dying (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Author: Spazalicious Chaos (talk)
Date Created: June 29, 2011
Status: Rough Sketch, but play tested
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Extended Death and Dying


While death in D&D is rarely permenant, it happens suddenly and with little time for drama. Effects that don't kill you outright still limit your time left to less than a minute once you hit the negatives, thus there is little time for you to show your allies how heroic you can be up to the end. This rule is intended to allow for a more literary end to your character by extending his dying time to scale with how great he is.

Rule Mechanics[edit]

First, you have negative hit points equal to your maximum hit points. Temporary bonuses do not extend this negative range. While in these negative hit points (let's call thenm Dying Points, or DP) you can still suffer damage and take on 1 point of damage per round unless stabalized. Your options are available to you depending on how much DP you have left:

  • 100-51% DP- You are Dazed while within this range. A successful check to stabalize makes you Staggered, taking a -2 to all actions. Only move actions may be taken while Staggered, as other actions resume the Dazed condition and resume the steady damage.
  • 50-11% DP- You are Paralyzed. You can speak, but doing so doubles the rate of steady hit point loss each round while speaking more than a pained groan. Stabalizing at this point sets you to the Dazed condition, but steady hit point loss continues while Dazed.
  • 10-1% DP- You are Unconsious and at deaths door. You can no longer make rolls to stablize as your body goes into shock. A Heal check for First Aid is need to slow hit point loss to 1 per minute, but otherwise there is little others can do without magic. Successful First Aid "restores" you to the Paralyzed status, giving you the power to speak, albeit weakly and without capacity to cast spells.
  • 0% DP- You are dead at last. Hopefully you took the time to be as annoying and monologue spouting as was possible, possibly much of it revolving around how all your teammates are assholes for just standing around and watching you die.

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AuthorSpazalicious Chaos +
Identifier3.5e Variant Rule +
Rated ByAarnott +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryDeath and dying for the overly dramatic. +
TitleExtended Death and Dying +