Evolutionist (3.5e Class)/Mutations

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Mutations are split into six groups: Basic, Innate, Extraordinaire, Supernatural, Spell-like and Psi-like. All evolutionists have access to these mutations. In addition to these, there are a number of special lists of mutations accessible only to evolutionists of specific creature types or who take specific feats. Unless otherwise noted, a character can only take the same mutation up to a number of times equal to his mutator level. A character’s mutator level is equal to the sum of his levels in mutation-granting classes plus any racial hit dice or levels in racial paragon classes he might have. Mutator level also determines the power of some mutations, and whenever a mutation allows a save, the DC is 10 + half the character’s mutator level + relevant ability modifier (see the specific mutation for this).

Mutations and Appearance

Most mutations, innate mutations in particular, make a tangible and obvious change to the evolutionist’s body. In the broader aspect, the nature of the change is dictated by the mutation. Gaining a bite attack will give you prominent teeth, claws will enlarge his fingernails, tentacles will grow out of… somewhere. But as that ‘somewhere’ says, the specifics of the change are up to the evolutionist. Tentacles can grow on his back, on his waist, on his face. A bite attack can give him vampiric fangs or give him a crocodilian mouth. Natural armor can give him reptilian scales or the chitinous shell of an arthropod. The more mutations, the more prominent the changes become and the less like his original self the evolutionist will look. Don’t even get me started on teratomorphisms or type changes from Mutant Ascendancy, when those things happen, you can pretty much go wild.

Mutation Prerequisites

A number of mutations have prerequisites; some have a mutator level prerequisite while others have special abilities as prerequisites. When a mutation has a special attack or ability as a prerequisite, it can be supplied by mutations or by any other permanent means (racial abilities, class features, etc) available to the character.

Mutation Presentation

Name: The mutation’s name.

Prerequisite: The mutation’s prerequisites. Ability Score: Which Ability score governs the mutation’s save, if any.

Benefit: What the mutation does. Further Mutations: What the character gains from taking the mutation more times and how many times the mutation can be taken, if it has any unusual limits. If this entry is left empty, the mutation’s basic benefit is received once more (stacking with itself) whenever the mutation is taken. If a mutation can be taken “up to once per X mutator levels”, divide the character’s mutator level by ‘X’ and round the result up to determine how many instances of the mutation he can take.

Table 2: Mutation Limits

LVL 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
7 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
8 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
9 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
10 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1
11 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
12 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
13 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2
14 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2
15 8 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2
16 8 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
17 9 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2
18 9 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2
19 10 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2
20 10 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2


Basic Mutations are those that effect non-physical changes on the evolutionist. The evolutionist retains access to the benefits granted by these mutations even if he is not in his natural form (by alter self or similar spell effect).

Evolve Aptitude

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist chooses one skill and it becomes a class skill for him. He also gains 2 additional skill points, these need not be spent on the chosen skill. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken it applies to a different skill.

Evolve Combat Instinct

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s base attack bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +20 or his HD, whichever is lower. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to once per two mutator levels.

Evolve Fortitude

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s base fortitude save increases by +2. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per seven mutator levels, up to three times.

Evolve Racial Potential

Prerequisite: Appropriate race Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a racial feat as a bonus feat. A racial feat is a feat that has the evolutionist’s (original) race as a prerequisite. The evolutionist must also attend any other prerequisites the feat might have. This mutation cannot be used to take Mutator feats. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Evolve Reflexes

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s base reflex save increases by +2. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per seven mutator levels, up to three times.

Evolve Resilience Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None Benefit: The evolutionist gains additional hit points equal to 3 + his mutator level Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to five times.

Evolve Skills

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains 3 skill points, plus 1 additional skill point per class level. Further Mutations: Unlike other mutations, this mutation can be taken twice per mutator level. It can be taken up to six times.

Evolve Talent

Prerequisite: Mutator level 4. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a bonus feat, he must qualify for the feat taken and it may not be a mutator feat. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per six mutator levels.

Evolve Will

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s base will save bonus increases by +2. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per seven mutator levels, up to three times.


Innate mutations create obvious physical changes. Unless otherwise stated they are not considered extraordinaire, supernatural or spell-like abilities. Because these mutations rely on features of the physical form of the evolutionist they are suppressed if he is not in his natural form.

Adherent Hands

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +2 bonus on climb checks, grapple checks to hold a target and on checks to resist being disarmed. Further Mutations: If this mutation is taken at least twice, the evolutionist gains a climb speed of 5 feet per instance of the mutation taken.


Prerequisite: Mutator level 3. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a burrow speed of 10 feet or increases an existing burrow speed by 5 feet. He may choose to leave a tunnel behind him or not. Further Mutations: -


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist develops padding and the ability to change the coloration and pattern of his skin, giving him a +3 bonus on hide, move silently and disguise checks. Further Mutations: -


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains Darkvision with a range of 10 feet or increases the range of existing Darkvision by 10 feet. Further Mutations: -

Evolve Speed

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s base land speed improves by 5 feet. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.

Extend Reach

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist may extend the reach of one of his natural weapons by 5 feet, up to a maximum of twice his normal reach with that natural weapon. If applied to a natural weapon capable of wielding manufactured weapons this extra reach also applies to those, the additional threatened area of a reach weapon is calculated based on the base range of the evolutionist’s size category, not on the total threatened area granted by this mutation. Further Mutations: -

Extra Arms

Prerequisite: Mutator level 4. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist grows a pair of fully functional extra arms. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per six mutator levels.

Extra Eyes

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +2 bonus on search and spot checks. Further Mutations: If this mutation is taken at least twice, the evolutionist gains uncanny dodge. If it is taken at least six times, he gains improved uncanny dodge. Special: Acquiring this mutation at least once removes any existing natural blindness, but not magical blindness.

Fins Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +4 bonus on swim checks. Further Mutations: If this mutation is taken at least twice, the evolutionist gains a swim speed equal to his land speed + 5 feet per instance of this mutation. If this mutation is taken at least four times, the evolutionist gains the ability to breath both air and water.

Flexible Joints

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s limbs and digits can stretch and bend more than usual, giving him a +3 bonus on escape artist, sleight of hand and tumble checks. Further Mutations: -

Keen Senses

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +3 bonus on listen, search, spot and survival checks. Further Mutations: - Special: Taking this mutation at least once removes any natural deafness, anosmia, or lack of sense of touch or taste. It does not restore these senses if the loss is magical.

Natural Armor

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s natural armor increases by 2. The evolutionist may not increase his natural armor by more than his mutator level through mutations. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Natural Weapons

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains one natural weapon from the list bellow. Natural Weapon 

Type  Crit Damage dice (Medium) 

Bite* x2 1d8 Bludgeoning, Slashing and Piercing

Claw x2 1d4 Piercing and Slashing

Gore** x2 1d6 Piercing

Tail* *** x2 1d6 Bludgeoning or Piercing

Tentacle: x2*** 1d3 Bludgeoning and/or Slashing

Slam: x2 1d6 Bludgeoning

  • You can chose one bite or tail attack to be treated as a primary natural weapon in addition to any other primary natural weapons you might have. These natural weapons are also are treated as two-handed weapons by power attack and similar feats or abilities.
    • A gore attack deals double damage when used on a charge.
      • A piercing tail is effectively a stinger. An evolutionist can use his tail for trip attacks.
        • Tentacles have twice the normal reach for the evolutionist’s size. When the mutation is taken, the evolutionist can chose the damage type of the tentacles from the choices given.

If the evolutionist has more than one natural weapon, he must decide which is the primary and which are the secondary ones upon taking the mutations, that choice can be changed whenever the evolutionist gains new mutations. If the evolutionist has multiple sets of the same natural weapon, only one group (one bite, one pair of claws, etc) can be the primary. The evolutionist can have up to one bite and gore per head, one tail, four tentacles, and up to one claw or slam per arm (any combination of these, but no more than one of each per limb), if he chooses to, he may evolve only one claw, tentacle or slam instead of a pair, but each still costs a mutation. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken the evolutionist can chose to improve the damage of one group of existing natural weapon by one step or gain a new natural weapon from the table. This mutation can be taken up to once per two mutator levels.

Nimble Form

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +1 bonus on all dexterity based checks and skill checks and his dexterity increases by 1. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to once per three mutator levels. Special: Unlike other innate mutations, Nimble Form is not suppressed when the evolutionist is not in his natural shape.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist develops the ability to emit pheromones that subtly affect those nearby, giving him a +3 bonus on bluff, diplomacy, intimidate and sense motive checks. Further Mutations: -

Powerful Form

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +1 bonus on all strength based checks and skill checks and his strength increases by 1. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to once per three mutator levels. Special: Unlike other innate mutations, Powerful Form is not suppressed when the evolutionist is not in his natural shape.

Resilient Form

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +1 bonus on all constitution based checks and skill checks and his constitution increases by 1. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to once per three mutator levels. Special: Hit points gained from the constitution granted by this mutation are not lost when the evolutionist changes shapes (as usual for such effects). Unlike other innate mutations, Resilient Form is not suppressed when the evolutionist is not in his natural shape.

Superior Cognizance

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +1 bonus on all intelligence based checks and skill checks and his intelligence increases by 1. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to once per three mutator levels. Special: Unlike other innate mutations, Superior Cognizance is not suppressed when the evolutionist is not in his natural shape.

Superior Grace

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +1 bonus on all charisma based checks and skill checks and his charisma increases by 1. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to once per three mutator levels. Special: Unlike other innate mutations, Superior Grace is not suppressed when the evolutionist is not in his natural shape.

Superior Instinct

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +1 bonus on all wisdom based checks and skill checks and his wisdom increases by 1. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to once per three mutator levels. Special: Unlike other innate mutations, Superior Instinct is not suppressed when the evolutionist is not in his natural shape.

Vestigial Wings Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None Benefit: The evolutionist grows non-functional wings, these give him a +4 bonus on all jump checks and increase any fly speed he has by 5 feet. Further Mutations: In addition to the basic benefit, each two instances of this mutation improves the maneuverability of the character by one step.


Augmented Critical

Prerequisite: Any natural weapon. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist chooses one of his natural weapons and increases its threat range or its critical multiplier by one. No single natural weapon can have a critical range higher than 18-20 or a multiplier higher than x4. The effects of this mutation do not stack with the Keen enchantment or the Improved Critical feat. Further Mutations: -


Prerequisite: Quills, Spines. Ability Score: Dexterity

Benefit: On a failed reflex save, the evolutionist's spine attacks lodge onto the flesh of his opponents just like quills do, imposing the same penalties and following the same rules for removal. Furthermore, the damage dice for the evolutionist's spines increases by one step. Further Mutations: Every time this mutation is taken, the damage dice of the evolutionist's spines increases by one step. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Slam natural attack. Ability Score: None

Benefit: As a full-round action, the evolutionist can deliver a massive blow to one target, dealing twice the damage of his slam attack. Bashing counts as the slam attack on which it is based and also as a two-handed attack. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the damage multiplier of the bash attack increases by 2 (x4, x6…). This mutation can be taken once per six mutator levels.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains Blindsense with a range of 10 feet. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Improved Grab Ability Score: None

Benefit: Chose one natural weapon the evolutionist has improved grab with. Whenever he wins a grapple check, he deals damage equal to that of the natural weapon being used in the grapple. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, a new natural weapon can receive the constrict ability. Special: If you use constrict with a tail natural weapon, it deals double damage.


Prerequisite: Large size or larger. Ability Score: Strength

Benefit: The evolutionist can jump (or drop if he is capable of flying) on top of opponents at least one size category smaller than him as a standard action, using his whole body to crush them. A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under the evolutionist’s body. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the evolutionist moves off them. If the evolutionist chooses to maintain the pin, it is treated as a normal grapple attack (but multiple opponents can be kept pinned in this way with no penalty). Pinned opponents take damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape. A crush attack deals the same damage as the evolutionist’s Slam attack. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.

Damage Reduction

Prerequisite: Mutator level 4. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains damage reduction 3/Magic. Or increases an existing damage reduction (that is defeated by magic) by 3. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels. Special: If the evolutionist has access to the Construct mutation list, this mutation may be used to improve damage reduction that is defeated by special materials. If the evolutionist has access to the Plant mutation list, this mutation may be used to improve damage reduction that is defeated by specific types of damage. If the evolutionist has access to the Outsider mutation list, this mutation may be used to improve damage reduction that is defeated by aligned attacks. If the evolutionist has damage reduction that is defeated by two or more methods (concurrently or alternatively), he may improve that damage reduction as long as he has access to at least one of the improvement methods listed in this mutation.


Prerequisite: Any natural weapon, Mutator level 5. Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist incubates a mundane disease within his body, gaining immunity to its effects and delivering it through his natural attacks. Diseases delivered through injury can be delivered through piercing or slashing attacks, and contact diseases can be delivered through any natural attacks. The save DC for any diseases you deliver is equal to the DC for mutations, not the normal DC for the disease. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can choose a new disease to incubate and become immune to. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.

Energy Resistance

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: Chose one type of elemental damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic), the evolutionist gains resistance 5 to the chosen form of damage or increases an existing resistance by 5. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can either gain resistance to a new element or increase an existing resistance by 5. If the evolutionist increases any of his elemental resistances to 25, he gains immunity to that form of damage.

Fast Healing

Prerequisite: Mutator level 4. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains fast healing 1 or increases an existing fast healing by 1. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once for every four mutator levels.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None.

Benefit: The evolutionist can continue to act normally while at zero hit points or less. For every five hit points he is missing below zero, he gains a cumulative +1 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and will saves. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is take past the first increases the evolutionist’s negative hit point threshold by another 10 points. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Frightful Presence Prerequisite: Mutator level 4. Ability Score: Charisma Benefit: Whenever the evolutionist critically hits, performs a charge or uses a special ability, all enemies within 60 ft are forced to make a will save or become frightened for 1 round. Once a creature has successfully saved against this ability it gains immunity to it for 24 hours. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the duration of the paralysis increases by 1 round. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Improved Grab, Quills, Mutator level 3. Ability Score: None

Benefit: Whenever the evolutionist initiates a grapple with a target at least two size categories smaller than him, he may attempt to impale his opponent on his quills. Attempting to impale an opponent is a free action that can be taken immediately after winning a grapple check against the victim, forcing a second grapple check, if the evolutionist wins, the target is impaled on his quills. As long as the evolutionist’s grappled opponent is impaled, he is not considered to be in a grapple himself, he may have one impaled opponent at any given time An impaled victim takes damage from the evolutionist’s quills at the end of every round it remains impaled. Further Mutations: For each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist may impale one additional opponent on his quills. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Improved Grab

Prerequisite: Any natural attack. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist chooses one type of natural weapon he has. Whenever the evolutionist hits a creature at least one size category smaller than him with that weapon, he can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required. The evolutionist has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of his body he used in the improved grab to hold the opponent. If he chooses to do the latter, he takes a -20 penalty on grapple checks and may not used that natural weapon to attack, but is not considered grappled himself; the evolutionist does not lose his Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and can use his remaining attacks against other opponents. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, it applies to a different natural weapon.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: While underwater, the evolutionist can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet high by 10 feet wide by 10 feet long once per minute as a free action. The dimensions of this cloud increase by 10 for every size category above medium. The cloud provides total concealment. All vision within the cloud is obscured. The cloud lasts for one minute, half that in moving water, or one round in turbulent waters. This mutation can be used while not underwater, as a swift action, as a ranged touch attack with a range increment equal to the dimensions of the cloud (10 feet for a medium evolutionist), the target is blinded until he takes a standard action to clean the ink from his eyes. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the dimensions of the cloud increase by 10 feet and the time the evolutionist must wait between uses is reduced by one round (to a minimum of one round). This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: As a full-round action, the evolutionist can move up to five times his land speed in a straight line, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels, increasing the movement speed multiplier by two each time it is taken.

Maul Prerequisite: Bash. Ability Score: Strength

Benefit: The target of the evolutionist’s bash must make a fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. The save DC is increased by 1 for each time the bash mutation has been taken. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the stun duration increases by 1 round. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Bite natural weapon, mutator level 7. Ability Score: Strength

Benefit: The evolutionist’s bite causes grievous wounds and can ever tear off limbs from his target. As a swift action, after successfully delivering a bite attack to his target or whenever he scores a critical hit with a bite attack (without need for a swift action), the evolutionist can trash and rend at his opponent’s flesh. The evolutionist’s target must succeed on a fortitude save or the evolutionist damages one of his arms or legs (of the evolutionist’s choice) to the point of inutility. An inutilized arm cannot be used to wield a weapon, shield or material components, nor can it be used for anything else, an inutilized leg halves the target’s movement speed, prevents him from running or charging and requires a DC 5 balance check each round (and whenever the victim suffers an attack) to keep standing, a creature with both legs inutilized cannot move except by crawling up to 5 feet as a standard action. Furthermore, even if the victim succeeds its save, the wound bleeds profusely, dealing 1 point of damage on each round, the bleed damage from multiple wounds stacks. Inutilized arms and legs can be restored with a Regeneration spell and similar effects and abilities. The bleeding caused by this ability can be stopped by any healing spell. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the bleed damage from the wound increases by 1 per round. This ability can be taken once per four mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Any natural attack. Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist chooses one type of natural weapon he has that deals piercing or slashing damage. Attacks with that natural weapon inflict their victim with poison, dealing 1d3 points of damage to one ability score chosen at the time the mutation is taken, this is both the primary and secondary damage of the evolutionist’s poison. A fortitude save prevents the evolutionist's poison from dealing any damage. Further Mutations: The evolutionist has three choices when taking additional instances of this mutation: Choose a new natural weapon to add poison to. Increase the damage of all existing poison that affect one ability score by one step. Add an additional type of ability damage to the poison of one of his natural weapons. This mutation can be taken up to once per three mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Two natural weapons, mutator level 5. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can make a full attack at the end of a charge. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.


Prerequisite: Any natural attack. Ability Score: Strength

Benefit: The evolutionist grows long quills over his body. When a creature attacks the evolutionist with a natural or handheld weapon, or makes a touch attack (even with a beneficial spell), 1d4 quills automatically strike it, dealing 1 point of piercing damage each. Also, any creature that suffers this damage must make a reflex save, or the quill breaks and lodges in her flesh. A lodged quill imposes a -1 penalty on attacks, saves and skill checks, these penalties stack. Removing the quill requires a DC 14 Heal check and doing so deals another 1d4 points of damage. Once per round, as a free action, the evolutionist can chose to expose or retract her quills (creatures touching or attacking the evolutionist while the quills are retracted don’t have to worry about them). Quills are considered natural weapons. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the number of quills that strike an attacker increases by one step (to 1d6 for the second mutation) and the DC on the heal check to remove a quill increases by +2. This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Claws natural attack. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains two rake attacks as secondary natural weapons dealing the same damage as his claws. Rakes can be used at no penalty during grapples, but can only be used when grappling or pouncing. Rakes benefit from any other mutations applied to the evolutionist’s claws and are considered secondary natural weapons. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken up to once per seven mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Any pair of slashing or piercing natural attacks (claws, pincers, tentacles, etc). Ability Score: None

Benefit: When the evolutionist hits an opponent with both natural attacks of a pair, he automatically deals extra damage equal to the twice the damage of the natural weapons used. This mutation only applies to one pair of natural weapons each time it is taken, even if the evolutionist has more than two of the chosen attack. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, it applies to another pair of natural weapons.

Rock Catching

Prerequisite: Rock Throwing Ability Score: None

Benefit: Once per round, the evolutionist can try to catch a projectile attack aimed at him if the projectile has up to the weight he could throw with Rock Throwing (so, arrows, javellins, catapult shots, etc). To do so, he must make an attack roll as a free action, if the result of this attack roll is greater than that of the attacker, the evolutionist may catch the projectile in his hand. This ability cannot be used to catch energy attacks. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist gains the ability to catch one additional attack per round. This mutation can be taken up to once per four mutator levels.

Rock Throwing

Prerequisite: Slam natural attack Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can hurl substantially large and heavy objects (such as rocks), weighting up to one quarter of his light load with a range increment of 30 ft. these attacks deal damage equal to that of the evolutionist’s slam attack and benefit from any effects that would modify it, as well as any effecta that would benefit attacks with thrown weapons. Each size category the evolutionist has above medium increases the range increment of his rock throwing by 10 ft. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with objects thrown with this ability. This mutation can be taken up to once per three mutator levels. Special: This ability can be used to make iterative attacks. Objects meant to be thrown with this ability may be enchanted as magic weapons.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains scent and a +2 bonus on search and survival checks when using scent. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first increases the evolutionist’s bonus on search and survival checks when using scent by 2. Special: Taking this mutation once removes mundane anosmia, but not magical anosmia.


Prerequisite: Elemental Resistance, Mutator level 3. Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist’s body produces a destructive substance that deals damage to anything that touches it. Any creature that successfully hits the evolutionist with a natural attack suffers 2d6 points of energy damage (chosen at the time this mutation is taken, from among the energy types the evolutionist has resistance to), any manufactured weapon that strikes the evolutionist takes this same damage, any creature that grapples or is grappled by the evolutionist also takes this damage once per round on his turn. A reflex save halves this damage. The evolutionist can stop producing the slime as a free action and resume producing it as a free action as well. The slime does not discriminate between objects and creatures, and it will harm the evolutionist’s gear if it is not properly protected. The evolutionist himself can protect his equipment against his own slime in a process that takes one minute per item and lasts for 24 hours. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the damage done by the slime increases by 2d6. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Spell Resistance

Prerequisite: Mutator level 5 Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains Spell Resistance 10 or increases any existing spell resistance by 5. Further Mutations: You can take this mutation once per four mutator levels.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can use the spines on his body as ranged weapons. Spines have the following statistics:

Damage (medium): 1d6

Critical: 20/x2

Range Increment: 60gy

Firing a volley of spines is a standard action, and each volley can have a number of spines equal to the number of times this mutation was taken, each spine requires its own attack roll. The spines granted by this mutation are considered natural weapons and thrown weapons, but only gain bonus damage equal to half the evolutionist’s strength modifier. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can shoot one additional spine with each volley. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None.

Benefit: Once per hour, the evolutionist can move ten times its normal speed when he makes a charge. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the wait time between uses i s reduced by 10 minutes, to a minimum of once per minute.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: As a swift action, the evolutionist can release a foul-smelling substance that fills an area of 30 feet around him with a disgusting smell. Every creature with a sense of smell within that radius (or twice that radius for creatures with scent) must make a fortitude save or be sickened for 10 rounds. Any one creature can only be affected by the evolutionist’s stench once per day. After it is activated, this ability remains active until deactivated. Deactivating this ability requires a swift action. Further Mutations: Each mutation after the first increases the radius of the stench by 10 feet. If this mutation is taken at least six times, creatures within half the maximum radius that fail their saves are nauseated instead. This mutation can only be taken once per two mutator levels.

Swallow Whole

Prerequisite: Mutator level 5, Improved Grab related to a bite natural attack, Large size of larger. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can swallow a grabbed opponent at least two size categories smaller than him by making a successful grapple check. A swallowed creature takes 1d8+4 points of bludgeoning damage plus 4 points of acid damage each round from the evolutionist’s gizzard, for each size category the evolutionist has above large, this damage increases by 1d8+4 bludgeoning and 4 acid. A swallowed opponent can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 20 (+5 damage per size category above large) points of damage to the gizzard (AC 10 + half the evolutionist’s natural armor). Once the opponent exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The gizzard of a large evolutionist can hold up to 1 small, 4 tiny, 16 diminutive or 64 fine or smaller opponents. Each size category above large quadruples these values (the evolutionist can hold one creature two size categories smaller than himself. Should he desire to, the evolutionist can vomit the contents of his stomach as a full round action. Further Mutations: Each time after the first that this mutation is taken the damage dealt by the evolutionist’s gizzard increases by 1d8+4 and the acid damage by 4. In addition, the gizzard can hold one additional creature two size categories smaller than him (or an appropriate number of smaller creatures), should the evolutionist be able to swallow four creatures two size categories smaller than him, he gains the ability to swallow one creature one size category smaller than his. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels. Special: If the evolutionist has energy damage tied to his bite attack or a breath weapon dealing energy damage, he can chose for creatures in his stomach to be dealt that kind of damage instead of acid upon taking this mutation. Also, if the evolutionist has at least one instance of the Amorphous Body teratomorphism, he may use this mutation in conjunction with any natural weapon (not only a bite) in order to engulf his target.

Tail Sweep

Prerequisite: Tail natural weapon, mutator level 3. Ability Score: None

Benefit: As a standard action, the evolutionist can make a tail attack using a single attack roll and a single damage roll against all enemies in a cone with a length equal to his reach with his tail. As a full round action, he can make one tail attack against every opponent within reach using the same attack roll and damage roll. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels. Each time it is taken after the first allows the evolutionist to make one additional attack against all targets in range with each tail sweep.


Prerequisite: Large size or larger Ability Score: Strength

Benefit: The evolutionist can trample any opponent at least one size category smaller than him through whose space he moves. Any creature whose space is completely covered by the evolutionist’s space is subject to the trample attack. If a target’s space is larger than 5 feet, it is only considered trampled if the evolutionist moves over all the squares it occupies, if he moves over only some of a target’s space, the target can make an attack of opportunity against the evolutionist at a -4 penalty. If the evolutionist accidentally ends his movement in an illegal space he returns to the last legal position he occupied, or the closest legal position, if there’s a legal position that’s closer. A trample attack deals bludgeoning damage equal to the evolutionist’s Slam damage and also allows him to attempt to overrun the trampled opponent as a free action. Trampled opponents can attempt attacks of opportunity, but these take a -4 penalty. If they do not make attacks of opportunity, trampled opponents can attempt Reflex saves to take half damage. The evolutionist can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round; no matter how many times his movement takes him over a target creature. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist can spin webs a number of times per day equal to 3 + his constitution modifier. The web works as an attack with a net, but with a maximum range of 50 feet and no range increment, and is effective against targets up to one size category larger than the evolutionist. The web entangles and anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature can escape the web by succeeding on a Escape Artist check with the same DC as the normal save for mutations or burst the web with a Strength check against the same DC +4. The web has 6 hit points, hardness 5, and takes double damage from fire. The evolutionist can also create sheets of sticky webbing. They can position these to snare flying creatures or try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web, or they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot-square section has 6 hit points, hardness 5, and takes double damage from fire. Used this way, the web can cover a radius of 5 feet for every three class levels for each use of web, preparing these traps takes one minute. The evolutionist can move across his own sheet of web as if it had a climb speed of 20 feet and can determine the exact location of any creature touching the web as long as he is contact with it. After 24 hours, any existing web hardens and loses its stickiness. The hardened web becomes brittle, which reduces the difficulty of escaping the web with an escape artist check or bursting the web with a strength check to 10. After 48 hours the web turns to dust. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist gains 3 additional daily uses of web. For every two instances of this mutation taken, all DCs to escape the web increase by 1.


Breath Weapon

Prerequisite: Elemental resistance. Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist can breathe out an area elemental attack as a standard action. This attack deals 1d6 points of damage per mutator level (max: 10d6) to all creatures in a cone or in a line (the area is chosen upon taking the mutation) in front of the evolutionist, a reflex save halves the damage dealt. A cone breath has a length of the 10 ft., plus 5 ft. per two mutator levels, a line has a length of 20 ft, plus 5 ft. per mutator level. Once the evolutionist uses his breath weapon, he must wait five rounds before using it again. For each size category the evolutionist has above medium, the length of a cone increases by 20 feet and the length of a line increases by 30 feet. The breath weapon’s damage type must be one the evolutionist has resistance or immunity to, and is chosen at the moment the mutation is taken. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist can chose to gain a new, separate breath weapon (with its own cooldown), the evolutionist cannot have more than one breath weapon of any one damage type. The evolutionist may also choose to increase the maximum damage of one existing breath weapon by 10d6 or reduce the cooldown of one existing breath weapon by one round, to a minimum of two rounds.

Captivating Song

Prerequisite: Mutator level 7. Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: When the evolutionist sings, all creatures within a 100-foot spread must succeed on a Will save or become captivated. This is a sonic mind-affecting charm effect. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same evolutionist’s song for 24 hours. Like a bard’s music, starting to sing is a standard action, and continuing the songs afterwards requires concentration. A captivated victim walks toward the evolutionist, taking the most direct route available. If the path leads into a dangerous area (through flame, off a cliff, or the like), that creature gets a second saving throw. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to defend themselves. (Thus, a fighter cannot run away or attack but takes no defensive penalties.) A victim within 5 feet of the evolutionist stands there and offers no resistance to his attacks. The effect continues for as long as the evolutionist sings and for 1 round thereafter. A bard’s countersong ability allows the captivated creature to attempt a new Will save. Further Mutations: Each mutation after the first increases the radius of the effect by 100 feet. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Change Shape

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can change shape as a standard action, suppressing his innate, extraordinaire and supernatural mutations and teratomorphisms and returning to his original form, this ability cannot be used to assume the form of a different creature. The evolutionist also gains the shapechanger subtype. True seeing effects show the evolutionist’s form with his mutations and teratomorphisms as his true form, and he reverts to his true form upon death. The evolutionist retains the benefits of his basic, spell-like and psi-like mutations, as well as the use of this mutation. This mutation has no effect on any gear you may be wearing when you change shape, evolutionists are advised to keep clothes appropriate for their different size categories if modesty is of any concern to them. Further Mutations: If this mutation is taken a second time, the evolutionist may use it to take the appearance of other members of his original creature type (usually humanoids). When using this ability to disguise himself as a specific individual, the evolutionist gains a +10 bonus on the check. This mutation can be taken up to once per four mutator levels, but no more than twice.


Prerequisite: - Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: The evolutionist can attempt to charm a creature of any type within 100 ft. as a standard action. This effect works exactly like the Charm Person spell, except for its range, save DC and possible targets. The charm lasts for 24 hours. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, its duration increases by 24 hours.

Dimension Door

Prerequisite: Mutator level 6. Ability Score: None

Benefit: As a standard action the evolutionist can teleport a distance of 50 feet + 5 feet per 2 mutator levels. This ability can be used once every 5 rounds. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels. For each instance of this mutation taken after the first the evolutionist reduces the wait time between uses by 1 round. If he takes this mutation three times, it can be used as a move action, if it is taken 5 times, it can be used as a swift action.


Prerequisite: Charm (any ability that mimics the Charm Person spell), mutator level 11. Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: The evolutionist can attempt to dominate a creature within 100 feet as per the Dominate Person spell, with the following differences, the creature may be of any type and the effect lasts for 24 hours. If a creature successfully saves against this effect, it cannot be targeted by it again for 24 hours. The evolutionist may only have one dominated creature at any one time. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist can have an additional dominated target at any one time and the duration of the domination increases by 24 hours. This mutation can be taken once per six mutator levels.

Elemental Attack

Prerequisite: Any natural weapon, Elemental resistance. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist may choose one type of natural weapon he has, all attacks made with that natural weapon deal an extra 1d6 points of damage of an energy type of the evolutionist’s choice. The evolutionist must have resistance or immunity to the energy type chosen. This ability can be deactivated or activated as a free action at any time. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can add another 1d6 damage of an energy type to which he has resistance to any one of his natural weapons (including the same energy type to the same natural weapon, stacking its effects). This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.

Elemental Lance

Prerequisite: Elemental Attack. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can fire a bolt of elemental energy against a target within 60 feet as a ranged touch attack, dealing 1d6 damage for every two mutator levels (for a minimum of 1d6 damage). The elemental lance can deal damage of any type which the evolutionist has an elemental attack mutation, and it deals extra damage equal to the highest elemental attack that matches it (if the evolutionist has applied elemental attack to multiple separate natural weapons, only the highest total damage applies. Using Elemental Lance is a ranged attack action which provokes attacks of opportunity. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can fire an extra elemental lance as part of a full attack, and the range of elemental lance increases by 20 feet. All iterative attacks with elemental lances use the evolutionist's highest attack bonus. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.

Elemental Nimbus

Prerequisite: Elemental resistance, Mutator level 3. Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist can engulf himself in violent energies that deal damage to any creatures within 5 ft. of him. The energy type of the nimbus must be one to which the evolutionist has resistance or immunity and once selected it cannot be changed. Activating the elemental nimbus is a standard action, and sustaining it afterwards is a swift action that must be taken once per turn, the nimbus deals 1d6 points of damage per two mutator levels. The evolutionist does not take damage from his own elemental nimbus. A reflex save halves this damage. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist gains the ability to create a nimbus dealing a different kind of energy damage. Only one elemental nimbus can be active at any one time.

Ethereal Step

Prerequisite: Mutator level 8. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can become ethereal for up to one round as a swift action, he may return to the material plane (or whichever plane he was in) as a free action. After using this ability the evolutionist must wait five turns before he can use it again. Further Mutations: Every time this mutation is taken the evolutionist can stay in the ethereal plane for one additional round. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Mutator level 5, Eyes (as in, functional eyes, not a specific mutation or anything of the like). Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: This mutation gives the evolutionist a gaze attack that inflicts all potential targets in a 60 feet cone with a special condition of the evolutionist’s choice, taken when the ability is chosen. Activating a gaze attack is a swift action and it can be used once every five rounds, the effect of the gaze lasts 1d4 rounds and can be negated with a will save. If a creature successfully saves against this mutation, it becomes immune to that particular gaze for the duration of the encounter. Potential status effects that can be inflicted through this ability are:





Fatigued (the mutation can be taken twice to expand this to exhausted)


Frightened (this does not stack with other fear effects, but the mutation can be taken twice to expand this to panicked)

Stunned Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can chose a different gaze or he can reduce the cooldown on an existing gaze by one round, to a minimum of one round. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.


Prerequisite: Mutator level 5, Voice (the ability to produce sound through a mouth, not necessarily intelligible speech). Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: This mutation gives the evolutionist a sonic howl attack that inflicts all creatures within a radius of 30 feet that hear it with a special condition of the evolutionist’s choice, taken when the ability is chosen. Activating a howl attack is a swift action and it can be used once every five rounds, the effect of the howl lasts 1d4 rounds and can be negated with a fortitude save. If a creature successfully saves against this mutation, it becomes immune to that particular howl for the duration of the encounter. Potential status effects that can be inflicted through this ability are:

Confused Dazed



Fatigued (the mutation can be taken twice to expand this to exhausted)

Frightened (this does not stack with other fear effects, but the mutation can be taken twice to expand this to panicked)


Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can chose a different howl or he can reduce the cooldown on an existing howl by one round, to a minimum of one round. This mutation can be take once per three mutator levels.

Natural Invisibility

Prerequisite: Mutator level 5 Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can become invisible as the spell as a standard action, this effect lasts until any effects that would terminate invisibility occur or until it is dismissed, whichever comes first. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per six mutator levels. The second time it is taken, the evolutionist’s invisibility cannot be fully pierced by See Invisibility, which reveals only a blurred outline that still gives him concealment with a 10% miss chance, plus an additional 10% miss chance for each instance of this mutation, only True Seeing and similar effects can fully detect him. The third time it is taken, its effect improves to match that of Greater Invisibility. The fourth time this is taken, this ability becomes extraordinaire in nature.


Prerequisite: Any natural weapon, Mutator level 5. Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist may choose one of his natural weapons. The chosen weapon inflicts paralysis on its target whenever it successfully confirms a critical threat. This paralysis lasts for 1 round and can be negated by a successful fortitude save. Multiple paralyses do not stack, only the longer effect takes hold. Further Mutations: Whenever this mutation is taken, a new natural weapon can be given the ability or the duration of the paralysis of an existing natural weapon can be increased by one round. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.

Warped Visage

Prerequisite: Mutator level 4. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains protection against attacks directed against him in the form of a 10% miss chance. This mutation stacks with itself but not with other sources of miss chance, only the highest applies. A True Seeing effect allows the user to see the evolutionist's position, but See Invisibility has no effect. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels. Miss chances can never exceed 50%.


Arcane capacity

Prerequisite: Any spell-like ability Ability Score: None

Benefit: Chose one spell-like ability you have, the daily uses available to that spell-like ability increases by one. If a spell-like ability would be useable seven times per day, it can be used at-will instead. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken you can increase the daily uses of one of your spell-like abilities by one.

Arcane Enhancement

Prerequisite: Any spell-like ability Ability Score: None

Benefit: The caster level for your spell-like abilities increases by 2, up to a maximum of your mutator level. Further Mutations: -

Detect Magic

Prerequisite: Any spell-like ability or the ability to cast spells. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can use Detect Magic as a spell-like ability at-will. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist requires one less round of concentration on a specific area to gain information (with two mutations he gains two rounds worth of information on the first round). This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.

Disrupt Magic

Prerequisite: Detect Magic, Mutator level 5. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can use dispel magic as a spell-like ability at-will, with a caster level equal to that of his spell-like abilities. Unlike the normal dispel magic spell, the maximum bonus to dispel checks is up to his mutator level. Further Mutations: There is no point in taking this mutation more than once.

Spell Absorption

Prerequisite: Spell Resistance Ability Score: None

Benefit: Whenever the evolutionist’s spell resistance blocks a spell, he may absorb the magic and heal 2 hit points per spell level absorbed as an immediate action. Further Mutations: The evolutionist heals 2 additional hit points per spell level absorbed for each instance of this mutation after the first.

Spell-like Abilities

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a single spell as spell-like ability chosen from the sorcerer/wizard or druid lists. The maximum spell level and number of times it can be used per day are as shown on the following table. These daily uses scale with the evolutionist's mutator level after the spell-like ability is taken.

Level 	 0 	 1	 2	 3 	 4	 5 	 6  
1	 3	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -
2	 3	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -
3	 3	 3	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -
4	 3	 3	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -
5	 4	 3	 3	 -	 -	 -	 -
6	 4	 3	 3	 -	 -	 -	 -
7	 4	 4	 3	 3	 -	 -	 -
8	 4	 4	 3	 3	 -	 -	 -
9	 5	 4	 4	 3	 3	 -	 -
10	 5	 4	 4	 3	 3	 -	 -
11	 5	 5	 4	 4	 3	 3	 -
12	 5	 5	 4	 4	 3	 3	 -
13	 6	 5	 5	 4	 4	 3	 3
14	 6	 5	 5	 4	 4	 3	 3
15	 6	 6	 5	 5	 4	 4	 3
16	 6	 6	 5	 5	 4	 4	 3
17	 A	 6	 6	 5	 5	 4	 4
18	 A	 6	 6	 5	 5	 4	 4
19	 A	 A 	 6	 6	 5	 5	 4
20	 A	 A	 6	 6	 5	 5	 4

Unlike normal spell-like abilities, the ones acquired through this mutation retain any experience cost they might have. If the spell-like ability has an expensive material cost, that must be supplied, or a cost of 1 exp for every 5 gold pieces of the material component must be spent. Spell-like abilities never require foci. Further Mutations: -

Spell Reversal Prerequisite: Spell Resistance Ability Score: None

Benefit: Whenever the evolutionist’s spell resistance blocks a spell, he may use an immediate action to turn the spell back against the caster. This effect only works against spells of 1st level or lower. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken the maximum level of spells that can be turned increases by 1. This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.


Detect Psionics Prerequisite: Any psi-like ability or the ability to manifest psionic powers. Ability Score: None Benefit: You can use Detect Psionics as a psi-like ability at-will. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist requires one less round of concentration on a specific area to gain information (with two mutations he gains two rounds worth of information on the first round). This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.

Disrupt Psionics

Prerequisite: Detect Psionics, Mutator level 5. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can use dispel psionics as a psi-like ability at-will, with a manifester level equal to that of his psi-like abilities. Unlike the normal dispel psionics power, the maximum bonus to dispel check can be up to the evolutionist’s mutator level. Further Mutations: This is a one-point wonder.

Detect Thoughts

Prerequisite: Detect Psionics, mutator level 3rd. Ability Score: Int

Benefit: The evolutionist may use Read Thoughts as a psi-like ability at will. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first gives one of the following benefits (chosen upon taking the mutation, the evolutionist may not take the same benefit twice):

Widened Area: The area of the ability increases to a 120 ft. cone. Free Reading: You no longer need to concentrate to use the power.

Mental Resistance: You are not stunned when you try to read the thoughts of a creature that is too intelligent (see Read Thoughts power), but you cannot read the thoughts of such creatures.

Pierce Barriers: The ability can penetrate barriers twice as thick as the power usually allows. This mutation cannot be taken more than five times.

Mind Blast

Prerequisite: Detect Psionics, mutator level 6th. Ability Score: Int

Benefit: The evolutionist may release a mind blast as a standard action. The Mind Blast is a 30 feet cone that stuns any creature caught inside its area for 1d4 rounds. A successful will save negates this effect. Mind blast can be used once per five turns. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist gains one of the following benefits, chosen upon taking the mutation:

The duration of the stun effect increases by 1d4 rounds.

The range of the cone increases by 10 feet.

The mind blast gains the ability to daze creatures that are immune to stunning (this effect can only be taken once).

This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Psi-like Abilities

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: Int.

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a single power as psi-like ability chosen from the psion/wilder list. The maximum level power and number of times it can be used per day are as shown on the following table. These daily uses scale with the evolutionist's mutator level after the spell-like ability is taken.

Level 	1 	2 	3 	4	5  	6  
1	3	-	-	-	-	-
2	3	-	-	-	-	-
3	3	-	-	-	-	-
4	3	3	-	-	-	-
5	4	3	-	-	-	-
6	4	3	-	-	-	-
7	4	3	3	-	-	-
8	4	4	3	-	-	-
9	5	4	3	-	-	-
10	5	4	3	3	-	-
11	5	4	4	3	-	-
12	5	5	4	3	-	-
13	6	5	4	3	3	-
14	6	5	4	4	3	-
15	6	5	5	4	3	-
16	6	6	5	4	3	3
17	A	6	5	4	4	3
18	A	6	5	5	4	3
19	A	6	6	5	4	3
20	A	A	6	5	4	4

Unlike normal psi-like abilities, the ones acquired through this mutation retain any experience cost they might have. If the psi-like ability has an expensive material cost, that must be supplied, or a cost of 1 exp for every 5 gold pieces of the material component must be spent. Psi-like abilities never require foci. If a power would be gained at a level with a manifester level lower than the normal minimum required by the power, it is treated as if the minimum ammount of power points had been spent on it (all variables dependant on manifester level use the evolutionist's manifester level. Further Mutations: -

Psychic Capacity

Prerequisite: Any psi-like ability. Ability Score: None

Benefit: Chose one psi-like ability you have, the daily uses available to that psi-like ability increases by one. If a psi-like ability would be useable seven times per day, it can be used at-will instead. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken you can increase the daily uses of one of your psi-like abilities by one.

Psychic Enhancement

Prerequisite: Any psi-like ability. Ability Score: None.

Benefit: The manifester level for the evolutionist’s psi-like abilities increases by 2, up to a maximum of your mutator level. Further Mutations: -


Prerequisite: Any psi-like ability or spell-like ability or the ability to manifest psionic powers. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains telepathy with a range of 30 feet or increases the range of existing telepathy by 20 feet. He may communicate with any creature that has a language. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first increases the range of the evolutionist’s telepathy by 20 feet. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.


Arcane Container [Spell-like]

Prerequisite: Spell resistance, Mutator level 2. Ability Score: None

Benefit: When a spell fails to overcome the evolutionist’s spell resistance he may, as an immediate action, absorb the spell and store it to use himself at a later time. The evolutionist can store only a single spell at a time and may only absorb spells of up to 1st level. The spell remains stored until the evolutionist uses it. He may lose the spell as a free action in order to open space for a different spell if he wishes. Using the stored spell is a standard action, the spell is treated as if cast by the original caster in all aspects (caster level, save DC, etc) other than target and origin, the origin being the evolutionist and the target being set by the evolutionist. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist may contain spells one level higher than 1st. This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.

Force Barrier [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: As a standard action, the evolutionist can project a barrier of solid force that floats independently of his movements. This works as a shield, providing a +2 shield bonus to armor class that also applies to incorporeal touch attacks. This mutation imposes no armor penalty or arcane spell failure. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the shield bonus granted increases by +2. If this mutation is taken at least twice, it can be used to provide cover following the same rules as a Tower Shield. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Force Sheath [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 4. Ability Score: None

Benefit: As a swift action, the evolutionist can engulf any natural or manufactured weapon in a layer of force. Any weapon under the effects of this ability deals additional damage equal to ¼ of the evolutionist’s mutator level and can strike incorporeal and ethereal creatures as if it were a force effect. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the force damage dealt increases by ¼ of the evolutionist’s mutator level. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.

Hardened Body [Basic]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 2. Ability Score: None Benefit: The evolutionist gains 1 additional hit point per mutator level. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Integrated Arsenal [Innate]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 2, Proficiency with the chosen weapon. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist develops one masterwork version of a manufactured weapon of his choice as an integral part of his anatomy (but it is not a natural weapon), if the chosen weapon is a ranged weapon, he may create common ammunition for it out of his own body at will (reloading still follows the same rules, however), but is also capable of employing any special ammunition he acquires should he wish to. The integrated weapon can be treated as a natural weapon or as a manufactured weapon for spells and effects that make such distinctions. The integrated weapon must be wielded as a normal weapon of its type (taking up the evolutionist's hands while in use), it cannot be sundered or disarmed, and it can be enchanted as a normal weapon of its type (but the evolutionist must be present for the whole enchanting process). The integrated weapon need not be active at all times. Like the claws of a cat, it can be sheathed, freeing the evolutionist’s hands for other purposes. This follows all the normal rules for drawing or sheathing a weapon. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist gains a different weapon to add to his arsenal. The evolutionist may have as many active weapons from his arsenal as he is capable of wielding, but he may have as many total weapons as he is willing to mutate.

Integrated Tools [Innate]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 2, 5 ranks in the chosen skill. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist chooses one skill in which he has at least five ranks. He develops a set of structures on his body that serve as ideal tools for the chosen skill, negating any penalties for lacking appropriate tools and giving a +4 circumstance bonus to checks with the chosen skill, this bonus does not stack with bonuses from masterwork tools. Finally, the evolutionist can always take 10 on checks with the chosen skill. Further Mutations: Each time the evolutionist takes this mutation, it applies to a separate skill.

Material Damage Reduction [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Damage Reduction Ability Score: None

Benefit: This mutation improves your damage reduction, making a special material of your choice necessary to break your damage reduction. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.

Overdrive [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 4. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can, as a swift action, go accelerate his mind’s ability to process information and his body’s ability to react on said information beyond his usual limits, this is not without risk, as the additional mental and physical stress causes his body to overheat considerably. While this mutation is active he gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, however, he takes 2 points of fire damage each turn that this ability is active. Deactivating this ability is a free action. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the attack and armor class bonuses gained increase by 1 and the fire damage taken per round increases by 2. If this mutation is taken at least three times, the evolutionist gains one additional attack on any attack routine, as per the haste spell. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Smash [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Slam natural attack, damage reduction pierceable by a special material. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s slam attacks deal double damage to objects. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the damage multiplier increases by one. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels. Special: If the evolutionist has this mutation, all of his natural weapons and integrated weapons count as being made of the same material that beats his damage reduction for the purposes of beating hardness or damage reduction.

Spell-like Abilities [Spell-like]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: The evolutionist may take infusions from the artificer infusion list with the usual spell-like ability mutation. Artificer infusions are treated as spells of a level one higher than they appear on the artificer infusion list for the purposes of what mutator levels they become avaiable, but still use their normal spell level when determining daily uses. Further mutations: This is an upgrade to the default Spell-like Ability mutation unlocked by the Construct Mutator feat (or construct creature type), it is not a separate mutation from that one and shares the same limits.


Burn [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Fire Resistance or immunity, any extraordinaire or supernatural ability that deals fire damage. Ability Score: Constitution.

Benefit: The evolutionist’s flame lingers. Whenever he deals fire damage, his target must succeed on a reflex save or catch fire (DMG pg. 303). Unlike the normal rules for catching fire, the reflex save made to put out the flames is against the DC set by this mutation. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken increases the damage dealt by the flames by 1d6. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Earth Glide [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Burrow movement speed. Ability Score: None

Benefit: When burrowing, the evolutionist may chose not to leave a tunnel behind. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.

Elemental Aura [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Elemental nimbus, Mutator level 5. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist may project an aura that deals the same type of damage as one of his elemental nimbuses, chosen upon taking the mutation. This aura deals 1d4 points of damage per five mutator levels to everything within 10 feet of the evolutionist at the end of his turn. Only one elemental aura may be active at any one time. Activating or deactivating an aura is a swift action. The evolutionist does not take damage from his own elemental auras. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can chose a new aura or he can increase the radius of an existing aura by by 10 feet and damage by 1d4. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Elemental Body [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Elemental Nimbus Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist may choose one type of elemental nimbus he has. That elemental nimbus may stay active indefinitely without the need for a swift action to sustain it. In addition, the evolutionist can have a separate nimbus active alongside this one. Activating or deactivating the nimbus altered by this mutation is a free action. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken it applies to a separate elemental nimbus, only one elemental nimbus can be kept active indefinitely through this mutation at any one time.

Elemental Bomb [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Elemental Resistance, mutator level 5. Ability Score: Con

Benefit: The evolutionist can release a ball of energy against his enemies as a standard action. This attack targets an area with a radius of 20 feet that can be up to 400+40/mutator level feet away, dealing 1d6 points of damage per mutator level (maximum 10d6) to all creatures in the area, a reflex save halves this damage. Once the evolutionist has used elemental bomb, he must wait five rounds before using it again. The elemental bomb’s damage type must be one the evolutionist has resistance or immunity to, and is chosen at the moment the mutation is taken. This ability can be treated as a breath weapon for the purposes of metabreath feats and similar abilities that affect these special attacks. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist can chose to gain a new, separate elemental bomb (with its own cooldown), the evolutionist cannot have more than one elemental bomb of any one damage type. The evolutionist may also choose to increase the maximum damage of one existing elemental bomb by 10d6 or reduce the cooldown of one existing elemental bomb by one round, to a minimum of two rounds.

Elemental Breach [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Elemental Resistance or immunity, mutator level 3. Ability Score: None

Benefit: As a standard action, the evolutionist can open an immobile elemental rift anywhere within 20 feet per mutator level of his position, the rift floods the area around itself with destructive energy, it lasts for two rounds and has a radius of 10 feet, which increases by 10 feet every round. Any creature inside the area of the rift at the beginning of the evolutionist’s turn takes 1d6 points of damage per mutator level, to a maximum of 5d6 damage, this ability allows no save. Multiple overlapping breaches of the same type do not deal additional damage. The type of damage dealt by the breach is chosen upon taking this mutation, and it must be a type of damage to which the evolutionist is resistant or immune. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels, each time it is taken, the duration of the rift increases by two rounds and the maximum damage dealt increases by 5d6 (but it never does more dice of damage than the evolutionist’s mutator level. Alternatively, the evolutionist can chose the ability to open rifts of a different energy type, all breaches share the same duration and maximum damage.

Elemental Infusion [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Elemental Attack applied to claw or slam attack (or any other natural attack that can be used to wield a weapon). Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist may choose one natural weapon he has applied elemental attack to. Any manufactured weapon he wields in place of that natural weapon receives the benefits of elemental attack. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist must apply it to a different natural weapon.

Elemental Rejuvenation [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Any elemental subtype (air, earth, fire, water). Ability Score: None

Benefit: Whenever the evolutionist is at least within reach of a separate manifestation of an element matching one of his subtypes (the ground, a bonfire, the air, a lake, etc) he may, as a full round action, heal one hit point per mutator level. If the evolutionist can heal at least 10 hit points with this ability, he can reduce the healing received by 10 to remove any one poison, disease or spell effect of his choice affecting him. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken the healing received increases by the evolutionist’s mutator level. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Greater Damage Reduction [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 4th. Ability Score: None Benefit: The evolutionist gains damage reduction 2/- or increases an existing undefeatable damage reduction by 2. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Special: Different damage reductions do not add up, only the highest applicable damage reduction is applied to the damage taken.

Shockwave [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: -

Ability Score: Strength or Dexterity Benefit: The evolutionist can cause a localized tremor centered on him as a swift action. The tremor has a radius of 10 feet, every creature within this radius must win a resisted strength or dexterity check (whichever the evolutionist prefers) against the evolutionist or be knocked prone by the shockwave. The evolutionist (and anyone attempting to resist the effect) gains a +4 bonus on this check for each size category above medium. Additionally, all creatures and objects in the area of the shockwave suffer 1d4 + (Str or Dex mod) bludgeoning damage. A reflex save halves this damage. If the evolutionist has the Air subtype, he may add his dexterity modifier to the damage and save DC instead of his strength modifier. If the evolutionist has the water subtype he may use his constitution modifier instead. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, its radius increases by 10 feet and its damage increases by 1d4. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels. If this mutation is taken at least thrice, the evolutionist may add twice his strength (or dexterity) modifier to the damage done.

Speed of the Wind [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 2. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a +10 ft. enhancement bonus to all his movement modes. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels. If the evolutionist takes this mutation at least three times, he gains immunity to falling damage.

Tremorsense [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 3. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can discern the exact location of any creature within 20 feet of him that is in contact with the ground and moving, a creature is considered to be moving so long as it has performed any physical action on its last round or since (including casting spells with somatic components, attacks of opportunity, etc). This ability does not work if the evolutionist is not in contact with the ground or if there is no direct path between the position of the evolutionist and the target creature within the radius of this ability. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels, each time it is taken the radius of the tremorsense gained increases by 20.


Budding Creation [Spell-like]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 5. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can produce seeds that, rapidly develop into structures and objects of his design. Producing a seed is a standard action, and the seeds require ten minutes to grow into the chosen forms or develop the desired substances, because of this accelerated growth, however, their duration is limited, and the objects decay away within 24 hours, however, it is possible to use new seeds to restore old creations, sustaining their continued existence (effectively using this ability again to reset their duration). Besides what was listed above, this works as per the Minor Creation spell, with a caster level equal to the evolutionist’s mutator level. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the number of cubic feet per level created by any one seed increases by 1. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Fragrance [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can produce chemicals that dull the senses of those who inhale them. As a free action, he can emit a cloud that covers a radius of 60 feet around him, this cloud does not hamper vision in any way and is, in fact, not visible at all. All creatures inside the cloud suffer a -1 penalty to all dexterity, intelligence, wisdom and charisma checks and skill checks, as well as reflex and will saves. The evolutionist can immunize a creature to his fragrance for 24 hours beforehand, through methods left completely at his devising when taking this mutation; the process must take at least one minute to fulfill. Creatures with scent can be affected by this ability if they are within 120 feet of the evolutionist, however they also receive a +10 bonus on all spot, search and survival checks to find him. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the penalty increases by 1. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels. Special: If you have Fragrance active at the same time as Stench, the penalty caused by this mutation also applies to fortitude saves and constitution checks and skill checks.

Grove [Spell-like]

Prerequisite: Verdant Servant, Mutator level 9. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can take control of an area with a radius of 5 feet per mutator level, creating a link between him and the location, activating this ability requires one hour of uninterrupted work, but its duration is permanent afterwards. His ability can be activated repeatedly to increase the radius of the grove by 5 feet per mutator level each time, to a maximum radius of 1 mile, however, the evolutionist can only have one grove at any given time, and using this ability out of the boundaries of an existing grove breaks the connection with the old one at the same time it creates a new one. The expansion of the grove can be noticed with a Spellcraft check, DC 25. The grove does not persist through the evolutionist’s death. The evolutionist has a few benefits regarding his grove. First, any structures he places on a grove using Budding Creation have a permanent duration. Second, the evolutionist can link up to two verdant servants to his grove, these servants cannot leave the limits of the grove, but they do not count towards his limit. Third, the evolutionist gains two abilities chosen from the following list:

Bounty (Requires Nourishment mutation): The evolutionist’s grove creates two produce per mutator level (identical to the Nourishing flora mutation), this produce is separate from what grows on the evolutionist’s own body. In addition, the grove produces an additional source of excellent nourishment, available once per day, that works as a Heroes’ Feast spell with a caster level equal to the character’s mutation level.

Elemental Dominion (requires any elemental subtype or the undead or deathless types): The evolutionist's grove gains the elemental dominant traits associated with his elemental subtype. Undead evolutionists apply the minor negative dominant trait to their groves, while deathless evolutionists apply the minor positive dominant trait to their groves.

Elemental Fury (requires Elemenetal Aura): As a swift action, the evolutionist can fill his grove with the effects of any one elemental aura he has.

Miasma (requires Fragrance mutation): As a swift action, the evolutionist can fill his grove with the effects of his fragrance, this ability also applies to the Stench mutation if the evolutionist has it, and follows the same interaction rules described in fragrance.

Communion: As a standard action, the evolutionist can gain the benefits of the Commune With Nature spell with regards to the whole area of his grove.

Unity (Requires Roots teratomorphism): The evolutionist can take root or uproot in his grove as a free action, but no more than once per round. While rooted in his grove, each instance of this mutation is considered a teratomorphism when calculating the benefits of the roots teratomorphism, and offensive roots teratomorphism.

Generous Land (Requires Regrowth teratomorphism): When using the regrowth teratomorphism on his grove, the evolutionist does not drain the area he is in of all its resources and may repeatedly use regrowth on the same spot.

Verdant Host: The evolutionist can link an additional two verdant servants to the grove. This ability can be taken multiple times.

Living Fortress: All structures built with Budding Creation that are located inside a grove recover one hit point per mutator level every round. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist may choose one additional ability from the above list. This mutation can be taken once per six mutator levels.

Hardy Damage Reduction [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Damage Reduction Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s damage reduction can only be pierced by a specific type of physical damage (Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing), chosen when this mutation is taken. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.

Nourishment [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can produce nourishment for others from his body. This can be fruit, seeds, leaves, sap, nectar from flowers, his own blood and similar products; he can have up to two of such produce available each day. Any creature that eats the evolutionist’s produce gains nourishment equivalent to one full meal and heals a number of hit points equal to the evolutionist’s mutator level + his constitution modifier. The evolutionist’s produce spoils 24 hours after it is removed from his body. If the evolutionist takes any damage due to starvation, he loses the ability to generate produce for as long as the damage remains and for 24 hours afterwards. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist gains two additional produce per day. This mutation can be taken once per two mutator levels.

Special: The evolutionist's produce is only as healthy as he himself is, and if he is afflicted by any diseases transmited through injestion or contact, the nourishment he provides will also transmit those same diseases. The exception is if the disease is granted through the Disease mutation, in which case the evolutionist may opt to not infect those he feeds.

Leaves [Innate]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist gains the ability to photosynthesize, as long as he can get at least 1 hour of light per day he needs no other food (but still requires water normally). Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.

Solar Blast [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 2 Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: As a full round action, the evolutionist can unleash a torrent of concentrated sunlight as a ranged touch attack. This ability has a maximum range of 50 ft. plus 10 ft. per mutator level and deals 1d4 points of damage per mutator level (1d8/mutator level if the target is undead or otherwise vulnerable to sunlight, 1d12/mutator level if both). Any creature damaged by this ability must make a fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round (or 1 minute if undead, vulnerable to light or if it has light sensitivity).

If the evolutionist has Solar Power active, using this ability is a standard action.

If there is not ambient light for the evolutionist to absorb when using this ability, he must make fortitude save (DC equal to the number of dice of damage dealt by the ability) or be fatigued for the rest of the encounter.

Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the damage dealt by the solar blast increases by 2 dice and the save DC against the blinding effect increases by 1. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Solar Burst [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Solar Blast, mutator level 6 Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: The evolutionist’s Solar Blast creates an explosion of light centered at the target, dealing its damage in an area with a radius of 10 feet, with a reflex save for half damage. All creatures in the area must also make the same fortitude save against blindness as the primary target. The solar burst does no additional damage to the primary target, who does not get a save against the damage of the attack. Solar burst can also be aimed at a point on the ground within range, in which case it dispenses an attack roll. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the radius of the explosion increases by 10 feet. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Spores [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 2, any natural weapon. Ability Score: None

Benefit: As a standard action, the evolutionist can fire a hail of spores against an opponent within 50 ft. +10 ft. per mutator level as a ranged touch attack. Any target hit by the spores suffers a 20% miss chance for 5 rounds or until he takes a standard action to clean the spores from his eyes. An invisible creature hit by the spores becomes visibly outlined by them until the spell is reapplied or it cleans itself completely (which requires a bath or a prestidigitation spell, or something). Spores are considered secondary natural weapons. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the evolutionist can fire one additional hail of spores per round as part of a full round action and the miss chance inflicted increases by 10%, to a maximum of 50% miss chance. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.

Thorns [Innate]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: Short thorns grow on the evolutionist’s body. These thorns work as Armor Spikes, and also increase the damage of the evolutionist’s other natural weapons and unarmed strikes by one, as well as causing them to deal piercing damage in addition to any other type of damage. The thorns can be retracted or exposed as a swift action. The armor spikes attack granted by this mutation is considered a natural weapon. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the damage dealt by the evolutionist’s natural weapons increases by 1. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Verdant Servant [Spell-like]

Prerequisite: Budding Creation Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can create a servant creature, this works as the Astral Construct power with a manifester level equal to the evolutionist's mutator level (it is treated as if a number of power points equal to the manifester level were spent on the power), with the following differences: Using this ability is a standard action, however, the servant requires 1 minute to be fully grown.

The servant has no duration limit.

The evolutionist can have only one servant active at any given time.

The evolutionist can change the menu choice abilities of his servant by forcing it to regrow over one minute, during this time, the servant can take no actions.

The verdant servant cannot take Ps abilities from the astral construct menu.

Further Mutations: For each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can have one active servant. This mutation can be taken up to once per eight mutator levels.


Abduction [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Any supernatural, psi-like or spell-like ability that of the teleportation subschool. Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: When the evolutionist uses a supernatural, psi-like or spell-like ability of the teleportation subschool (such as Teleport or Dimension Door) he may bring an unwilling target along with him, by either grappling the target or successfully landing a touch attack. This target is entitled to a will save to avoid being taken, but the evolutionist can chose to not complete the teleportation effect if his target resists it. Only one unwilling creature can be taken along through this mutation, but this creature can be taken in addition to any other creatures that the teleportation effect would normally allow. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist can bring one additional unwilling target with a teleportation effect. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Aligned Damage Reduction [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: Damage Reduction, Mutator level 6. Ability Score: None

Benefit: This mutation improves your damage reduction, making it necessary that an attack bear one alignment descriptor (Chaotic, Lawful, Good or Evil) of your choice in order to pierce it. You may not be of the chosen alignment and should your alignment change, you may immediately alter this the alignment descriptor necessary to pierce your damage reduction. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.

Aura of menace [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 6. Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: A threatening aura surrounds the evolutionist when he wills it. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of him must succeed on a Will save to resist its effects. Those who fail take a –2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the evolutionist. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same evolutionist’s aura of menace for 24 hours. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the DC to resist its effects increases by +2 and the radius increases by 10 feet. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Divine Blessing [Spell-Like]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 11. Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: It is unbecoming for the transcendent evolutionist to suffer the baser limitations of mortal existence, to not be understood, to not perceive the world for what it is, and many more small grievances. The evolutionist gains one spell of his choice, from the following list, as a permanent effect active on himself with a caster level equal to his mutator level, whenever they offer a save DC against their effects, the DC is based on the spell level of the ability. Arcane Sight


Deeper Darkness

Magic Circle Against (Type depends on the alignment of the evolutionist, chosen when the spell is taken)

Nondetection Obscuring Mist

Sanctuary (effect is reestablished five rounds after it is broken for any reason)




True Seeing

Zone of Truth

The abilities gained through this mutation may be activated and deactivated as a swift action, and they can be dispelled, if one such effect is dispelled it can be reactivated as a swift action on the following round. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, it provides a different ability. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels.

Divine Ward [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 7. Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: The evolutionist gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to his charisma modifier, to a maximum of +3. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels, each time it is taken the limit to the ac gained from this mutation increases by +3.

Greater Telepathy [Psi-Like]

Prerequisite: Telepathy Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist may telepathically communicate with any creature that has an intelligence score, it is worth noting that creatures of animal intelligence perceive the world with simpler eyes than those that are fully sapient. Further mutations: This mutation can be taken once.

Spell-like Abilities [Spell-like]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: The evolutionist may take spells from the cleric spell list (but not from any domains) with the usual spell-like ability mutation. Further mutations: This is an upgrade to the default Spell-like Ability mutation unlocked by the Outsider Mutator feat (or outsider creature type), it is not a separate mutation from that one and shares the same limits.

Spiritual Wound [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 6, any natural weapon. Ability Score: Charisma.

Benefit: The evolutionist’s natural weapons cut deeper than flesh, these wounds do not heal naturally and resist magical healing. This mutation applies to one natural weapon of the evolutionist’s choice, attacks made with the chosen natural weapon apply a persistent wound. An injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round, these wounds stack with themselves. The wound does not heal naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped by a Heal check, a cure spell, or a heal spell. However, a character attempting to cast a cure spell or a heal spell on a creature damaged by the evolutionist’s attack must succeed on a caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the injured creature. A successful Heal check automatically stops the continuing hit point loss as well as restoring hit points. The caster level check has a DC equal to the normal DC for mutations, while the heal check has a DC equal to the save DC versus mutations + 4. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the continuous damage dealt by the attack increases by 2 and the DC for the heal check increases by +2, if this mutation is taken at least three times then the target can receive no magical healing until the spiritual wound is healed. This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.

Supernatural Disease [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Disease, mutator level 7. Ability Score: Constitution

Benefit: This mutation works exactly like the Disease mutation and shares its mutation limit, but allows Supernatural diseases (such as Mummy Rot and Devil Chills) to be taken. Further mutations: This mutation can be taken once per five mutator levels.

Umbravision [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 3, Darkvision. Ability Score: None

Benefit: Your Darkvision pierces magical darkness as if it were normal darkness. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once.


Ability Damage [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Negaton Touch, Mutator level 4. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s negaton touch attacks inflict damage to his target’s ability scores. He must chose which ability score this mutation affects upon selecting it, and deals 1 point of ability damage with each successful attack. This mutation is a necromancy effect. Further Mutations: Whenever he takes this mutation, the evolutionist can chose to damage additional ability scores or he can increase the damage dealt by one step (1 damage becomes 1d2 damage, then 1d3 damage, etc). This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Ability Drain [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Ability Damage, Mutator level 6. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist chooses one ability score he can damage. All ability damage he would have dealt to that ability score becomes ability drain instead. Further Mutations: -

Create Spawn [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Mutator level 7, Desecration, Energy Drain or Ability Drain Ability Score: None

Benefit: Creatures the evolutionist kills with his energy drain or ability drain are raised as zombies or skeletons one minute later. The evolutionist can control up to his mutator level in undead HD. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the limit of controlled undead HD increases by the evolutionist’s mutator level. This mutation can be taken once per four mutator levels. Special: This mutation counts as a necromancy spell for the purposes of feats and abilities that alter such effects.

Desecration [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist produces an effect identical to the Desecrate spell, centered on him. Further Mutations: If this mutation is taken a second time, the evolutionist is treated as an altar to an unholy power for the purposes of the desecrate effect. This mutation can be taken up to two times.

Energy Drain [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Negaton Touch, Mutator level 6 Ability Score: Charisma

Benefit: The evolutionist may deal 1 negative level with his negaton touch. This negative level lasts for up to one hour per mutator level, so it only risks becoming permanent level loss at epic levels. Further Mutations: This mutation can be taken once per ten mutator levels, each time it is taken, the number of negative levels inflicted by negaton touch increases by 1.

Gloom [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None.

Benefit: The evolutionist projects a radius of Darkness as the spell, with a radius of 10 feet centered on him. This ability can be suppressed or activated as a swift action. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken after the first, the radius of the effect increases by 10 feet.

Negaton Shield [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None.

Benefit: The evolutionist gains resistance 5 to positive energy and to negative energy. This resistance does not interfere with healing granted by either of those energies, only damage. Further Mutations: -

Negaton Blast [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Negaton Shield, Mutator level 2. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist can deliver a blast of negative energy as a ranged touch attack against an enemy within 60 feet. This blast deals 1d4 damage per two mutator levels. Firing a negaton blast is a standard action. Further Mutations: Each instance of this mutation after the first can either increase the range of the negaton blast by 20 feet or increase the damage die by one step, to a maximum of 1d8 damage per two mutator levels. If this mutation is taken at least four times, the Negaton Blast can be used as an attack action instead of a standard action, and up to one blast can be fired for each time this mutation was taken. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels.

Negaton Infusion [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Negaton Touch applied to claw or slam attack (or any other natural attack that can be used to wield a weapon). Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist may choose one natural weapon he has applied negaton touch to. Any manufactured weapon he wields in place of that natural weapon receives the benefits of negaton touch. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist must apply it to a different natural weapon.

Negaton Touch [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: Negaton Shield, any one natural weapon. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist chooses one natural weapon he has, that natural weapon deals additional negative energy damage equal to 1d6 + half his mutator level. In addition, the evolutionist can, instead of making a normal attack, make a touch attack with the any limb that received negaton touch, dealing only the damage from negaton touch if he does this. Touch attacks made with this mutation are considered attacks made with the natural weapon that received it. This ability can be deactivated or activated as a free action at any time. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken the evolutionist can either increase the damage of his negaton touch by 1d6 or add the damage to another natural weapon. This mutation can be taken once per three mutator levels..

Unholy Grace [Supernatural]

Prerequisite: +2 base bonus on the appropriate save. Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist chooses one of his saves (Fortitude, Reflex or Will). He may add his charisma modifier as a bonus on that save. Further Mutations: Each time this mutation is taken, the evolutionist chooses a new save. This mutation can be taken up to three times.

Turn Resistance [Extraordinaire]

Prerequisite: - Ability Score: None

Benefit: The evolutionist’s turn resistance increases by +2. Further Mutations: -