Entice Reaction (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 24th Mars 2014
Status: Finished
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Entice Reaction [Fighter, Tactical] You can entice reactions out of people real easy, in battle or out.Prerequisites: Bab +1 or Bluff 3 ranks, Charisma 15Benefit: The entice reaction feat enables the use of four tactical maneuvers, each of those are [mind affecting] and [language-dependent] effects and the DCs are charisma-based. Using any of these maneuvers is a move action unless specified otherwise and are usable only once per round. Additionally bluff is always a class skill for you.

Aggravating Somatic Components: As a free action as part of any of the tactical maneuver below you may make yourself flat-footed until the start of your next turn, doing so increase the save DC by +2 and double the range (or area) of the tactical maneuver. This tactical maneuver only work if the targeted creature is capable of seeing you.

Deride: You can cause a creature that can hear and understand you to get really really angry. It must make a Will save or take penalties as if it fell under the rage spell with none of the bonuses for 1 minute. The creature make take a move action to calm herself, ending the penalty. If the creature was within 30 feet you can combine this tactical maneuver with taunt, although the creature gain a +2 bonus on both saves.

Distract: You can cause every creature within a 30 feet radius or a 15 foot cone emanating from make a Will save or become fascinated for 1 minutes outside of combat, and 2 rounds inside of combat. Note that the effect break as normal.

Taunt: You can cause a creature that can hear and understand you to target you to focus on you. That creature must make a will save or take a -2 penalty to all attacks and DCs that don't target you (or include you in the area in the case of abilities with an area of effect) for one round. If the enemy is within 30 feet of you the penalties increased by 2 (+4) and are only halved on a successful save. If a creature has no line of effect toward the user or is unable to attack or use ability on her, it automatically make it saving throw. Special: If you have the bardic music ability (or similar abilities) you may use any of these tactical maneuver as part of action to start or concentrate on the bardic music.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteBab +1 or Bluff 3 ranks + and Charisma 15 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou can entice reactions out of people real easy, in battle or out. +
TitleEntice Reaction +
TypeFighter + and Tactical +