Diamond Mind (3.5e Martial Discipline)/All Maneuvers
Diamond Mind (Rush) | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | One Diamond Mind Maneuver |
Initiation Action: | 1 move action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
During the maneuver, you may move up to your base speed. If a foe makes an attack of opportunity against you for moving through a threatened space, they also provoke an attack of opportunity from you, even if you are not within range of the foe. For every foe that refuses the attack of opportunity for your motion through their threatened space increases your Sudden Strike damage by +1d6 damage. If you do not have any Sudden Strike damage, this maneuver grants you the ability.
Diamond Mind (Boost) | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Need two Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | See Text |
With great focus, you find the perfect opening in their defense and strike true!
When you initiate this maneuver, you are able to make an attack much like as if you used true strike. Your next single attack roll (if it is made before the end of the next round) gains a +20 insight bonus. Additionally you are not affected by the miss chance that applies to attackers trying to strike a concealed target.
Diamond Mind (Boost) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Swift Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as your eyes darted around. There were 3 enemy orcs and 2 enemy worgs. Orcs are sensitive to bright light and are generally stupid. That orc is middle aged and is showing signs of baldness. There are approximately 2.1 million hairs on that orc. The current temperature is 73 degrees. Your angle of attack is 35.7:45.41:39:01. There is an ant on a flower 124 feet away. You can determine...
You accelerate your thinking processes to make a series of logical and perceptive judgements in a flash. As a swift action you may make any purely mental skill check (such as the Knowledge spells or Spellcraft) or Listen, Spot, and Sense Motive. In addition you gain half your initiator level + 5 as a bonus to your skill checks made during this time. You can make one check or many, though you can only do each skill once per use.
Diamond Mind (Strike) | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | Need one Diamond Mind maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Standard Action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Target: | One Creature or Object |
Duration: | Instantenous |
They say that a Wall of Force spell is invincible... let's test that theory.
You may use this maneuver to destroy force effects such as forcecage or grasping hand. Make a concentration check. Use the result of your concentration check as a dispel attempt to destroy the force effect, even though many of these spells may otherwise be immune to dispel magic. The DC to meet is 11 + the caster level of the spell.
Alternatively you can use this to make a normal attack against one creature. You ignore AC bonuses granted by deflection and by force effects such as mage armor or bracers of armor.
Diamond Mind (Strike) | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | Need one Diamond Mind maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Standard Action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Target: | One Creature or Object |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
There was a soft click, and suddenly his blade was in hand. Was he intending to use it? Suddenly, without a word, the bamboo forest which surrounded him fell to the ground.
You can only use this strike when you are drawing a weapon. As a standard action you draw the weapon and attack, dealing normal weapon damage plus 1d6 damage per level (maximum 10d6 at initiator level 10). This attack ignores damage reduction and hardness, and is often used to showy effect by felling large trees with a single blow.
Diamond Mind (Counter) | |
Level: | 2 |
Prerequisite: | Need one Diamond Mind maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Immediate Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | 1 round |
With a flourish of your blade, all 300 arrows were harmlessly deflected around you.
When you initiate this maneuver, you deflect all ranged missile attacks which target you until the end of your next turn as if using the Deflect Arrows feat, though you do not need a free hand. If your initiator level is 10 or higher, you may deflect ray spells as well.
Diamond Mind (Stance) | |
Level: | 8 |
Prerequisite: | Need three Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Your mind is as unbreakable as adamantine.
While in this stance you benefit from a mind blank effect.
Diamond Mind (Stance) | |
Level: | 8 |
Prerequisite: | Three Diamond Mind Maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
The blademaster had it with these kids and their unarmed attacks, their stupid sphinxes and trains. She was going to kill all of them.
A risky stance developed by true masters of the way, it allow the initiator in it to perform great feats of skill and mastery. It grant the user total mastery over their initiating, grant them the ability to attacks with a flurry of precise blows and make them almost impossible to part from their weapon. However a single missed attack cause the entire stance to crumble and the user to become severely impaired for a little while.
While in this stance all of your Maneuver Known become Readied except for previously expended maneuvers you have no yet recovered. Iterative attacks gained from BAB no longer gain a penalty greater than -5. Therefore, a initiator with 16 BAB has an attack roll of +16/+11/+11/+11 instead of +16/+11/+6/+1. You gain an extra attack as per haste this does not stack with haste or similar abilities. You ignore any concealment or miss chance against creature you attack, except total concealment. Finally you also become unable to be disarmed or have your weapon sundered by creatures with a lower BAB than your own.
If you miss an attack while in the Edgemaster's Art Stance, you immediately drop it and become Uncentered for twice as many rounds as you used it, to a maximum of 10 rounds. When you change out of Edgemaster's Art Stance, whether to initiate another stance or because of a missed attack, all of your readied maneuver become expended.
Diamond Mind (Rush) | |
Level: | 2 |
Prerequisite: | Need one Diamond Mind maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Move Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instantenous |
You're only taking small steps, but you rush across the battlefield in a blur. For you it was only a relaxed stroll.
You tiptoe through hazards and around enemies at such speed you seem unaffected by the perils around you. You may move up to your speed, ignoring difficult terrain, and you do not provoke while moving through threatened spaces.
Diamond Mind (Strike) | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Need one Diamond Mind maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Standard Action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Target: | One Creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude partial |
He recognized the Dance of the Spider stance. Poor move considering what he was about to pull off.
Make a melee attack. If your opponent has an initiator level, uses maneuvers, or uses maneuver-like abilities, you get +2 to your attack and +6d6 damage. Your opponent must make a DC 15 + Int modifier Fortitude save or fall prone and uncentered. A successful save negates the prone and uncentered effects, but not the extra damage.
If the creature does not possess maneuvers or an initiator level, this strike does not get the bonus to attack, but still gets the bonus damage, and only has a save vs prone.
Organic Repast, Diamond Mind, Dancing Goddess, Desert Wind (Boost) [X-Discipline, Time] | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Three Organic Repast, Diamond Mind, Dancing Goddess, or Desert Wind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | 1 move action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | See text |
By performing this maneuver, you transform a single move action (specifically, the move action used to initiate this maneuver) into two swift actions or one standard action. The swift actions can be performed at any point during this turn, and if you elect to do so, you may convert one of those swift actions into an immediate action to be used before your next turn. If you use this maneuver to convert a move action to a standard action, that standard action must be taken immediately.
No matter what mechanism you use to refresh maneuvers or what maneuver-granting items you may have access to, you may only use jitterbug once in any given round. (Thus, a warblade can't use this maneuver to take a huge number of actions in a single round.)
Occult Sovereignty, Mental Grip, Infinite Lotus, Diamond Mind (Boost) [X-Discipline, Scrying] | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | One Occult Sovereignty, Mental Grip, Infinite Lotus, or Diamond Mind maneuver |
Initiation Action: | 1 round |
Range: | Medium |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
As Sun Tzu said, he who knows his enemy is well-equipped to win the battle. Sun Tzu also said that you need to know yourself, but you had that base covered from day one.
You concentrate intently on the foe and peer into his brain. When you do, you learn all of your opponent's variable abilities — feats, skill tricks, spells known or prepared, powers known, invocations known, maneuvers readied, and soulmelds shaped. For the rest of the encounter, whenever you use any effect on that opponent that would deprive him of one or more of these abilities (temporarily or otherwise), and he would normally be allowed to choose which ones to lose (for instance, a wizard choosing which spell slots are lost to a mind scrub attack), you make that choice instead.
Using this maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity and requires you to make a Concentration check if it is interrupted. A creature under the effects of mind blank is immune to this maneuver.
Diamond Mind, Iron Heart (Strike) [X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 9 |
Prerequisite: | Three Diamond Mind maneuvers, two Iron Heart maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | 1 Round Action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Area: | 20 ft. radius spread |
Duration: | Instantaneous and 1/round level |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude and Will Partial (See text) |
Kurihara concentrated, her blade sheathed at her feet, then without warning, she grasped it and moved faster than lightning; when she finally drew it, there was only blood and death.
Named after the swordswoman who invented it, this devastating maneuver is intended to finish a prolonged battle. In order to use this maneuver correctly, you must have your weapon sheathed. As part of initiating this strike, you cross the battlefield in a flash, moving up to four times your speed in a straight line; this movement does not provoke any attacks of opportunity. During this movement, you are so quick you are invisible; this effect is extraordinary and thus fools see invisibility, true seeing, and similar abilities.
At any point during this movement, you draw you weapon and unleash your attack; upon doing so, you make a single melee attack against any number of creatures and/or objects within a 20 ft. radius spread. Roll one attack roll and compare to each available opponent's AC individually. This attack deals triple damage, does not miss on a natural 1, and all struck creatures caught flat-footed by this attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 19 + Intelligence Modifier) or die.
Creatures killed by this maneuver are torn to shreds, leaving their corpse unsuitable to be raised, and any other creatures which observe another creature perishing from this maneuver must make a Will save (DC 19 + Intelligence Modifier) or be frightened for 1 round. This part of the maneuver is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Diamond Mind (Counter) | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Need two Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instanteous |
No you!
If you are affected by a mind-affecting effect with a saving throw, you can activate his maneuver to deflect the danger away. If you succeed on your save against the spell, the effect returns to the caster who must make a save against their own spell. If the spell is a compulsion to follow orders, you may set the orders as if you were the caster.
If you fail the saving throw, the mind-affecting effect is not deflected and you are affected as normal, except the duration of the spell, if any, is halved (minimum 1 round). Casters are aware of this decreased duration.
Occult Sovereignty, Mental Grip, Diamond Mind (Boost) [X-Discipline, Scrying] | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | One Occult Sovereignty, Mental Grip, or Diamond Mind maneuver |
Initiation Action: | 1 full-round action |
Range: | Medium |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
I know all your secrets. To me, you're just a fool with a stupid robe and pointy cap. I'll strip you of your best spells and utterly break you!
You concentrate intently on the foe and peer into his brain. When you do, you learn all of your opponent's variable abilities — feats, skill tricks, spells known or prepared, powers known, invocations known, maneuvers readied, and soulmelds shaped. For the rest of the encounter, whenever you use any effect on that opponent that would deprive him of one or more of these abilities (temporarily or otherwise), and he would normally be allowed to choose which ones to lose (for instance, a wizard choosing which spell slots are lost to a mind scrub attack), you make that choice instead.
Using this maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity and requires you to make a Concentration check if it is interrupted. A creature under the effects of mind blank is immune to this maneuver.
Diamond Mind (Strike) [Time] | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | Need two Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Standard Action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Target: | One Creature |
Duration: | Instantenous |
There was only one slash against the thief's back as he ran, yet he split into three pieces! How did he do that?
Using the one-strike-two-cuts technique, you manage to slip in more pain to those whose guard is down than most. Whenever you are attacking an opponent who is flatfooted or denied their dexterity, you may attack as a standard action. If your attack hits, you may deal damage as if you had struck twice. When your BAB becomes 6, you may deal damage three times. When your BAB becomes 11, you may deal damage four times. When your BAB becomes 16, you may deal damage five times. If your attack is a critical hit, all the damage is multiplied as if they were individual critical hits. For example, a warblade with BAB 12 and a longsword deals 1d8+5 and criticals, dealing 2d8+10, 2d8+10, 2d8+10, and 2d8+10 damage.
Diamond Mind, Anima River (Stance) [X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Two Maneuvers, which can come from either the Anima River or Diamond Mind Disciplines, Masterwork Body or similar, Weapon Focus |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | N/A |
As long as you have Weapon Focus in whatever weapon you are holding, you give it all the best qualities of your unarmed strike. Enhancements, feats/class features, and materials stack. You may decide whether to use the weapon's crit range, or your fists' crit range. This goes double for damage dice, and such. You may count the weapon as being a version of your unarmed strike whenever convenient. The weapon can also have the properties of the largest weapon you can comfortably hold, in the way you hold said weapon(for example, you can keep something smaller if you want to keep it finessible, or one-hand instead of two hand it), acquiring the proper increases to range and damage as your soul flows through it and allows you to strike much harder and further.
This is, needless to say, a supernatural maneuver.
Special: If you're a Codex Swordsage, who gets Unarmed Combatant and Many Weapon Focus, can easily pick one of the prerequisite disciplines, and if you have a really nice unarmed strike, take a moment to ask yourself, "Why don't I have this stance?"
Diamond Mind (Counter) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Immediate Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
You swore you saw something flicker in the corner of your vision. Without even thinking about it, your eyes focused closer, spotting the assassin before he struck!
Whenever you make a search, spot, or listen check, you may choose to reroll it as an immediate action with a +5 insight bonus. You must accept the result of the second roll, even if it is worse than the original.
Diamond Mind (Strike) | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Need two Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Full-Round Action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Target: | One Creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
His eyes focused, finding a weak point just under the breastplate. With one fell swoop he struck, and struck hard!
When you use this maneuver, you must make an attack roll and a Concentration check. If you hit, and your Concentration check matches or is greater than their AC, your melee attack is a critical hit. If you fail the attack roll, you miss like normal, and if you fail the Concentration check, you still hit, but at -2 to attack (which may make you miss) and your attack is a normal hit.
Special abilities which only activate on a natural 20 do not activate with this ability, but other critical-hit activated properties do.
Diamond Mind (Strike) | |
Level: | 7 |
Prerequisite: | Need two Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Standard Action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Target: | One Creature |
Duration: | 1 round/level |
It was only a quick slash across the arm, but the pain was incredible. The wizard struggled to keep his focus through his casting.
Make a melee attack. In addition to normal damage you deal +15d6 damage, and any attempts at spellcasting at any point in the duration afterword must succeed on a Concentration check DC 10 + the damage done, as if they were damaged during the action of spellcasting. If they fail, they lose their spell as normal.
The damage is instantanous but the spell-disrupting effect lasts for 1 round/level or until the caster makes a successful concentration check to cast a spell. They may also make a DC 15 Heal check as a standard action to tend to their wound, which ends the duration. The spell-disrupting effect is pain based and does not function on creatures immune to to pain (generally constructs and undead).
Diamond Mind (Boost) | |
Level: | 8 |
Prerequisite: | Need three Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Full-Round Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | 1 hour/level or until discharged |
Just as planned.
As a full-round action you meditate on all manner of possible dangers and the means to overcome them, so that when you encounter them you can focus back to your mental preperation and gain the advantage. Once during the maneuver's duration, you may choose to use its effect. You make a concentration check as a free action, and gain an insight bonus equal to 1/4th your concentration result (maximum equal to your initiator level) on any single attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, saving throw, or AC against a single attack. Activating the effect doesn't take an action; you can even activate it on another character's turn if needed. You must choose to use prepared prescience before you make the roll it is to modify. Once used, the maneuver ends.
You can't have more than one prepared prescience active on you at the same time. Due to supernatural conflicts with the methods involved, you cannot combine this with moment of prescience and vice versa. The actual maneuver is still extraordinary.
Diamond Mind (Strike) [Time] | |
Level: | 9 |
Prerequisite: | Need four Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Standard Action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Target: | One Creature |
Duration: | Instanteous |
Saving Throw: | Will negates |
Your mind begins to outpace time itself, the lost time forming as a thick silver gel on your blade. With a decisive stab, you plunged both blade and quintessence into the heart of your enemy.
Make a single melee attack. In addition to normal damage, your target must make a DC 19 + Int modifier Will save or become frozen in time. In such a state, they are invulnerable to damage, but also helpless and unable to move, see, or feel anything. They are effectively paralyzed, though immunity to paralysis is not immunity to this effect. They can remained paralyzed indefinately, and can only be freed with a freedom, limited wish, mage's disjunction, miracle, wish, or through entering an antimagic field (which suppresses it for as long as they remain in the field).
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
Diamond Mind (Stance) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
You don't even think when you're climbing. The moment your hand misses a handhold, it snaps back to the correct position.
Your snap reactions allow you to correct for inaccuracies in your physical form in a flash. You can roll twice and take the better result for any non-opposed strength or dexterity ability or skill check.
If you end this stance as an immediate action, you gain a bonus on Reflex saves equal to your highest maneuver known (maximum +9 for 9th level), and benefit from evasion. If you have evasion, it becomes improved evasion. If you have improved evasion, you take a quarter damage on a failed save. This lasts for but an instant against one Reflex save, and you are staggered for 1 round after.
Diamond Mind (Rush) | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | Need one Diamond Mind maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Move Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instantenous |
You blur into a red shimmer as the world slows around you.
Your movement speed doubles for one move action. Your movement is so quick you may run across liquid surfaces, though if you end your movement on liquid, you fall through.
Diamond Mind (Counter) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | Melee Attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
You go for the trip, but the enemy sword comes down. You briefly alter course and go for the gut instead of their legs.
Whenever a creature takes an attack of opportunity against you, you can initiate this maneuver and make an immediate attack at your highest attack bonus against them (even if they are out of your threatened range). This occurs at the same time they attack you, so neither attack is disrupted. After your counter (and their attack of opportunity), you can proceed with your provoking action, if possible.
Diamond Mind (Boost) | |
Level: | 7 |
Prerequisite: | Need three Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | 1 round |
I don't need eyes to see.
For 1 round you gain blindsight out to 60 feet, and cannot be flanked.
Diamond Mind (Stance) [Time] | |
Level: | 9 |
Prerequisite: | Five Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
While in this stance, you never provoke attacks of opportunity for any reason, you have fast healing equal to one-fifth of your initiator level (rounded down), and you may reroll one event per round. An event is any single roll involving any number of dice. The event does not need to be one that you personally make (for instance, you could reroll an enemy wizard's fireball or an enemy fighter's attack roll, or an ally's caster level check or saving throw), but it must be one that you are able to perceive (you don't need line of sight, but you do need to be able to see or hear the event happening, and scrying on it by any means, including telepathy with a creature (dominated or otherwise) perceiving the event, is as good as being there yourself for that purpose). Once you reroll an event, you must accept the new result, even if it's worse for you. You cannot reroll an event after it has been resolved. When you reroll an event, all dice associated with that event are rerolled. An attack's attack roll, damage roll, and saving throws are all considered separate events, and saving throws made by different characters are considered different events. At your option, you may perform an immediate action in place of rerolling an event. You may not carry over these rerolls from one round to the next, but if you do not use your reroll for a round, you make a Concentration check and gain hp equal to the check result. (This Concentration check consumes the reroll for the round, so you may not reroll it. The Concentration check is made at the same time that your reroll for the round is refreshed — at the beginning of your turn.)
Diamond Mind (Stance) | |
Level: | 7 |
Prerequisite: | Two Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
When you switch into this stance, you must immediately sheath your weapon; if you draw your weapon or move more than 5 ft., the stance ends and its benefits are wasted. While you are in this stance, you can take a standard action to concentrate; each successive round you concentrate, you build your spiritual energy in your blade. As a move action, you can draw your blade and immediately change into another stance; doing so grants a bonus on damage on the next attack you make within 1 round based on the number of consecutive rounds you concentrated:
First Round: 1d6 extra point of damage per initiator level.
Second Round: 1d10 extra points of damage per initiator level.
Third Round: 10 extra points of damage per initiator level.
The buildup of spiritual energy is obvious, giving off light as a torch in the first round, as a campfire in the 2nd, and as daylight in the 3rd. If the stance is not ended before the beginning of the 4th turn, the stance ends and its effect is wasted.
Diamond Mind (Rush, Counter) [Time] | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Two Diamond Mind maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Move |
Range: | Personal, see text |
Target or Effect: | See text |
Duration: | 1 round or until discharged |
You fool! You've activated my trap card!
When you initiate this maneuver, you use a move action to declare a set of conditions, as if readying an action. As you declare the conditions, you also declare an entire round's worth of actions that you will take once the conditions are met (such as charging at the first person to pass through a door). Once the conditions are met, you automatically take the actions you described (for better or for worse), without changing your initiative. If the conditions have not been met by the time your next turn begins, you can take your turn as normal, but you must make a Concentration check at the end of your turn, or this maneuver fails and is wasted. On a success, you retain your readied actions and can perform them immediately if the conditions are met.
The Concentration DC is 15 + 3 if you took a standard action on your turn + 2 if you took a move action + 5 if you took a full-round action + 1 if you took a swift action + 1 for each round that you wait to take your readied actions after the first. All modifiers are added together to determine the DC (for instance, taking a standard action and a move action increases the DC by 5). DC increases for taking actions are not cumulative from round to round. If you initiate this maneuver without discharging or losing your previous set of readied actions, your previous set of readied actions expires as though you had failed on your Concentration check to keep them.
Diamond Mind (Counter) | |
Level: | 2 |
Initiation Action: | Immediate |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
With your keen sense of timing you slide 5 feet to the right, and out of sight of the attack.
As an immediate action you make a 5 foot step. This consumes your 5 foot step for the round, though you may make normal move actions instead.