Dance of the Fireflies
Warlock Least; 2nd
You summon "fairy lights" that twirl and dance around like living beings but have no substance of their own. They can be used in multiple ways, and may be of any color you wish.
- Bright Sparkle: The lights cling to targets and behave as glitterdust in all ways except targets are dazzled instead of blinded.
- Fairy Dance: You can illuminate your surroundings as if using dancing lights.
- Fairy Flash: A single target who is subjected to bright sparkle in 60 ft must make a Will save or be blinded for 1 round as the lights flare up, or dazzled for 1 round on a save. This ends the effect of bright sparkle on the target.
- Shun the Night: You expend all of their energy in one bright flash, and may make a dispel check against any [Darkness] effect of 1d20 + your caster level. You can also use this as a flare visible up to 3 miles away in darkness, or 1 mile in daylight, but is diffuse enough not to blind others.
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