Publication:Complete Adventurer
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This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.
Name | Page | Description |
Appraise Magic Value | 103 | Your ability to determine an item's worth and your knowledge of magic allow you to determine the exact properties of a magic item without the use of the identify spell or similar magic. |
Ascetic Hunter | 105 | You have gone beyond the bounds of your monastic training to incorporate new modes of bringing the unlawful to justice. |
Ascetic Knight | 105 | You belong to a special order of religious monks that teaches its adherents that self-enlightenment and honorable service grow from the same well of purity. |
Ascetic Magic | 105 | You practice an unusual martial art that mixes self-taught spellcasting and melee attacks to great effect. |
Ascetic Rogue | 106 | You have gone beyond the bounds of your monastic training to incorporate new modes of stealthy combat. |
Augmented Alchemy | 191 | You can create alchemical items and substances that are much more powerful than normal. |
Blindsense | 114 | You can sense creatures that you cannot see. |
Brachiation | 106 | You can swing through trees like a monkey. |
Brutal Throw | 106 | You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect. |
Chant of Fortitude | 113 | You can channel the power of your bardic music to sustain your allies, allowing them to function even after receiving wounds that would cause others to falter. |
Climb Like an Ape | 114 | You can improve your climbing ability. |
Combat Intuition | 106 | Your keen understanding of your opponent's moves and your instinctive feel for the flow of combat enable you to shrewdly assess your opponent's combat capabilities. |
Cougar's Vision | 114 | You can see in the dark like a cat. |
Danger Sense | 106 | You are one twitchy individual. |
Death Blow | 106 | You waste no time in dealing with downed foes. |
Deft Opportunist | 106 | You are prepared for the unexpected. |
Deft Strike | 106 | You can place attacks at weak points in your opponent's defenses. |
Devoted Inquisitor | 107 | Your faithful service to your patron deity involves training and methods that many paladins consider questionable. |
Devoted Performer | 107 | You have foregone the pursuit of frivolous musical talents, instead entering religious training in service of honor and justice. |
Devoted Tracker | 108 | You have found a balance between your woodland training and your devotion to religious training, blending these two aspects into one seamless whole. |
Disguise Spell | 108 | You can cast spells without observers noticing. |
Dive for Cover | 108 | You can dive behind cover or drop to the ground quickly enough to avoid many area effects. |
Dual Strike | 108 | You are an expert skirmisher skilled at fighting with two weapons. |
Epic Dodge | 191 | You are able to evade attacks with exceptional agility. |
Epic Reputation | 191 | Your reputation provides great bonuses on interactions with others. |
Epic Skill Focus | 191 | Choose a skill, such as Move Silently. You have a legendary knack with that skill. |
Expert Tactician | 109 | Your tactical skills work to your advantage. |
Extra Music | 109 | You can use your bardic music more often than you otherwise could. |
Extraordinary Concentration | 109 | Your mind is so focused that you can cast spells even while concentrating on another spell. |
Extraordinary Spell Aim | 109 | You can shape a spell's area to exclude one creature from its effects. |
Force of Personality | 109 | You have cultivated an unshakable belief in your self-worth. |
Goad | 109 | You are skilled at inducing opponents to attack you. |
Green Ear | 110 | Your bardic music can affect plant creatures. |
Group Inspiration | 192 | Your bardic powers can inspire more allies than normal. |
Hawk's Vision | 114 | You can improve your visual acuity. |
Hear the Unseen | 110 | Your sense of hearing is so acute that you can partially pinpoint an opponent's location by sound, allowing you to strike even if the opponent is concealed or displaced. |
Improved Diversion | 110 | You can create a diversion to hide quickly and with less effort. |
Improved Flight | 110 | You gain greater maneuverability when flying than you would normally have. |
Improved Skirmish | 192 | Your combat mobility improves. |
Improved Sudden Strike | 192 | Your ability to strike unaware foes improves. |
Improved Swimming | 110 | You can swim faster than you normally could. |
Insightful Reflexes | 110 | Your keen intellect allows you an uncanny knack for evading dangerous effects. |
Ironskin Chant | 113 | You can channel the power of your bardic music to enable yourself to ignore minor injuries. |
Jack of All Trades | 110 | You have picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills. |
Leap Attack | 110 | You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack. |
Legendary Acrobat | 192 | You can balance and tumble much more easily than a normal person. |
Legendary Climber | 192 | You can climb rapidly much more easily than a normal person. |
Legendary Leaper | 192 | You can cover great distances with only a brief start. |
Legendary Tracker | 192 | You can track prey across or through the water, or even through the air. |
Lingering Song | 111 | Your inspirational bardic music stays with the listeners long after the last note has died away. |
Lyric Spell | 113 | You can channel the power of your bardic music into your magic, allowing you to expend uses of your bardic music ability to cast spells. |
Mobile Spell-Casting | 111 | Your focused concentration allows you to move while casting a spell. |
Natural Bond | 111 | Your bond with your animal companion is exceptionally strong. |
Obscure Lore | 111 | You are a treasure trove of little-known information. |
Open Minded | 111 | You are naturally able to reroute your memory and skill expertise. |
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting | 111 | You are adept at wielding larger than normal weapons in your off hand. |
Polyglot | 192 | You can speak, read, and write all languages. |
Power Throw | 111 | You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect. |
Quick Reconnoiter | 112 | You can learn a lot of information from just a quick scan of an area or object. |
Razing Strike | 112 | You have mastered the art of delivering precise strikes against nonliving creatures while channeling spell energy through your melee attacks. |
Savage Grapple | 114 | While transformed into the shape of a wild animal, you can savagely tear at any creature that you manage to grapple. |
Scent | 114 | You can sharpen your sense of smell. |
Staggering Strike | 112 | You can deliver a wound that hampers an opponent's movement. |
Subsonics | 112 | Your music can affect even those who do not consciously hear it. |
Tactile Trapsmith | 112 | You can rely on your rapid reflexes and nimble fingers instead of your intellect when searching a room or when disabling a trap. |
Versatile Performer | 112 | You are skilled at many kinds of performances. |
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Facts about "Complete Adventurer"
Abbreviation | CAdv + |
Author | Jesse Decker + |
ISBN | 0-7869-3651-7 + |
Item Code | 177290000 + |
Media Type | Trade Hardcover + |
Page Count | 192 + |
Publication Date | January 2005 + |
Publisher | Wizards of the Coast + |
System | Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e + |
Title | Complete Adventurer + |