Choreography of the Passions (3.5e Ki Techniques)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 13/01/2021
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Choreography of the Passions' Techniques[edit]

The Dancing Hall School's training teaches its students to express, in a controlled and deliberate way, their emotions to achieve feats of supernatural nature. This training results in the techniques called Choreography of the Passions. These are techniques performed via dance and recitation (the two arts that the school primarily teaches), apt to daze and amaze their witnesses, while leaving them confused, burnt or replenished. Practioners of this school say that only by expressing yourself and yielding to the Passions that shape all things, you may reach peak in arts, both intellectually and physically. These techniques revolve around fast movements, precise coordination to confuse the enemy, encouraging allies and there are some techniques that manipulates certain elemental forces to use them in combat. Students achieve mastery of these techniques by long and repeated sessions of exercise, inspected by severe, high-level masters that want nothing but perfection in execution.

Monks that study at the Dancing Hall may be lawful as well as chaotic, and many multiclass as bards (with the help of a feat) to augment their prowess with performances. Adepts are called choreutists: they revere the divine forces that are the Passions and often spend time in leisure pleasure, spanning from watching a play to more exciting activities. Nevertheless, they must train very hard and a long times to maintain their abilities. But, as the school rules are kind of loose, many choreutists travel or become itinerants artists, often on behalf of the school, to gain money and fame and bring art to the people. Some become renowned performers in noble courts, while others remain street artists, more or less successful. They have a minor role as spies and assassins or intel, as their position and flexibility allow them to be discreet ears pressed against the right door. Multiple halls exists, as their style is quite diffused and variegated. Their leader is called Prima Donna and must be always a woman (though a lot of man are choreutists, women hold the major positions of power), chosen by a competition of artistic prowess.

Base Techniques[edit]

  • Hazy Footwork—A technique aimed at confunding your adversaries.
  • Mimesis Step—Follow your enemies' steps, never letting them go.

Advanced Techniques[edit]

Master Techniques[edit]

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Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Identifier3.5e Ki Techniques +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleChoreography of the Passions +