Chimera (3.5e Bloodline)

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Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 11/05/12
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“What! You can have more than one head!”

Chimera Bloodline Traits
Trait Gained
Minor Intermediate
2nd +2 on Spot Checks
4th +2 on Spot Checks Lion Head
6th Strength +1
8th Lion Head Dragon Head
10th Magical Beast Affinity +2
12th Strength +1 Bat Wings
14th +2 on Listen Checks
16th Dragon Head Serpent Head
18th Strength +1
20th Magical Beast Affinity +2 Goat Head

Lion Head: Your natural head becomes a lion’s head, which has a 1d8 bite attack (19-20/x2 crit). At 6HD can roar, treat as an intimidate check but creatures who fail by more than 5 become frightened.

Dragon Head: Sprout a dragon head to one side of the lion head, which has a 1d6 bite attack (x3 crit). The dragon head is slightly elongated (giving a 5’ reach). At 10HD pick an elemental type; the dragon head acquires a breath attack in the chosen type. The breath attack can deal 1d4 damage per three HD, in a 20’ cone, once every 1d3 rounds. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/3 chimera’s HD + chimera’s Dex modifier.

Bat Wings: Two bat wings emerge on chimera’s upper back (if quadruped may be slightly lower on back). The wings have a fly speed of 50’ with poor maneuverability. The wings have a 1d2 slam attack (x2 crit), per wing. At 14HD speed improves to 75’, and maneuverability to average.

Serpent Head: Grow a tail with a serpent head at its tip, which has a 1d4 bite attack (x2 crit), with a reach of 5’. At 18HD, pick an ability score; the serpent head now has the option of injecting poison when grappling an opponent. The poison deals primary and secondary ability damage of 1d4 (in the selected type). This may be done once per day for every Constitution bonus.

Goat Head: Sprout a goat head to other side of the lion head (opposite dragon), which has a 1d12 gore attack (x4 crit).

Magical Beast Affinity: You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with magical beasts.


As a variant, one can instead acquire hydra heads (in the normal places one would get heads). Hydra heads have a 1d6 bite attack (19-20/x2 crit); the necks are elongated, giving your head a 5’ reach. At 10 HD, all heads become akin to hydra heads, when severed a single new head will emerge from the stump of a removed head, 1d6+1 rounds later, unless burned. Unlike a normal hydra, only one head will sprout.

You will note above that only heads are replaced, the wings are acquired in both the traditional and variant.

The variant is somewhat weaker than the traditional bloodline, build for more stringent GMs. While the Chimera and Hydra varieties (at 20th level) increase DPR by about the same: 175-182 (see hidden text for math and assumptions), the Hydra’s only special ability is regrowing heads.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorFranken Kesey +
Identifier3.5e Bloodline +
Rated ByFluffykittens +, Foxwarrior + and Ghostwheel +
RatingRating Pending +
Summary“What! You can have more than one head!” +
TitleChimera +