Changeling Variant (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-10-21
Status: Complete
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Changeling Variant[edit]

It's a short sword. It's a longsword. It's a greatsword. It's everything you ever wanted.

A variant of the Changeling enhancement from the Magic Item Compendium, designed to fit any kind of weapon. A changeling weapon allows you to alter its length and appearance between any three thematically similar weapon states, such as a short sword, longsword, and greatsword or a handaxe, battleaxe, and greataxe. Choose a weapon that fits in the light, one handed, two handed, or reach categories (any two the original weapon does not cover). As a swift action each round you can transform your weapon into one of the three potential weapon choices. The weapon retains material and enhancements across all transformations, though ones that no longer apply may be suppressed for the duration of the change.

As part of the transformation you can dictate the weapons appearance and decorations as you see fit, through this does not change the function of the weapon.

Faint Transmutation; ML 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shrink item; Price: +2000 gp.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5628 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Cost+2000 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA variant of the Changeling enhancement from the Magic Item Compendium, designed to fit any kind of weapon. +
TitleChangeling Variant +