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Home Plane:

Bleak Eternity of Gehenna 

Power Level:



Lawful Evil 


Thievery, Disguise, Concealment 



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Squerrik is the wererat deity of thievery, disguise, and concealment and belongs to the 3rd Edition default list of deities. He normally appears in his hybrid humanoid rat form. Squerrik's realm of Cheisin is an endless series of trap-infested burrows and tunnels located on the plane of Gehenna.

The 2nd Edition sourcebook Monster Mythology[1] describes Squerrik as physically weak and cowardly, constantly seeking protective magic and disguises to hold imagined enemies at bay. He doesn't care much for his shamans, providing them with little additional support beyond the standard grant of spellcasting ability and expecting them to be capable of protecting themselves.


  1. Jump up Carl Sargent (1992). Monster Mythology. (2e) TSR. ISBN 1-56076-362-0.
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