Book of Gears (3.5e Sourcebook)/Mechanics with Class
Mechanics with Class[edit]
Many players want to play characters whose primary way of defeating their enemies involves using magical or technological items to crush them and do crazy magical things - but so far, all official attempts at doing so have been horrible messes that are simultaneously far too weak and game-breaking. The classes listed here allow those players to be satisfied without destabilizing the world.
Base Classes[edit]
Monster Tamer
“ | I choose you! | ” |
Monster Tamers are a group of people who, instead of gaining innate power, learn to bind the souls of monstrous beings and command them to fight in the Tamer's stead. They are often feared by most of the smarter beings among these Monsters, who don't relish the prospect of being an attack dog on a leash for mortal Tamers.
Monster Tamers are most often defined by the Monsters they have at their command. Some choose to have a varied and even haphazard collection, some choose to focus on Monsters of a particular type or subtype, and some choose to go along other themes, such as Monsters with particular schools of spell-like abilities or tough bruisers.
Abilities: Charisma determines how many Monsters a Monster Tamer can control. A Monster Tamer is also somewhat dependent upon ranged combat, which is highly influenced by Dexterity. Most Monster Tamer class skills (see below) are based on Charisma, Intelligence, or Dexterity.
Races: Monster Tamers are usually Human, although there is a sizable number of Halfling Monster Tamers as well. Monster Tamers are usually not well thought of in Elven communities, and many turn to the road. In the depths of the Dwarven mountain halls Monster Tamers are seen as a valuable method of removing dangerous Monsters from the caverns but are also frequently shunned if they are seen training their Monsters. Gnomes are more likely to be scholars of Monsters than to attempt to capture any themselves. Amongst the savage humanoids Monster Tamers are usually laughed at and scorned until they can capture something large enough to frighten compliance out of others.
Alignment: Most Monster Tamers have an extreme alignment, although many are kindly masters, others are vicious and cruel. Monster Tamers tend to shy away from neutrality as their constant battles of will with Monsters generally make them quite accustomed to choosing sides.
Starting Gold: 3d4×5 gp (37.5 gp). Monster Tamers also start with an empty soul prison and one CR 1/2 monster.
Starting Age: Simple. Monster Tamers often start young, and the player can simply elect to take the youngest possible age for her race.
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Monster Tamer.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Monster Tamers are proficient with all simple weapons, nets, bolas, Orcish Shotputs, Halfling Skiprocks, harpoons, shuriken, and whips. Monster Tamers have proficiency only with light armor. Monster Tamers are considered proficient with using any bludgeoning weapon they are normally proficient with for inflicting subdual damage (thus, they do not duffer a -4 to-hit penalty when attempting to inflict subdual damage with any bludgeoning weapon they are proficient with).
Caster Levels: Even though Monster Tamers do not gain spells per day or have spell levels – Monster Tamers have many caster level dependent abilities. A Monster Tamer gains a Monster Tamer caster level for every Monster Tamer level. If a Monster Tamer gains a Prestige Class which adds to Caster levels – she may choose to raise Monster Tamer caster levels instead of other caster levels.
"Monster": A Monster is any Aberration, Beast, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, Magical Beast, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Shapeshifter, or Vermin which advances by "Hit Dice" rather than "By Character Class." Creatures which can advance by hit dice or character class – like Beholders – are Monsters even if they have character class levels. Deity level creatures, including unique dragon types and unique arch-fiends, are not Monsters regardless of creature type. A Monster Tamer can use the Animal Empathy skill on any Monster as a normal Diplomacy attempt to influence NPC attitudes – regardless of whether or not the Monster Tamer shares a language with the Monster or the intelligence of the Monster.
Soul Prisons and Monsters: When a Monster is caught with a Soul Prison (see Craft Soul Prison below) it is shrunk down and placed in stasis like in Gloves of Storing. While in a Soul Prison, Monsters do not to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. A Monster can be returned to its Soul Prison or removed from its Soul Prison as a standard action by the Monster Tamer which owns it – with a range of 25’ + 5’ per 2 caster levels. If a Soul Prison with a Monster is traded, given, or sold to another person, ownership of the Monster is also transferred. A Monster heals rapidly while in its Soul Prison. Regular damage is converted to subdual damage at the rate that subdual damage normally heals for the creature. Subdual damage heals at the normal rate while in its Soul Prison.
Control Monster (Ex): A Monster Tamer can have a number of Monsters in Soul Prisons equal to her Charisma Modifier be “Controlled.” A Controlled Monster behaves like a summoned monster when released from its Soul Prison, and is essentially under the control of the Monster Tamer. A Monster Tamer cannot control a Monster whose Challenge Rating is equal to or greater than the Monster Tamer’s Caster Level. Remember the rubric for increasing challenge rating based on extra hit dice or class levels to determine if the Monster is controlled. An uncontrolled Monster will act as it sees fit, possibly going on a rampage, running away, or simply sleeping until it is returned to its Soul Prison. Furthermore, Dragon type Monsters are harder to control than other Monsters, and use twice their CR (or their own CR + 4, whichever is less) to determine whether they will obey their Monster Tamer. A Controlled Monster cannot use any Summoning ability to summon uncontrolled Monsters.
More than one controlled Monster can be out of their balls at any one time – but only the first one released behaves like a summoned monster – any subsequent released Monster will act normally, usually standing around and watching events transpire, or sleeping (extreme events can cause them to take direct action at DM’s option).
Increases to Charisma only affect the number of Monsters which can be controlled if the increase would affect spells per day. As such, effects like Eagles Splendor do not increase the number of controllable Monsters, but a Cloak of Charisma would. Once a Monster Tamer has reached the limit of the number of Monsters which can be controlled, the Monster Tamer cannot control any more until one or more of the controlled Monsters are released from control or killed. Releasing a Monster from control takes about 10 minutes. Control can be reasserted, but only if the Monster Tamer has the ability to control that many Monsters.
Losing Monsters: A Monster Tamer can, at any time, release their Monsters into the wild. This is a process that takes about 10 minutes during which the Monster Tamer says her goodbyes to the Monster. The Monster is then free to do whatever it wishes, its current intellignce, alignment, and abilities do not inherently change from this release. The Monster’s Soul Prison is broken in the process, and is no longer attuned to that Monster. Monsters who were treated especially well or poorly by their Monster Tamer will not forget that treatment and may, at the DM’s discretion, act accordingly either immediately or at some time in the future.
Death and Monsters: Sometimes, Monsters die, this causes a great loss to the Monster Tamer, both emotionally and spiritually. A Monster Tamer whose controlled Monster dies immediately loses 200 XP times the CR of the Monster (zero XP for Monsters below CR 1). A Monster Tamer can make a Will save (DC 15) to halve the XP loss. XP lost in this way are recovered if the Monster is raised from the dead by any means (usually Raise Dead or Resurrection). The XP is recovered if the Monster is Reincarnated, but the new body breaks the Monster Tamer to Monster link and the Monster is no longer controlled, and may no longer be a Monster (depending on its new type).
Train Monster (Ex): A Monster Tamer can train or evolve their Monster with their Handle Animal skill. As an extraordinary ability, a Monster Tamer need not choose specific animals as trainable and can use Handle Animal on any Monster. Training a Monster takes 8 hours and has a DC of 15 + Monster’s (new) CR. The effects available from Training Monster are based on the number of Ranks in Handle Animal the Monster Tamer has:
- 3 ranks – Learn Trick: This is just like teaching to an animal companion (see DMG page 46). Note that some Monsters are intelligent enough so that they are able to perform “tricks” without being specifically taught – and all Monsters are able to learn at least 4 tricks even if their intelligence would not normally be high enough.
- 6 ranks – Grow Monster: This causes the Monster to advance 1 Hit Die, if it would not cause the Monster to exceed its advancement limit. This may cause the creature to grow in size category, see the monster description. This may also cause the Monster to become uncontrolled, if this raises its CR to past the maximum CR the Monster Tamer can control. You select what skills, if any, a Monster Tamer gains for its level, and if this would cause a Monster to gain a feat you may select the feat.
- 9 ranks – Evolve Monster: This causes the Monster to evolve to a more advanced form. The Monster gains a template of your choice. Note that this may cause the Monster to become uncontrolled, if this raises the CR to past the maximum CR the Monster Tamer can control. The Monster remains a Monster even if its type changes to a type which is not normally a Monster. Monsters who become Dragons in this way are not harder to control than natural dragons are. You select what skills, if any, a Monster gains with its template, and if this would cause a Monster to gain one or more feats you may select the feat(s). At the DM’s option, a Monster may be evolved into a similar but more powerful form that is normally represented by a separate entry. For example: a DM might allow a Monster Tamer to evolve her Red Slaad into a Green Slaad, or a Fiendish Horse into a Nightmare.
- 12 ranks – Inspire Monster: You may be an especially kind or cruel master to your Monster, giving it a permanent +2 Sacred or Profane bonus to any statistic. You may only give this bonus once to each Monster, and you cannot give different bonuses (Sacred or Profane) to different Monsters.
Dread Lore (Ex): A Monster Tamer accumulates significant knowledge about the Monsters that they face. The amount of knowledge a Monster Monster Tamer has on an encountered wild monster is linked to the Monster Tamer’s Knowledge Arcana or Survival skill – whichever is higher. The abilities granted depend upon how many ranks the Monster Tamer has in the relevant skill:
- 3 ranks – Identify Monster: A Monster Tamer can automatically identify the name, type, and subtype of any Monster encountered.
- 6 ranks – Full Monster Entry: A Monster Tamer’s player can open the Monster Manual (or other relevant source material) to the appropriate page and read the Monster’s entry. If the Monster Tamer’s player chooses, she may read the relatively uninformative descriptive text at the beginning of the entry to other players out loud. In addition, a Monster Tamer may note whether a Monster encounterred in the wild has extra advancement hit dice and/or class levels – though not necessarily what kind or how many.
- 12 ranks – Fully Identify Monster: The Monster Tamer is able to instantly identify any Monster’s advancement hit dice and class level (if any).
Craft Soul Prison (Su):: A 2nd level Monster Tamer can craft Soul Prisons. A Soul Prison costs 100 GP and 8 XP to make. Alternately, it costs 200 GP to buy one if it is available. A Soul Prison acts as a thrown weapon, which is used as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 15’. Using a Soul Prison is considered to be using a spell like ability. If a Soul Prison thrown by a Monster Tamer hits a Monster it inflicts 1 point of subdual damage per caster level – if the Monster is unconscious after being hit by the Soul Prison it is sucked into the Soul Prison and now belongs to the Monster Tamer who threw the Soul Prison – the Soul Prison is now sitting in a square formerly occupied by the captured Monster. If a Soul Prison hits a Monster it is attuned to that Monster and cannot be used on any other Monster – ever.
Heal Monster (Su): A Monster Tamer may attempt to accelerate the healing of a Monster in its Soul Prison. By spending a fullround action, a Monster Tamer can attempt a Heal Check (DC 15) to either convert all regular damage suffered by the Monster into subdual damage, or to confer the benefits of 1 day of rest to the Monster (2 Hit Points per hit die, 1 day worth of repaired Ability damage, the recovery of any limited uses/day abilities, and the healing of all subdual damage). This ability may be used on each Monster 3 plus the Monster Tamer’s Wisdom bonus (if positive) times per day.
Subtype Specialization (Ex): A Monster Tamer can choose a subtype which is her specialty. A Monster Tamer gains a +1 bonus on all Bluff, Animal Empathy, Handle Animal, Knowledge, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival, checks when using these skills on or about such creatures for every 3 caster levels she has. A Monster Tamer can choose a second Subtype to be equally proficient with at 12th level, and a third at 18th. A Monster Tamer can Control one extra Monster which must be of a subtype that she specializes in. Subtypes include: Air, Aquatic, Chaotic, Cold, Earth, Electricity, Evil, Fire, Good, Lawful, Reptilian, and Water.
Increased Awareness (Ex): At 4th level and above, a Monster Tamer’s Monster become more intelligent and aware. After the Monster Tamer has owned her Monster for at least 1 week, its intelligence changes to the Monster Tamer's ranks in Handle Animal if that is more than its normal intelligence, This will Not grant the Monster Sapience. In addition, a Monster Tamer can make her Monster gradually see things her way – a Monster’s alignment shifts one degree towards the Monster Tamer’s each week if she can succeed in an Animal Empathy check at a DC of (10 + the Monster’s CR). The DM decides whether it moves Law/Chaos or Good/Evil first depending upon circumstances. So if a Lawful Good Monster Tamer captured an Imp (lawful evil Monster), the Imp could become Lawful Neutral after one week, and could be Lawful Good after 2 weeks. Monster subtypes are unaffected – so an Evil Monster such as an Efreet would stay subtype [Evil] even if it subsequently became of Good alignment.
Double Team (Ex): Upon reaching 4th level, the Monster Tamer is able to control two Monsters out of their balls simultaneously, even in battle. This ability only functions so long as both Monsters are more than 2 CR less than the Monster Tamer's caster level. For example, a 5th level Monster Tamer could command a single CR 4 Monster in battle or two CR 2 Monsters, but could not command a CR 1 Monster and a CR 3 Monster simultaneously.
Speak With Monsters (Ex) At fifth level a Monster Tamer has tongues – always on, which only affects Monsters. Even though a Gorgon’s speech still sounds like “Groarrough” it is perfectly intelligible to the Monster Tamer. Further, the Monster Tamer’s speech is understandable by Monster even if they do not normally have a language – even Oozes and other Monsters not normally capable of communicating at all.
Craft Greater Soul Prison (Su): A Monster Tamer can craft a Greater Soul Prison, which is a more powerful form of Soul Prison. It behaves just like a Soul Prison except that it costs 1000 Gold and 80 XP to craft – and inflicts d4 subdual damage per caster level.
Type Specialization (Ex): At 7th level, you can choose a single creature type to gain the same skill bonuses as your subtype specialization with a creature type instead. You are not limited to normal Monster types. You may choose a second type to Specialize in at 14th level, and a third at 19th. You may have an additional controlled Monster, which must be of a type you are specialized in. Type and Subtype Specialization bonuses are cumulative.
Transfer Control (Ex): At 8th level a Monster Tamer can choose to change which Monster she controls, up to her regular limit of controlled Monsters. All newly controlled Monsters must be in Soul Prisons possessed and owned by the Monster Tamer. Transfer Control is a full-round action. Normally transferring control takes 10 minutes per Monster so transferred.
Advanced Monster Healing (Sp): A Monster Tamer can, at 9th level, use heal as a Spell-like ability a number of times a day equal to her wisdom modifier, with a minimum of once a day. A Monster Tamer can only Heal Monsters she controls, but can heal them whether they are in their Soul Prisons or not.
Craft Leaden Seal (Su): A Monster Tamer can craft a Leaden Seal. A Leaden Seal is a much more powerful form of Soul Prison. It costs 5000 GP and 400 XP to make. When used, it inflicts d8 points of subdual damage per caster level.
Store Monster (Sp): Starting at 11th level, as a move equivalent action, a Monster Tamer can send a Soul Prison with a Monster in it to a completely safe extra dimensional space. A Soul Prison must be within Close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 caster levels) to be stored. Store Monster cannot be combined with a normal move. Store Monster is a spell-like ability.
Recall Monster (Su): Starting at 11th level, as a full-round action, a Monster Tamer can transport a Stored Soul Prison from her extradimensional space to her hand.
Craft Master Prison (Su): A Master Prison is the ultimate expression of the Monster Hunter – it costs a hefty 10000 GP and 800 XP to manufacture, and subdues the first Monster it hits, if that Monster does not have more than 2 hit dice for every caster level of the Monster Tamer who threw it. If a Monster is too strong to be captured automatically it may yet succumb as it still suffers d12 subdual damage per caster level.
Fast Recall Monster (Su): As Recall Monster, but Recalling Monsters is a free action.
Subtype Mastery (Ex): The Monster Tamer chooses one subtype that she is already specialized in to Master. All her Leaden Seals function like Master Prisons against Monsters of that subtype, there is no limit to the CR of Monsters of that subtype that she can control – and she can control one extra Monster of that subtype, in addition to her bonus controlled Monsters from type and subtype specialization.
Monster Tamers and Multiclassing
Monster Tamers rarely multiclass - however, if they multiclass into another spellcasting class and have access to domains, the Spellcaster levels stack for purposes of controlling Monsters of a type or subtype sharing a name with those domains. So a Monster Tamer 6/Cleric 5 with the domains of Evil and Fire would control Monsters as Caster level 6, but would control Evil or Fire Monsters as a Caster Level 11 Monster Tamer.
Prestige Classes[edit]
Golem-Knight of Mechanus
Golem-Knights are to be feared. Their armor is massive, and they know secrets about iron and metal and chemicals and what they can really do. Also, keep in mind that sufficiently advanced technology kicks as much ass as magic.
Golem-Knights can come from Knights, obviously. However, a lot of craft-oriented Fighters feel the pull of using the teachings of Mechanus.
Alignment: | Any |
Base Attack Bonus: | +7 |
Skills: | 10 ranks in Knowledge (Engineering) |
Feats: | Juggernaut |
Special: | must have spent time learning the art of construction in Mechanus. A Knight who is of an appropriate Order need not possess the ranks in Knowledge (engineering) or spend time learning in Mechanus. |
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Craft Mechanus Armor, Amplifiers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Mechanus Mount, Rocket Lance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Artificer's Secret Weapon,Fuel Lines | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Craft Grenades, Boomstick | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Golem Body,Servo Arm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (6 + Int) modifier per level. Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis) Open Lock (Dex), Ride (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex). |
Proficiencies: the Golem-Knight is proficient with any weapon that they craft.
Craft Mechanus Armor (Ex):the Golem-Knight can, given about a day and enough scrap materials, construct a suit of Mechanus Armour. This is extra heavy Adamantine Full Plate that has an Enhancement bonus equal to one quarter of the Knight's character level. However, it only gains this effect when worn by the Knight who crafted it.
Additionally, the wearer gains all Construct traits (but ability scores remain unchanged), along with the ability to add the armour's Enhancement bonus to all Break attempts and damage rolls.
Amplifiers (Ex): the Golem-Knight has a booming voice that can carry on for miles. Additionally, they may cast Command at will as an Extraordinary ability.
Mechanus Mount (Ex): the Golem-Knight may, given enough scrap material and about a day, craft a mighty steed that looks like a warhorse with too many layers of plate barding. This counts as a Cauchemar Nightmare of the Construct type (ability scores are unchanged) and no actual alignment. It loses its Spell-like abilities (but retains the smoke, breath weapon and fire damage) and Subtypes, and has hit dice equal to the Knight's character level.
It possesses a Natural Armour bonus of +0 but an Armour bonus equal to its hit dice and an Enhancement bonus to Strength and Armour equal to the class level of the Golem-Knight. It is completely loyal to the Golem-Knight, but when not being ridden, it stands motionless, unable to act.
It can be crafted to any size that the Golem-Knight could ride, and the Knight can see through its Smoke.
Rocket Lance (Ex): the Golem-Knight may, with an hour of work, modify a lance to be fired as though from a cannon. It can be used as a ranged weapon with range increments of 15' and counts as charging when fired. It still adds the Strength modifier of the Knight to damage, but does not multiply the Strength by one and a half.
Artificer's Secret Weapon: (Ex): with a day of hard work, the Golem-Knight can craft special weapons. They are treated as though magical (with a Greater Magic Weapon effect), though may trade the bonuses out for special abilities, however they are in no way magical and thus function normally in an AMF and cannot be disjoined. They still bypass DR/magic and can strike incorporeal targets.
Fuel Lines (Ex): special fuel pipes can be built into the Mechanus Armour with a whole hour of work. This allows the Golem-Knight to drink any potion they have as a Swift Action.
Craft Grenades (Ex): with an hour and some random materials, the Golem-Knight may craft 1d4+1 special grenades. Sadly, they are unstable and will be unusable after 24 hours. Until then, they may be thrown as grenade weapons (duh), exploding in a 30' radius. The save DC is 10 + half the Knight's HD + their Int modifier. The Golem-Knight may choose the effects upon creation:
- Incendiary: all in the area take 1d6 Fire damage per character level of the Golem-Knight. A successful Ref save halves this damage, but those who fail the save catch fire.
- Frost Cloud: all in the area take 1d6 Cold damage per character level of the Golem-Knight and are Slowed for 1 round. A successful Fort save halves the damage and negates the Slow effect.
- Flash Bang: all in the area are Blinded and Deafened for 1d4 rounds on a failed Ref save.
- Concussion: all in the area are knocked prone automatically, and Dazed for 1 round on a failed Fort save.
- Electro Pulse: all in the area take 1d6 Electricity damage per character level of the Golem-Knight. A successful Ref save halves this, but those who fail the save count as Entangled for 1 round as their limbs spasm.
- Sleep Gas: all in the area become drowsy for 2 rounds on a failed Fort save. Drowsy characters count as Fatigued and take a -6 penalty on saves against Sleep effects.
- Corrosive Gas: all in the area take 1d6 Acid damage per character level of the Golem-Knight. A Ref save halves this. Those who fail the save take damage equal to the Golem-Knight's character level on the following round.
- Disruption Pulse: all Constructs and Undead in the area take 1d8 untyped damage per character level of the Golem-Knight. A Fort save halves this, and they are not immune to this effect.
Grenades are not magical.
Boomstick (Ex): with half a day of work, the Golem-Knight can craft a double-barrelled shotgun of sorts. Firing this two-handed weapon is an Attack action and it takes a Partial Action to reload (Swift with Rapid Reload or Sleight of Hand 10 ranks, Free with both of the above), but can fire twice before needing to be reloaded. 1d6+1 rounds can be crafted with an hour of work.
- Solid Shot: 40' range increments, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, critical 20/x4.
- Scatter Shot: 40' cone, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, Ref half (same DC as grenades). Those who fail are knocked Prone.
- Incendiary: 40' cone, 2d6 Fire damage, Ref half. Those who fail catch fire.
- Flash-Bang Powder: 40' cone, all in the area are Blinded and Deafened for 1 round, Ref negates.
- Explosive Shells: 20' range increments, 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 Fire damage, sets the target on fire. Crit 20/x3 (only multiplies the Bludgeoning damage).
- Meltdown Shells: 20' range increments, 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 Acid damage, with 2d6 Acid damage the following round. Crit 20/x3 (only multiplies the Bludgeoning damage).
- Executioner Seeker Rounds: creates a non-magical Magic Missile (try not to think too hard about it) effect with a CL equal to the class level of the Golem-Knight.
This weapon is not magical.
Golem Body (Ex): with a week of work and enough materials, the Golem-Knight may construct their very own actual golem body. This can be a giant chunk of baked clay that looks like a few rocks stacked together, or it could be an intricate suit of many plates of armour. Whatever. It takes a whole hour to don this "body", or to escape it, but when worn, the following benefits are gained, in addition to those that would be gained if the Knight was wearing their Mechanus Armour (they can't wear armour while wearing this):
- Size: 1 category larger (you may wish to construct a bigger horse)
- Ability Scores: +8 Strength, -4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution
- Speed: remains the same
- Reach: extends by 5'
- Armour: as the Mechanus Armour +5
- Attacks: may wield weapons, or gains 2 slams (2d6+Str for a Large creature). May also use a Bite attack (3d6+1/2 Str for a Large creature).
- Special:
- Trample (4d6 for a Large creature)
- Improved Grab
- Spell Resistance equal to 10 + hit dice
- Furnace Blast (Ex): 50' breath weapon deals 2d6 Fire damage per hit die, Ref half (Con-based). Can be used once per minute, and those who fail the save catch fire. May instead be focused on a character hit by a Bite attack, as a Swift action. This hits automatically as though they had failed the save, but no-one else is affected.
This "armor" is not magical.
Craft Servo Arm (Ex): the Golem-Knight may, with a day's work, craft an additional arm to connect to a mount, Mechanus Armour, or the Golem Body. This arm reaches out to 10' further than the subject normally could, and can manipulate objects like a Telekinesis spell (CL = HD), or may be used to attack foes like a Bigby's Crushing Fist spell (CL = HD). It also has a form of blow-torch and saw added, which helps it assist the Knight in creating items (halving the time), but also is very unfortunate for those grappled by the arm. They take an additional 2d6 Adamantine Slashing damage and 5d6 Fire damage per round.
The Servo Arm is also not magical.
Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend
Sometimes, a Robot Girl gets too clingy. She sees one person as the whole of their existence, and will outright kill anyone or anything that threatens this person. It's scary.
Base Attack Bonus: | +5. |
Race: | Robot Girl. |
Skills: | Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 8 ranks |
Special: | A special attachment to someone, or a tendency to get too attached to people even if you aren't at this very moment. |
Class Features[edit]
Proficiencies: The Execution Girlfriend is proficient with any weapon-like or armor-like inventions she gains, but otherwise gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
Inventions (Ex): at the levels shown in the chart above, the Girlfriend may select one Gadget of the appropriate kind. She gains this, built into her body (unless that would be considered stupid, in which case she builds it or can transform or suddenly call forth four other Robot Girls who combine-transform with her) as an Invention (as per the Gadgeteer).
Cyber Eye (Ex): the Girlfriend has extra-special Cybernetic Eyes, allowing her to see in complete darkness, and rendering her immune to Blindness and Dazzle effects. Likewise, she cannot see through illusions, but recognizes them as such with a glance.
Charm Machine Spirits (Su): when activating a charged item, a Girlfriend may attempt to talk it into accepting her own inner power. By adding +5 to the Use Magic Device DC, a successful check causes the item to be used without spending a charge. This causes her to become Fatigued.
Razor Hair (Ex): the Girlfriend's hair is replaced or supplemented with long strands of razor-wire, or flailing cables. This may be used as a regular melee weapon (2d4 Slashing Damage, ignoring all Damage Reduction, 18-20/x2 critical, reaches to 10'), or can be used to attack all enemies within 5' as a Standard action. At level 6, her body can provide enough extra energy to add 1d6 Electrical damage plus her Constitution modifier.
This also provides a +4 bonus on Climb and Grapple checks, and can reach out to 15’ to perform actions such as Sleight of Hand, Repair, Heal and Disable Device. They may even be used to grapple foes at a distance, although she does not add her own Strength bonus in this case.
Turbo Driver (Su): a number of times per day equal to her Con modifier (minimum 1), the Girlfriend may activate a turbo driver, gaining the benefits of a Haste effect for one round per hit die.
Levitation Unit (Su): once per hour, the Girlfriend may levitate (as per the spell) for a number of rounds equal to her Con modifier (minimum 1).
Photonic Grav-Field Generator (Su): the Execution Girlfriend perpetually emits a special photon field that bends gravity, electromagnetic waves and energy fields. She can interact with Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures and objects as though they lacked those traits - such as not suffering a miss chance when attacking them (even with wielded weapons), and they need to make actual attacks, not touch attacks, to affect her.
Spine-Crushing Glomp (Ex): the Girlfriend gains a Constrict attack, used as a Standard Action, that deals 3d6 + Str*1.5 Bludgeoning damage and causes the victim to, if they fail a Fortitude save (Str-based), become Fatigued. If already Fatigued they become Exhausted, and if already Exhausted they pass out until 1d4 rounds after being released. If used on an ally, the ally takes 1d6 nonlethal damage but gets a +3 moral bonus to attacks and saves for a number of rounds equal to the Execution Girlfriend's Charisma bonus, and any morale penalty or fear effect is removed. She may stay glomped onto an ally, providing Cover for them.
Pacify Machine Spirit (Su): by this stage the Girlfriend can talk magic items into doing anything. With a Standard Action, they can be activated or deactivated (as though held in an Anti-magic field for 1d4+1 rounds, then requiring reactivation) up to 50' away with a Use Magic Device check, the DC being the Caster Level + 15. This may also be done to deactivate Constructs for 1d4+1 rounds.
Static: The Execution Girlfriend constantly emits a 15' radius aura of static electricity and interference. All attempts to cast spells within this area require a Concentration Check (DC 10 + her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or the attempt fails and the spell is lost. Other Constructs in the area suffer a 20% Miss Chance on all of their attacks, and anybody that strikes her with a melee weapon suffers a shock, taking Non-Lethal Electricity damage equal to her Constitution Bonus. This damage is also suffered every round that someone is involved in a Grapple with her. This field can be suppressed or resumed at will. If ever she is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, there is a surge of electricity and all in the area suffer Electricity damage equal to her Constitution Bonus plus her hit dice plus 3d6 and must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be Paralysed for 1d6 rounds.
Turbo Boost (Su): the Execution Girlfriend is overclocked, and can move so fast it's like teleporting. She can Dimension Door to anywhere in Close Range with a Move-Equivalent Action at will.
Arm Cannon (Ex): One of the Execution Girlfriend's arms is altered to make a big energy cannon; the hand flips over the wrist revealing the mouth of the weapon, and it flips back after it's fired. It takes a standard action to fire, in a 250' Line, it does 1d6 damage per hit die, and is only usable every four rounds. This is a [Light] effect. Those in the area are allowed a Reflex Save (Charisma-based) for half damage.
Holo-Projector (Su): The Execution Girlfriend has a special light projector built into her eyes, shoulder or whatever. Basically, she can cast Silent Image at will.
EYE BEAMS!: the Girlfriend's Laser Eyes' damage increases, becoming 3d6 + double her hit dice and Blinding the target for twice as long.
Confuse Magic Device (Su): anyone using a magic item to target the Girlfriend with a spell they don't want to be hit by must make a Modified Level Check against the Use Magic Device or Bluff of the Girlfriend. If they fail, the item targets the user instead. Additionally, any construct that is to attack the Execution Girlfriend is automatically treated as Charmed (ignore their immunity to Mind-Affecting Effects). There is no save against this.
Empower Device (Ex): by whispering sweet nothings to it, the Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend may Empower the effects of any magic item she wields, or one of her own (Su) or (Sp) abilities. A Swift action must be spent doing this, and it lasts for the remainder of the round.
Electrifying Kiss (Su): The Execution Girlfriend can kiss someone (part of Spine-Crushing Glomp) and give them the BEST DAMN KISS OF THEIR LIFE. If they fail a Fort Save (DC 10 + ½ the Girlfriend’s character level + her Con or Charisma modifier), it is also the last kiss of their life, as they are killed instantly. If they pass the save, they still take 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die.
Electrical Discharge (Su): the Execution Girlfriend constantly benefits from a Call Lightning effect (Su). This can be suppressed at will. While it is in effect, she emits light flickering like a torch.
Neutronic Asplodey Death Cannon (Ex): The Girlfriend’s Arm cannon gains an additional option: Once a day, she may use the Neutronic Asploding Death Ray, which is a ranged touch attack with 1000' range, 100' radius blast, 2d6 damage per hit die, Ref Half (Charisma-based). Anything that takes damage must make a Fort Save (Constitution-based), or be outright asploded to death, leaving nothing behind. This is a [Light] effect.
Back-Up Chip (Ex): The Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend can constantly update a back-up chip with her entire personality and memories. Should anything untoward happen to her, such as death or destruction, her soul uploads itself onto the chip. This can allow her to be effectively resurrected or reincarnated just by installing the chip in a spare body or other construct or machine.
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Racial Restrictions | Robot Girl + |
Skill | Bluff +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Intimidate +, Knowledge (Arcana) +, Perform +, Profession +, Ride +, Sleight of Hand +, Speak Language +, Survival +, Appraise +, Balance +, Climb +, Disable Device +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Open Lock +, Spot +, Swim +, Use Rope +, Escape Artist +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Tumble + and Use Magic Device + |
Skill Points | 4 + and 6 + |