Bladebow (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 8-29-16
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Bladebows are both bows and melee weapons, typically either a double weapon or a pair of weapons.

Bladebows are similar to combiweapons and ElvencraftRotW weapons, though specific to the fusion of a bow (typically a longbow) and either a double weapon, or a pair of weapons. Also unlike most item templates, creating a bladebow is an act of magic, though the weapons involved need not have a base +1 enhancement. All involved weapons do need to be masterwork. Bladebows can be added to any bow and any double weapon, or any pair of one-handed or light weapons. The cost covers fusing two or three weapons together respectively. It is said that a particular legion of celestials are well known for their longbow/two scimitar combos.

A bladebow weapon has all the base statistics of the normal item except as noted here.


The creator of a bladebow item must have at least 4 ranks in Craft and Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

Bladebow Weapons[edit]

Bladebow weapons are made from one bow (typically a longbow) and either one double weapon, or two identical one-handed or light weapons. In bow form, the double weapon or paired two weapons tilt and dangerous edges are held in protective fields, with a string formed of energy. As a free action the user may toggle the bow into either double-weapon form (if a double weapon) or two identical weapons to be used in melee, and back into bow form. All two or three weapons may be enhanced separately.

Cost: Cost of the involved weapons + 600 gp

Affinities: Ability Blow, Ability Striking, and Uncanny.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
Cost600 gp (weapon) +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryBladebows are both bows and melee weapons, typically either a double weapon or a pair of weapons. +
TitleBladebow +