Armory Of Darkest Shadow (3.5e Invocation)

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Armory Of Darkest Shadow
Warlock Lesser, Umbral Warlock Least; 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th (See text)

First and foremost, this invocation cannot be chosen unless the Warlock or Umbral Warlock already knows the Darkness invocation.

This invocation allows the Warlock to shape darkness into many different effects, based on the level of Invocations the Warlock can currently cast. The Warlock knows the abilities for each category automatically upon gaining the appropriate grade of invocation, but can only use one ability of each category at any time. Unless otherwise specified, each effect lasts up to 24 hours or until the Warlock chooses to end it or switch to another effect. For instance, if a Warlock was under the effects of Armor Of Darkness, they would have to end that effect in order to cast the Darkbolt function of this invocation.

For the purposes of the Dark Spiral Aura invocation, any targets killed by this invocation are treated as if they died to your Eldritch Blast; Thus granting you an orb upon death.

The effects of this invocation grow in power as the Warlock does, just as shadows lengthen as the day nears dusk. If the Warlock learns it again as a Least invocations, all effects created by this spell are treated as the equivalent of 2nd level spells. When the Warlock in question learns it again as a Lesser invocation, the effective level rises to 4th level equivalent; It rises again to 6th-level equivalent when the Warlock learns it again as a Greater invocation, and finally to 8th-level equivalent when the Warlock learns it again as a Dark invocation. Most, if not all, of the effects created by this invocation are [Darkness] effects, and thus are subject to being countered or dispelled by [Light] effects of appropriate level.

Least Shadow Armory[edit]

Cloak Of Dark Power: This grants a single touched target continual 20% concealment; Neither Darkvision nor See Invisibility pierces this effect, but True Seeing does. It also protects the target and all their equipment from the effects of sunlight, even under the open, daytime sky of the surface world. This protects them both from destruction by sunlight (such as a vampire target) and light blindness (such as a Drow target). It also confers a +4 bonus on saving throws against Light and Darkness effects such as Flare or Darkness. This is an Abjuration [Darkness] effect.

Shield Of Shadows: This creates a shield made of interwoven threads of shadow and force that floats in front of the Warlock, just as the Shield spell. It grants a +2 (Lesser: +4, Greater: +6, Dark: +8) Shield bonus to the caster's armor class and the caster is immune to Magic Missile (And similar spells of lower level than the shield's equivalent level). It also grants the caster Spell Resistance against targeted Light effects (Such as Searing Light, Faerie Fire or Sunbeam, but not Light, Daylight or Sunburst unless these spells are cast directly on them by touch) equal to 10 + the Warlock's Caster Level (Max SR 30). This spell resistance is lost when the Warlock is flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus to AC. This is an Abjuration [Darkness] [Force] effect.

Claws Of Darkness: When you use this, you create claws of darkness around your hands. This gives you two natural claw attacks; Or it adds the effects of these claw attacks to any existing claw attacks you may have (Such as the Eldritch Claws invocation). In either case, the claw attacks granted by or altered by this invocation interfere with doing thing with your hands; You cannot cast spells or invocations with somatic components unless you possess the Somatic Weaponry or Wild Spell feat(s), nor can you carry items with your hands (Thus preventing the casting of spells with material components). Any items worn on your hands, such as gauntlets, gloves, rings or handwraps, are assimilated into the claws and cease to function as long as the Claws Of Darkness are in effect. The claws grant you a+4 bonus on grapple checks, and you can extend the claws (or retract them) as a free action, increasing your reach by 5 feet while still allowing you to attack adjacent foes. These claws deal 1d6 cold damage to the target (Lesser: 2d6, Greater: 3d6, Dark: 4d6) with a Fortitude save allowed for half damage. If you grapple a foe, you deal claw damage with each successful grapple check, and the grappled target is under the effects of a Slow spell for as long as you maintain the grapple unless it succeeds a Fort save. If it succeeds its save, it cannot be Slowed by your Claws Of Darkness for 24 hours. This is an Illusion [Cold] effect.

Shadow Double: When you use this, you call into being an illusory double of yourself made of shadow in any square within Close range. The shadow double attacks any adjacent target (Regardless of the weapon it appears to wield) on your initiative, beginning on the round when you cast the invocation. It uses your base attack bonus and your Charisma modifier to hit; Each successful hit deals 1 point of Strength damage. A target is allowed a Will save the first time they are hit to disbelieve the double; If it succeeds, the damage is negated and it is immune to further attack by your Shadow Double for 24 hours. The shadow double occupies a space equal to your own and can provide flanking benefits to allies; It is not incorporeal and thus can't share a space with another creature. It can hit incorporeal creatures, but not ethereal creatures. Each round after the first, you can direct it to attack a different target as a standard action; If you don't, it continues to attack the same target. To attack a new target, it moves to any legal space within 30 feet of its original position each round until it reaches the target; It does so by instantaneous teleportation. The shadow can be attacked; It has an AC of 10 + your size modifier + a Deflection bonus equal to the modifier for your invocation save DCs, and hit points equal to one-fifth of your HP total. If the shadow double is destroyed, you take 1d4 nonlethal damage which bypasses all immunity to nonlethal damage. If you create a second double while the first is still in existence, the first flickers out of existence as the second forms; Thus you can only have one shadow double in existence at a time. This is an Illusion [Shadow] effect.

Lesser Shadow Armory[edit]

Shadowborn Bonds: When you use this invocation, ribbon-like shadows explode in a 5-foot burst from a point in space you designate within Medium range. Creatures within that burst take 1d4 points of Strength damage and must make a Will save. If they fail, they are Dazed for 1 round and wrapped in shadows for 1d4 rounds. While so bound by shadows, they are granted concealment, they are Slowed, and shadows obscure their vision - They cannot see anything beyond 5 feet, and things within 5 feet have concealment from the subjects. A foe that succeeds on their save is immune to all effects of this use of the invocation except the Strength damage for 1 minute. Once used, this use of the invocation cannot be used again for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a Necromancy [Darkness] effect.

Spectral Weapon: When you cast this function of the invocation, you create a melee weapon out of shadow. It can be any melee weapon with which you are proficient, and functions in all ways as such, with two exceptions. First, all attacks with it are resolved as melee touch attacks instead of melee attacks. Second, the first time a target is struck, they are entitled a Will save to notice the shadowy, semi-insubstantial nature of the weapon; If they succeed, they only take half damage from the weapon, and have a 50% chance to ignore any special effects of an attack you make with the weapon, such as a Sneak Attack, Death Attack, or similar. The weapon strikes Incorporeal opponents normally, as if it possessed the Ghost Touch property. You can have only one such weapon in effect at a time, and only you can wield it - If it leaves your hand, it immediately disperses into wisps of dark smoke. The weapon, being magical, counts as Magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Furthermore, the weapon overcomes damage reduction as if it were Adamantine. If you are capable of casting Greater invocations, the weapon has an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier (But no higher than +5). Finally, if you are capable of casting Dark invocations, Any weapon you conjure with this function of the invocation deals damage as if it were a size larger than it really is. This is an Illusion [Shadow] [Force] effect.

Shadow Mask: When you use this, you create a mask of shadows around your face that completely hides your features, though you can see through it normally. You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against effects that rely on bright light for damaging effects (Such as Flare or Pyrotechnics), as well as a 50% chance to avoid having to make a saving throw against gaze attacks, as if you were averting your eyes. If you avert your eyes while the mask is in effect, you get to roll twice to see if you avoid having to make a saving throw, choosing the better result. When the mask effect is ended or dispelled, it fades over the course of 1d4 rounds, giving you time to keep your face hidden by other means. While the mask is in place, you can See Invisible, as the spell, and you have Darkvision out to 30 feet (Or you gain a +30ft enhancement bonus to the distance of your existing darkvision. This is an Abjuration [Darkness] effect.

Greater Shadow Armory[edit]

Armor Of Darkness: When you use this function of the invocation, you call into being a shadowy suit of armor around a touched target. You can have only one such suit in existence at a time; if you create a second, the previous one ends. While it is in effect, it gives the wearer a +6 Armor bonus to Armor Class (+8 if you can cast Dark invocations). It also grants the subject a +4 bonus on Hide, Move Silently, Tumble and Escape Artist checks (+6 if you can cast Dark invocations). Finally, it grants the wearer concealment (20% miss chance) and a +4 bonus on saving throw against any holy, [Good] or [Light] spells or effects cast at them (+6 if you can cast Dark invocations). If the wearer of the armor is undead, it also gives them +4 Turn Resistance (+6 if you can cast Dark invocations). The armor is made partially of force, thus the armor bonus applies even against attacks made by incorporeal creatures, unlike normal armor. This is an Abjuration [Force] [Darkness] effect.

Darkbolt: When you use this invocation, you call into being 6 shadowy bolts (8 if you can cast Dark invocations). Each bolt hits unerringly, as Magic Missile; You can hurl all the bolts at once (They have a Medium range), or hurl one per round as a free action, beginning on the round in which you cast the invocation. To living creatures, each bolt deals 1d4 ability damage; half of this ability damage (Rounded up) is dealt to the target's Dexterity score, with the remaining damage being Strength damage. Alternatively, you can have each bolt deal 3d4 damage - 1d4 Cold, 1d4 Negative Energy, and 1d4 Force damage. In either case, each time the target is hit, they are entitled a Will save for half damage; Each successful save grants them a +1 bonus on the next save they make in the next 24 hours against your Darkbolt. Nonliving targets take 2d4 Force damage from each missile, with a Will save for half. Targets that fail their Will save are also dazed for one round; No matter how many bolts hit a target in the same round, they can only be dazed for one round. The Warlock takes 1d4 nonlethal damage (That bypasses all immunity to nonlethal damage) per bolt that hits its target, but thisdamage can't interfere with his spellcasting or other actions, short of knocking him unconscious. Once the Warlock uses this function of the invocation, he cannot use it again for 1d4x5 rounds. This is a Necromancy [Darkness] [Cold] [Force] effect.

Dark Shadow Armory[edit]

Ravenous Void: When you activate this function of the invocation, you create a shadowy cloud of inky void within Medium range, which affects up to 12 contiguous squares. It blocks all light and sound; Targets within the area are silenced and the area is darkened as if by Deeper Darkness. Creatures within the cloud are both blinded and deafened. Unseen within the cloud, tendrils of shadow weave together and slowly seep the life from those within the cloud; Targets within the cloud's area are entangled and must make a Fortitude save or be slowed for as long as they remain in the cloud; Leaving the cloud and re-entering it results in having to make another save. They also take 1d6 damage each round; half of this damage (rounded up) is cold damage, the other half is negative energy damage. A creature under the effects of an ongoing necromancy effect (such as negative levels, energy drain, ability damage from negative energy or the like, instead takes 2d6 damage each round. A successful Fortitude save each round negates the damage, but the save must be made again every round to negate the damage that round regardless of the success or failure of previous saves. If a target within the cloud has spell resistance, the cloud must overcome it in order to affect that creature; But failing to affect that creature doesn't end the spell. Undead creatures and those with ties to the Shadow Plane instead gain Fast Healing 1 while they remain within the cloud, rather than taking damage from the cloud. The cloud can move up to 20 feet each round, but a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses it in 5 rounds. Any wind weaker than that grants a +4 bonus on Fort saves made by those within the cloud while it is in effect, but otherwise doesn't hinder the clouds. However, the Warlock must concentrate each round to maintain the cloud, and each round the Warlock maintains the cloud, they take 1d6 nonlethal damage that bypasses all immunities to nonlethal damage, making maintaining this cloud a costly endeavor. This cloud affects incorporeal creatures as if they were corporeal; They are entangled as long as they remain in the cloud's area and so forth, in addition to being subject to the damage. This is a Necromancy [Darkness] [Force] [Cold] effect.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorZhenra-Khal +
Identifier3.5e Invocation +
LevelWarlock Lesser + and Umbral Warlock Least +
Rated BySurgo +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryYour previous knowledge of manipulating darkness allows you to shape shadow into armor, weapons and other combat effects. +
TitleArmory Of Darkest Shadow +