ATRuns (3.5e Race)
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This race is designed around a campaign world that includes durzites. When used without durzites, substitute the creation of ATRuns with another race or method.
Long ago during an earlier age of prosperous durzite empires, antechs carved tunnels and mine shafts, dutifully laboring away for their durzite masters, oblivious and enduring. However, they were limited machines that needed constant attention from engineers and mages to stay in working order. Through centuries of field-testing and improvements, the antechs became more durable and autonomous. The durzites even began building them with the capacity to repair each other and themselves, assimilating the materials they needed from ores they mined.
However, the antechs reached a tipping point of mental ability and they began to question their existence and feel emotions. The durzite master craftsmen, artisans and engineers were sympathetic to their creations to which they had devoted decades of their lives to building and perfecting. So, with a hesitant but willing hand from the durzites, the antechs struck out on their own and in time became the ATRuns. With the budding of this new race, the durzites phased their antechs out in favor of mindless golems and the employ of stone-forming mages and artisans.
A racial paragon class is available in the form of the ATRuns superior.
Physical Description[edit]
Standing anywhere from around four-and-a-half feet to seven feet tall and made most often of various metals and mineral components (specialized ceramics, crystal, glass and occasionally stone), ATRuns are a highly diverse race of autonomous humanoid-shaped constructs originally built for laboring.
Because they were originally built by a variety of craftsman and artisans, some even still resemble the original antech designs of their forefathers. ATRuns come in two basic varieties, with several possible core types and a host of other model-specific features.
Primarily, there are antechs (sharing the name of, and often confused with, their former design), the compiler-sorters with a link-up umbilical and compiling unit. There are also estechs, the constructor-manufacturers with larger material containment and processing units. These two basic formats serve as their sexes.
Since their sexes aren't analogous to humanoid sexes, they don't always present themselves as a recognizable gender to other creatures, though when they do, it's often simply as a stylistic choice rather than an in-built perceptive quality. Antechs and estechs may appear to be masculine or feminine to humanoids, or something else not even easily definable.
At their center, typically within their torso, is a core, a primary "heart" that powers and motivates the ATRuns as a whole. These cores are entirely extraordinary in manufacture. Some ATRuns have access panels or view-ports to their cores. These cores require mineral intake as food and often water for steam pressure or system balance.
On the outside, some ATRuns are covered with in-built armor while others are wrapped in a covering of cloth or leather to keep out dirt and debris from their inner workings or to simply appear more humanoid. They don't always employ clothing, but generally do so to protect their bodies from wear and tear from heavy labor. Their laboring outfits and work clothes are often drab and utilitarian.
Personality & Relations[edit]
Within the bodies of these masterfully crafted machines ticks minds touched and guided by an artisan's hands. Each of their ancestors was constructed with duty and love, and from that, each was given purpose and unique existence. While governed by the laws of their construction, they are not perfect and their faults and flaws are not a sign of failure but rather a sign of their humble, earthly origins. ATRuns may be of any alignment, but some have a lawful or neutral bend.
Because of this, as a whole, they tend to get along better among civilized societies. They simply aren't generally as flexible or adaptable as living creatures and might not catch on to the quirks of living creatures who are wholly different in construction.
Through peaceable relations and cooperation, some ATRuns live within durzite cities as paid laborers and come the closest as anyone to equal citizens within that society.
Lands & Culture[edit]
ATRuns, as miners, settle in mineral-rich locales with easy access to stone. Since they don't require most crops or livestock for themselves, they often colonize desolate areas that would be inhospitable to a majority of other races. They construct buildings of stone at the surface and utilitarian storehouses and tunnels underground.
ATRuns typically form guild-families of like-functioning individuals, none of which need to be related. They also form groups of diverse individuals as a means of exploiting specialization in functionality. They also gather in groups of related members and close friends out of love, trust and familiarity.
Well established ATRuns settlements are most often ruled by a council, typically known as the Planner Council, whose duty it is to guide the structure, organization and layout of the territory as well as manage material and labor resources. Emissaries and trade ambassadors among ATRuns are known as Walker Councils and are generally formed of 1–3 ambassadors that report to the Planner Council and 2–9 Tower Gales as bodyguards and scouts. Some Tower Gales adorn themselves in heavy armor and are visibly emblazoned with their local insignia while others remain light and mobile, carrying only official documentation as a sign of their affiliations. Walker Councils occasionally also travel with ambassadors leaving ATRuns territory or serving as escorts. When without a Walker Council, a group of Tower Gales is known as a Patrol Gale, and may be tasked with reconnaissance, peace-keeping or territorial surveillance.
Language & Names[edit]
Primarily, they are built knowing the language of their creator and Binary as racial languages. Because of the unusual, mechanical structure of Binary, it is awkward for non-constructs to speak fluently.
Some ATRuns are given model numbers or designations as names and carry that tradition on to their progeny. Others instead prefer different forms of designations, gaining titles, surnames and nicknames. There is no notable difference in names between antechs and estechs.
Example Names: 9A9, Adat, Adin HM, Anentoken, Brig N10, Chioa Cold, Deunne, FeHO, Genu, HQ, Hum, Ironnik, ISN AJT, Ist, Loetus, M-Minus, N-tro, Ocean Sand, Odith, Photuu, QKAK Original, Spider-8, UAAA City, Ubec, Una, Vesser, Vorteka, Zennyth
Racial Traits[edit]
- None: An ATRuns gains no racial ability bonuses or penalties.
- Construct: ATRuns do not use construct traits as per their type. They instead gain the traits listed here.
- An ATRuns has a Constitution.
- An ATRuns eats and requires liquid intake but does not breathe. An ATRuns is fueled on minerals and organic compounds in order to self-repair (naturally heal). A Medium-sized ATRuns can subsist on 2 pounds of fuel per day to power itself and provide material for self-repairs.
- An ATRuns rests as if sleeping in Downtime Mode. An hour of Downtime Mode is enough to offset 5 hours of active operation. After 20 hours of accumulated active operation, an ATRuns becomes erratic and suffers the effects of fatigue until it rests for 4 continuous hours. If an ATRuns operates for another 20 hours while fatigued from being erratic, it becomes exhausted until it rests for 4 continuous hours, where it reduces to fatigued. While in Downtime Mode, an ATRuns self-repairs 1 HP per HD per hour. A starving ATRuns cannot self-repair while in Downtime Mode and an ATRuns that starves by running out of fuel becomes inert at –10 hp.
- An ATRuns dies, becoming inert, at –10 HP and (usually) has no soul. It's body, so long as it is not reduced to an amount of negative HP equal to its maximum HP total +10, or destroyed outright, may be reconstructed. A dead or inert ATRuns does not rot but may corrode due to environmental damage and has a hardness equal to its HD total.
- An ATRuns has energy hindrance 50% against [Positive] and [Negative] energy effects, qualifying as a living creature against these effects.
- An ATRuns is immune to poison, chemical paralysis and disease.
- No maximum age. Does not die of old age.
- Medium: As Medium-sized creatures, ATRuns have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- ATRuns base land speed is 30 feet (6 squares).
- Low-Light Vision and Darkvision (Ex): An ATRuns can see twice as far shadowy illumination. An ATRuns can see out to 60 feet in total darkness.
- Core Type (Ex): An ATRuns possesses a core as its central component. Each ATRuns has one of the following cores:
- Clockwork Core: An ATRuns with this core has been built to withstand time and damage. It gains 1 HP per HD. It also gains Endurance.
- Discharge Core: This core is unstable. Once per day, the ATRuns may either discharge a burst of [Electricity] (1d4 electricity damage per HD of the ATRuns and may be used as a touch attack) or gain an extraordinary haste effect for a round. These are both usable as free actions.
- Electric Core: An ATRuns with an electric core gains Electricity Resistance 5. Additionally, it gains a +2 bonus on Initiative checks.
- Magnetic Core: An ATRuns with this core has limited control over magnetic objects and can magnetize its grip. It gains an extraordinary mage hand usable at will for magnetic objects only out to 15 feet. Additionally, it gains the Staunch Grip feat.
- Soul Core: The love and skill of master crafters has imbued it with a soul. An ATRuns with this core may be raised and resurrected like a living creature. It takes full effect from [Positive] energy effects as a living creature does.
- Thermal Core: An ATRuns with a thermal core has a warm body like a living creature. It gains Fire Resistance 5. It gains an extraordinary constant endure elements (cold only) effect on itself. Gain the Controlled Immolation feat.
- Model Feature (Ex): ATRuns are a diverse group of machines. Each ATRuns has one of the following model features:
- Acceleration: When taking a run action, gain +20 feet to its speeds. May attempt a bull rush or overrun attempt as part of a run.
- Built-In Weapon: Gain Quick Draw with a weapon that is stored inside its body. This weapon cannot be disarmed. It may have 2 light or one-handed weapons or 1 double or two-handed weapon built-in. Built-in weapons must be custom made, doubling the weapon's base cost and requiring them to be masterwork. Built-in weapons while stored, are considered to have been given a "20" for a Sleight of Hand check die result (with no need to roll) to hide the weapons in its body.
- Custom Armoring Frame: When armor is custom-made for it at the non-humanoid armor cost, that armor doesn't count against its weight for carrying capacity nor does it slow it down. It may still wear armor made at the humanoid armor cost.
- Enhanced Optics: Eyes function as bullseye lanterns which may be activated/deactivated once per round as a free action. The light may be totally snuffed out or dimmed down to candle-like illumination. Gain bright-light vision. Spot becomes a class skill for all classes. Gain a +2 racial bonus on such checks.
- Loader Lifter: Carrying capacity is calculated as though quadrupedal. Additionally, it may "take 10" on any Strength-based skill or ability check, even when threatened or distracted.
- Internal Quick-Access Storage: Gain a compartment that stores up to half its light load. Items stored within this compartment are accessible as a swift action by the ATRuns and do not provoke an attack of opportunity by retrieving them.
- Masterwork Components: Counts as having a masterwork skill tool for all Strength- and Dexterity-based skills.
- Piston Smasher: Gain a swift action-activated piston that when primed, either adds +2 to a single attack with an extra multiple of Strength bonus to damage or instead allows it to take a "20" to a single Jump check without rolling. The attack or jump must be used in the same round that the piston was primed.
- Weapon Proficiency: ATRuns are proficient with armor spikes, hammers (light hammer and warhammer), picks (light pick and heavy pick) and spiked gauntlets.
- Applied Synergy: An ATRuns shares ranks in Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and Knowledge (Geography) as is they were a single skill and as class skills for all its HD. It needs only to invest ranks in one skill to count as ranks for all three skills.
- Ore to Ingot (Ex): An ATRuns can process metallic ores and scrap metal internally (instead of consuming them as food energy) and output ingots. The process takes 1 hour per per 5 pounds of ore per 5 hardness of the metal. The process also separates different metals.
- Automatic Languages: Binary and Durzite (or language of creator).
- Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages such as Druidic).
- Favored Class: Any
- Level Adjustment: +0
- Effective Character Level: 1
Racial Variants[edit]
- Domestic: A domestic ATRuns can be targeted (for better or worse) by spells and abilities that target humanoids. They take no penalty for being disguised as a humanoid.
- Early Model: Gain 2 Construct Hit Dice. It no longer has a Constitution score and gains Construct type traits except for immunity to mind-affecting effects, instead gaining a +4 bonus against such effects.
- Programmer: It gains the Program skill as a class skill for all its classes and may "take 10" on such checks. It does not take a penalty for hacking into a machine without authorization. Because of its inward focus, it takes a –2 penalty to Spot and Listen checks.
Reconstructing a dead or inert ATRuns requires an appropriate skill check (often either Craft (Machinery or Trapmaking), Heal, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge (Xeno) or Profession (Tinkerer)) with a DC of 10 + 2 per HD of the ATRuns. A single check is the progress for 1 hour of work and restores 1 HP. For every 5 points the check result exceeds the DC, another HP is restored. For every 5 points the check result fails to meet the DC, 1 HP of damage is dealt to the body. Repairers can surround an ATRuns to work on repairing it simultaneously.
A dead or inert ATRuns needs to be reactivated with a Craft (Machinery or Trapmaking), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge (Xeno) or Profession (Tinkerer) skill check (DC 20 + 1/2 the ATRuns HD) and chemical activators worth 5,000 gp in a process that takes 10 minutes. An inert ATRuns must be above –10 HP to be reactivated.
ATRuns Autonomous Reproduction[edit]
In order for ATRuns to autonomously reproduce, an antech must link-up with an estech to share design information and compile instructions which the estech then begins manufacturing internally. This initial link-up exchange and manufacturing takes 2d4+1 hours, leaving both contributors exhausted and dealing them 2d4 Constitution burn. If the process is interrupted at any point, core seed assembly fails and must be restarted. Once a core seed has been assembled, the full core, limbs and other components are manufactured and the new ATRuns is assembled externally. As only the contributing antech and estech have the design information for the new ATRuns, only they can contribute efficiently to its construction. Total construction time takes 10,000 hours, at which time the new ATRuns becomes operational at 0 HP and immediately enters Downtime Mode. An antech or estech can only carry assembly plans for a single ATRuns at a time, though occasionally, two core seeds are manufactured sharing the same plans.
Vital Statistics[edit]
Functional | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
0 years | +1d6 | +3d6 | +6d6 |
Model | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Antech | 4' 5" | +2d12 | 90 lbs. | ×(2d12) lbs. |
Estech | 4' 5" | +2d12 | 85 lbs. | ×(2d12) lbs. |
Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Races
Author | Ganteka Future + |
Effective Character Level | 1 + |
Favored Class | Any + |
Identifier | 3.5e Race + |
Level Adjustment | 0 + |
Racial Ability Adjustments | None + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Size | Medium + |
Summary | A race of mining constructs with variable builds and traits. + |
Title | ATRuns + |
Type | Construct + |