5e Subrace Table

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81 official and unofficial races.

SubraceRaceAbility ModsFeaturesSummarySource
Abyssal TieflingTieflingThis replaces +1 Int in SRD5 version, Con +1Abyssal Arcana, Abyssal Fortitude, Abyssal Language (replaces Infernal)Tiefling with a demonic heritage.UA That Old Black Magic
Air Genasi SubraceGenasiDex +1Unending Breath, Mingle with the WindGenasi descended from Djinni.Princes of the Apocalypse
ArgonianLizardfolk - Gr7mmWis +1Size, Speed, Natural Weapons - Claws, Scaly Hide, Histskin, Swampborn Resilience, Survival InstinctThe Elder Scrolls variant of LizardfolkGr7mm Bobb
Asmodeus TieflingTieflingno change from SRD versionUse SRD5/Player's Handbook (5e) Tiefling stats, abilities, and features.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
AvengerAasimar-Gr7mmCha +2Celestial Resistance, Languages, Flames of Vengeance, Torch of RadianceMazz
Baalzebul TieflingTieflingReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Int +1, Cha +2Legacy of Maladomini (Replaces Infernal Legacy)Tiefling who's ancestors made a pact with Baalzebul.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
BeasthideShifterCon +2, Str +1Shifting Feature, Natural AthleteLycanthrope heritage provides additional toughness.Eberron Rising from the Last War
Black DragonbornDragonborn - RewriteDex +1Black Dragon Affinity, Amphibious, Black HeritageZhenra-Khal
BlackscaleLizardfolk - Gr7mmStr +1Size, Speeds, Primal Stance, Natural Weapon - Bite, Natural Weapon - Tail Slap, Scaly Hide, Powerful Build, Natural AthleteThe primal physically evolved dark scaled lizardfolk.Gr7mm Bobb
Bloodbond DvatiDvatiCha +1Blood Bond, Empathic Healing, Gift of Agony, Psychic Vulnerability, Frail FleshThe default Dvati subrace, Bloodbonded Dvati can share their life essence - And their pain - Between themselves, and even with others.Zhenra-Khal
Blue DragonbornDragonborn - RewriteWis +1Blue Dragon Affinity, Sandstalker, Blue Heritage
Brass DragonbornDragonborn - RewriteCha +1Brass Dragon Affinity, Brass Heritage, Sleepsand
Bronze DragonbornDragonborn - RewriteStr +1Bronze Dragon Affinity, Amphibious, Bronze Heritage
Copper DragonbornDragonborn - RewriteInt +1Copper Dragon Affinity, Natural Jester, Copper Heritage
Deep Gnome SubraceGnomeDex +1Superior Darkvision, Stone Camouflage, Extra LanguageVaried
Dispater TieflingTieflingReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Dex +1, Cha +2Legacy of Dis (Replaces Infernal Legacy)Tiefling whose ancestors made a pact with Dispater.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Earth Genasi SubraceGenasiStr +1Earth Walk, Merge with StoneGenasi descended from Dao.Princes of the Apocalypse
Eladrin SubraceElfCha +1Fey StepThese are elves from the FeywildMordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Dark ElfElfCha +1Superior Darkvision, Sunlight Sensitivity, Drow Weapon Training, Drow MagicDrow as playable subracePlayer's Handbook (5e)
Wood ElfElfWis +1Elf Weapon Training, Fleet of Foot, Mask of the WildThese elves who have chosen to live in wooded lands.Player's Handbook (5e)
EpperiDuskkenInt +1Innate Spellcaster, KnowledgeableEpperi tend to be the wizards, scribes, and scholars of the duskken.Rlyehable
Fallen AasimarAasimarStr +1Necrotic ShroudAasimar who have abandoned their celestial assignment.Volo's Guide to Monsters
Feral TieflingTieflingReplaces Tiefling Ability Score Increase, Dex +2, Int +1Apperance, Feral, One of — Devil's Tongue, Hellfire, WingedTieflings with fiendish physical manifestations.Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Fierna TieflingTieflingReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Wis +1, Cha +2Legacy of Phlegethos (Replaces Infernal Legacy)Tiefling who's ancestors made a pact with Fierna.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Fire Genasi SubraceGenasiInt +1Fire Resistance, Reach to the BlazeGenasi descended from Efreeti.Princes of the Apocalypse
Flowering Cherry/Dogwood TreefolkTreefolkCha +1Spellcasting, Swirling Blossoms
Forest Gnome SubraceGnomeDex +1Natural Illusionist, Speak with Small BeastsThese gnomes are natual illusionists that speak with small animals.Player's Handbook (5e)
GhostwiseHalflingWis +1Silent SpeechTelepathic HalflingsSword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Githyanki SubraceGithStr +2Decadent Mastery, Martial Prodigy, Githyanki PsionicsMartial humanoids, once slaves of the mind flayers.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Githzerai SubraceGithWis +2Mental Discipline, Githzerai PsionicsMonastic humanoids, once slaves of the mind flayers.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Glasya TieflingTieflingReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Dex +1, Cha +2Legacy of Malbolge (Replaces Infernal Legacy)Tiefling who's ancestors made a pact with Glasya.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Gold DragonbornDragonborn - RewriteWis +1Gold Dragon Affinity, Luckbringer, Gold Heritage
Gray DwarfDwarfStr +1Superior Darkvision, Extra Language, Duergar Resilience, Duergar Magic, Sunlight SensitivityThese dwarves are native to the Underdark. They are innate spellcasters, are resistant to illusions, but are sensitive to sunlight.Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Green DragonbornDragonborn - RewriteCha +1Green Dragon Affinity, Silvertongue, Green Heritage
High ElfElfInt +1Elf Weapon Training, CantripHigh Elves are natural wizards.SRD5, SRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Hill DwarfDwarfWis +1Dwarven ToughnessHill Dwarves have a keen senses, deep intuition, and remarkable resilienceSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Human VariantHumanTwo of choice by +1 (Replaces Human Ability Score Increase)Skills, FeatVariant human stats that trades ability score increase for a feat.Player's Handbook (5e)
Levistus TieflingTieflingReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Con +1, Cha +2Legacy of Stygia (Replaces Infernal Legacy)Tiefling who's ancestors made a pact with Levistus.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
LightfootHalflingCha +1Naturally StealthyA lightfoot halfling, can easily hide from notice, even using other people as cover.SRD5
Lizardfolk - Gr7mmLizardfolk - Gr7mmWis +1, Str +1, Dex +1Size, Speed, Natural Weapons - Claws, Scaly Hide, Histskin, Swampborn Resilience, Survival Instinct, Speeds, Primal Stance, Natural Weapon - Bite, Natural Weapon - Tail Slap, Powerful Build, Natural Athlete, Personal Venom, Natural Chameleon, Ambush Predator, Jungle BloodedThe MM race, now a PC race with subraces!Gr7mm Bobb
Lonely DvatiDvatiStr +1, Con +1Lonely Twin, Dual Mind, Mind Link, Divided Agony, Powerful Build, Minor PsionicsThe rarest of the Dvati, Lonely Dvati are a form of conjoined twins, two minds occupying a single, stronger body.Zhenra-Khal
LongshanksHalflingStr +1, Wis +1, Choice of one:Stealthy, Longstride, Less Nimble, Racial Weapons TrainingTropical subrace of tall HalflingsRlyehable
LongtoothShifterStr +2, Dex +1Fierce, Shifting FeatureTheir lycnathrope heritiage makes them strong and fierceWayfinder's Guide to Eberron, Eberron Rising from the Last War
Lotusden HalflingHalflingWis +1Child of the Wood, TimberwalkExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Mammon TieflingTieflingReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Int +1, Cha +2Legacy of Minauros (Replaces Infernal Legacy)Tiefling whose ancestors made a pact with Mammon.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Mephistopheles TieflingTieflingReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Int +1, Cha +2Legacy of Cania (Replaces Infernal Legacy)Tiefling who's ancestors made a pact with Mephistopheles.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Mountain DwarfDwarfStr +2Dwarven Armor TrainingThese mountain-dwelling dwarves are trained in the use of armor.Player's Handbook (5e)
MubraiDuskkenCha +1Persuasive, CharismaticMubrai tend to be the politicians, salesmen, and scoundrels of the duskken.Rlyehable
Oak/Pine/Redwood/Walnut TreefolkTreefolkStr +1Thick Bark, HeavySpanambula
Palid ElfElfWis +1Incisive Sense, Blessing of the Moon WeaverExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Pallid ElfElfWis +1Incisive Sense, Blessing of the Moon WeaverExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
PoisonduskLizardfolk - Gr7mmDex +1Size, Speed, Natural Weapon - Bite, Personal Venom, Natural Chameleon, Ambush Predator, Jungle BloodedThe small venomous and cunning variant of the lizardfolk.Gr7mm Bobb
Protector AasimarAasimarWis +1Radiant SoulAasimar who's role is that of protector.Volo's Guide to Monsters
Revenant (5e)/DragonbornDragonbornReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Str +1, Con +1, Cha +1Draconic Ancestry — Necrotic, Relentless NatureUndead character sent back to fulfill a task.UA Gothic Heroes
Revenant (5e)/HumanHumanTwo of choice (replaces parent Ability Score Incease), Con +1Relentless NatureUndead character sent back to fulfill a task.UA Gothic Heroes
Rock GnomeGnomeCon +1Artificer’s Lore, TinkerRock gnomes have a natural inventiveness and hardiness beyond that of other gnomes.SRD5, SRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Sand DwarfDwarfDex +1Sunblasted, Survivors, QuickDwarves from desert climbs.Rlyehable
SandbruDuskkenWis +1Skillful, Strong WilledSandru tend to be the priests, philosophers, healers, and police of the duskken.Rlyehable
ScalethisScalethis (5e Race)Str +1, Int +1, Cha +1Venomous Fangs, Constrict, Clever CobadeScalethis are a reptilian species, very snake-like with notable features like snake-like tails and scales covering most of their bodies.Dingobabee
Scourge AasimarAasimarCon +1Radiant ConsumptionAasimar who's role is that of punisher.Volo's Guide to Monsters
Sea Elf SubraceElfCon +1Sea Elf Training, Child of the Sea, Friend of the SeaElves that made their home in the sea after leaving the Feywild.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Shadar-kai SubraceElfCon +1Necrotic Resistance, Blessing of the Raven QueenElves from the Shadowfell.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Spectral GenasiGenasiDex +1Night LightSpectral Genasi are the rarest, and are beings of light half-personified.GooseyLuuc
StoutHalflingCon +1Stout ResilienceAs their name suggests, these halfings are physically broader and tougher than their cousins.Player's Handbook (5e)
SwiftstrideShifterCha +1, Dex +2Shifting Feature, GracefulLycanthrope heritage makes them swift and graceful.Eberron Rising from the Last War
Terrados DwarfDwarfStr +1, Dex +2Hope, Elemental Lungs, Light as AirDingobabee
Terrados ElvesElfCha +1Desert Runner, Fire Proof, Fire in the Blood Dingobabee
TreefolkTreefolkStr +1, Dex +1, Cha +1Speed, Thick Bark, Heavy, Paper Bark, Spellcasting, Swirling BlossomsSentient Trees capable of locomotionSpanambula
Twilight Child DvatiDvatiDex +1, Cha +1Fraternal Twins, Children of Night and Day, Switcheroo, Mists of TwilightDivided opposites, Twilight Dvati are the yin and yang of the Dvati, fraternal twins that mirror each other in almost all ways.Zhenra-Khal
Warforged EnvoyWarforgedTwo of choice by +1Specialized Design, Integrated Tool, Extra Language (part of Specialized Design)!Deprecated! Specialized warforgedWayfinder's Guide to Eberron
Warforged JuggernautWarforged-Gr7mmStr +1Heavy Plating, Solid Construction, Leadfoot StabilityAn endurance based Warforged.Gr7mm Bobb
Warforged JuggernautWarforgedStr +2Iron Fists, Powerful Build!Deprecated! Brute warforgedWayfinder's Guide to Eberron
Warforged ScoutWarforged-Gr7mmDex +1Light Plating, Quick Footed, Small statureBuilt for speed and perception, the scouts are the lightweight models of warforged.Gr7mm Bobb
Warforged SkirmisherWarforgedDex +2Swift, Light Step!Deprecated! Agile and quick warforgedWayfinder's Guide to Eberron
Warforged TacticianWarforged-Gr7mmInt +1Composite Plating, The Right Nudge, Battlefield Engineer, Of Mind and BodyA tactically focused warforged.Gr7mm Bobb
Warforged-Gr7mmWarforged-Gr7mmInt +1, Str +1, Dex +1Composite Plating, The Right Nudge, Battlefield Engineer, Of Mind and Body, Heavy Plating, Solid Construction, Leadfoot Stability, Light Plating, Quick Footed, Small statureEveryones favorite magically powered robot's now for 5e.Gr7mm Bobb
Water Genasi SubraceGenasiWis +1Acid Resistance, Amphibious, Swim, Call to the WaveGenasi descended from Marid.Princes of the Apocalypse
Wildhunt ShifterShifterWis +2, Dex +1Natural Tracker, Shifting FeatureLycanthrope heritage makes them trackers and survivors.Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, Eberron Rising from the Last War
Willow/Birch/Cedar TreefolkTreefolkDex +1Speed, Paper BarkSpanambula
Yellow DragonbornDragonbornDraconic HeritageDragonborn with a Yellow Dragon ancestryRlyehable
Zariel TieflingTieflingReplaces parent Ability Score Increase, Str +1, Cha +2Legacy of Avernus (Replaces Infernal Legacy)Tiefling who's ancestors made a pact with Zariel.Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes