3.5e Phrases

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Phrases are snippets of truespeech used to change reality. The rules for their use can be found here: Truespeech (3.5e Variant Rule).

Name Level Summary Words Author
Air I- Air 2 Grants the target brief flight. Air qwertyu63
Air II- Fly 4 Grants the target faster and longer flight than Air I. Air-Fly qwertyu63
Chance I- Chance 2 The target can reroll a d20 once. Chance qwertyu63
Chance II- Fate 5 The target can reroll a d20 several times. Chance-Fate qwertyu63
Chance III- Destiny 8 The target can set a d20. Chance-Fate-Destiny qwertyu63
Create I- Create 5 Create a real object, at the cost of XP. Create qwertyu63
Create II- Life 7 Create a living being, at the cost of XP. Create-Life qwertyu63
Create III- Plane 9 Create a new demiplane, at the cost of XP. Create-Life-Plane qwertyu63
Daze I- Daze 4 The target is dazed for 1 round. Daze qwertyu63
Daze II- Stun 7 The target is stunned for 1d2+1 rounds. Daze-Stun qwertyu63
Death I- Death 8 Kill the target. Death qwertyu63
Dragon I- Dragon 7 Summon a dragon. Dragon qwertyu63
Earth I- Earth 2 Creates some walls of stone. Earth qwertyu63
Earth II- Build 4 Creates more walls of stone that last longer than Earth I. Earth-Build qwertyu63
Earth III- Wall 6 Creates permanent walls of stone. Earth-Build-Wall qwertyu63
Endure I- Endure 1 You endure heat and cold. Endure qwertyu63
Endure II- Energy 3 You resist fire or cold. Endure-Energy qwertyu63
Fire I- Fire 1 Creates a burst of fire around one creature or space. Fire qwertyu63
Fire II- Burn 3 Creates a large burst of fire around one creature or space. Fire-Burn qwertyu63
Fire III- Ashes 5 Creates a massive burst of fire around one creature or space; killed creatures are reduced to ash. Fire-Burn-Ashes qwertyu63
Fire IV - Immolate 9 Baptize a massive radius in blazing heat. Fire-Burn-Ashes-Immolate SecondDeath777
Future I- Future 1 Get the answer to a yes/no question about the near future. Future qwertyu63
Future II- Knowledge 6 Get the answer to several questions about the future. Future-Knowledge qwertyu63
Future III- Glimpse 9 You can see a split second into the future. Future-Knowledge-Glimpse qwertyu63
Heal I- Heal 2 Heals the target. Heal (disambiguation) qwertyu63
Heal II- Cure 4 Heals everyone in an area around the target; also cures disease/poison. Heal-Cure qwertyu63
Heal III- Restore 6 Remove a negative condition from target Heal-Cure-Restore Nuthenry2
Hide I- Hide 3 Hide the target from divination; foes have to make caster level checks. Hide qwertyu63
Hide II- Block 8 The target is protected by Mind Blank. Hide-Block qwertyu63
Ice I- Ice 1 Creates a burst of ice around one creature or space. Ice qwertyu63
Ice II- Cold 3 Creates a large burst of ice around one creature or space. Ice-Cold qwertyu63
Ice III- Snow 5 Creates a massive burst of ice around one creature or space; killed creatures are reduced to ice shards. Ice-Cold-Snow qwertyu63
Ice IV- Desiccate 9 Returns an area briefly to the primordial cold Ice-Cold-Snow-Desiccate Nuthenry2
Invert I- Invert 8 Flips gravity near the speaker. Invert qwertyu63
Joy I- Joy 1 Grants a morale bonus. Joy qwertyu63
Lies I- Lies 4 You detect when a creature lies. Lies qwertyu63
Lightning I- Lightning 3 Throws a bolt of lightning. Lightning qwertyu63
Lightning II- Storm 5 Throw a bolt of exploding lightning. Lightning-Storm qwertyu63
Love I- Love 1 You know the status of your friend. Love qwertyu63
Love II- Bond 5 Targets can hear each others thoughts. Love-Bond qwertyu63
Magic I- Magic 1 Just like detect magic. Magic qwertyu63
Magic II- Remove 3 Just like Dispel Magic, but can't target an area. Magic-Remove qwertyu63
Magic III- Field 6 Just like Antimagic Field. Magic-Remove-Field qwertyu63
Magic IV - Transcribe 8 Activate a scroll you can detect. After all, words that produce magic are your specialty. Magic-Remove-Field-Transcribe SecondDeath777
Mask I- Mask 1 The target is disguised by Disguise Self. Mask qwertyu63
Mask II- Image 3 Create an illusion around yourself. Mask-Image qwertyu63
Mask III- Total 6 Creates a total illusion. Mask-Image-Total qwertyu63
Master I- Master 9 Create the powerful effect of your choosing; kind of like Wish. Master qwertyu63
Message I- Message 4 Send a message to the target, wherever they are. Message qwertyu63
Mind I- Mind 2 Read the targets mind. Mind qwertyu63
Mind II- Friend 4 The target sees you as a friend. Mind-Friend qwertyu63
Mind III- Control 6 Control the mind of the target. Mind-Friend-Control qwertyu63
Open I- Open 2 Target lock is opened, if the DC is 30 or lower. Open qwertyu63
Power I- Power 1 Makes weapon/armor temporarily magic. Power qwertyu63
Power II- Growth 2 The target gets +4 to an ability score. Power-Growth qwertyu63
Power III- Surge 6 Like Power II, but with many targets. Power-Growth-Surge qwertyu63
Push I- Push 1 Pushes the target away. Push qwertyu63
Push II- Pull 2 Pulls the target towards you. Push-Pull qwertyu63
Raise I- Raise 5 Raise the target from the dead. Raise qwertyu63
Sadness I- Sadness 4 Targets suffer from great sadness. Sadness qwertyu63
Shadow I- Shadow 2 Makes someone invisible Shadow qwertyu63
Shadow II- Cloak 7 Makes many creatures invisible. Shadow-Cloak qwertyu63
Sight I- Sight 5 You see the target from afar. Sight qwertyu63
Sight II- Truth 7 Lets you see things as they are. Sight-Truth qwertyu63
Sound I- Sound 2 A blast of sound damages those near you. Sound qwertyu63
Sound II- Blast 8 A blast of sound greatly damages those near you. Sound-Blast qwertyu63
Speak I- Speak 4 You can talk to creatures without a common language. Speak qwertyu63
Speed I- Speed 1 The target is faster. Speed qwertyu63
Speed II- Time 3 The target is hasted, as the spell Haste. Speed-Time qwertyu63
Speed III- Stop 9 You speed up so much, time seems to stop. Speed-Time-Stop qwertyu63
Summon I- Summon 2 Summon a small elemental. Summon qwertyu63
Summon II- Element 4 Summon a large elemental. Summon-Element qwertyu63
Summon III- Ally 6 Summon a greater elemental. Summon-Element-Ally qwertyu63
Sun I- Sun 6 The sun appears to rise. Sun qwertyu63
Walk I- Walk 3 Short range teleport. Walk qwertyu63
Walk II- Jump 5 Long range teleport. Walk-Jump qwertyu63
Walk III- Shift 7 Just like Plane Shift, but targets must be willing. Walk-Jump-Shift qwertyu63
Walk IV- Gate 9 Gate, but can't control called creatures. Walk-Jump-Shift-Gate qwertyu63
Ward I- Ward 1 A shield of force protects you. Ward qwertyu63
Ward II- Mark 3 Written text is enchanted to harm the reader. Ward-Mark qwertyu63
Ward III- Resist 8 +5 to all saving throws. Wark-Mark-Resist qwertyu63
Water I- Water 1 Create water. Water qwertyu63
Water II- Food 3 Create food. Water-Food qwertyu63
Wind I- Wind 2 A blast of wind is shot out. Wind qwertyu63
Wind II- Rain 7 Cause it to start or stop raining. Wind-Rain qwertyu63

Epic Phrases: Epic phrases are very powerful phrases. However, they act like normal phrases for most cases. The only differences are that epic phrases can only be learned by taking Epic Truespeech (3.5e Feat) (no other method works) and items like phrase tablets can not be made for epic phrases. For calculating Save DC's and Truespeech DC's, epic phrases are 10th level phrases.

Name Level Summary Words Author
Create IV- Universe Epic Creates your own universe, at the cost of XP. Create-Life-Plane-Universe qwertyu63
Destroy I- Destroy Epic Causes flaming rain over a massive area. Destroy qwertyu63
Sands I- Sands Epic Teleport through time. Sands qwertyu63
Sun II- Moon Epic Jump an entire plane forwards in time. Sun-Moon qwertyu63
Teach I- Teach Epic Grants knowledge to another creature. Teach qwertyu63

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