3.5e Flaw Instructions

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Flaw Editing Instructions[edit]

Replace the placeholders (the text starting with <- and ending with ->) with your own descriptive text.

Be sure to use the Preview button at the bottom to view your page before saving to check for errors and mistakes.

Note: The "benefit" and "special" parameters, if unused, can be deleted entirely as they are not required.

Definition of Parameters[edit]

Parameter Description Required Example
name An identifier for the flaw. Typically the name of the article. Yes Horrible Body Odor
summary A short descriptive sentence describing the basics of the flaw. Yes You're so smelly that the hounds always find you... and you get thrown out of fancy dinner parties.
prerequisite Any special prerequisites the flaw has. Yes Must be a living creature with a head.
effect The flaw's full mechanics are described here. Use proper sentence structure. Yes You take a −4 penalty to Charisma-based skill checks and creatures gain a +4 bonus on checks to track you by scent.
benefit This entry is only used if the flaw grants a benefit other than "A bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites.". No 1 extra skill point per level.
special Any additional rules or special cases that may apply can be described in detail here. No Incorporeal creatures with this flaw still smell gross despite not having bodies.