Tech Salvager (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 16th June 2020
Status: Complete
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Tech Salvager

The wonders of ancient civilization are often lost to time, and some adventurous sort often brave ancient ruins and abandoned sites in search of their technology. The tech salvager seeks wonders of the ancient time, eschewing natural skills to become better ruin delvers.

Class: Ranger

Level: 1st, 4th, 7th

Replaces: Class Skill, Track, Wild Empathy, Animal Companion, Woodland Stride, Swift Tracker

Benefit: A Tech Salvager gain Disable Device, Knowledge (Engineering) and Use Magic Device as class skill but loses Handle Animal and Knowledge (Nature) as class skills.

Salvager Knack (Ex): A tech salvager gain half her class level on Craft (Technology), Disable Device and Knowledge (Engineering) checks for the purpose of identifying, disabling or repairing machines and complex mechanical devices (such as many traps). She also gain Trapfinding as a Rogue.

This ability replaces track.

Tech Empathy (Ex): As the Wild Empathy class feature, except it functions as a construct instead of an animal. This counts as Wild Empathy for all intent and purpose.

This ability replaces wild empathy.

Ancient Technological Bond (Ex): A 4th level Tech Salvager has finally found and repaired a genuine piece of ancient technology. She can choose the following bond: An ancient technological weapon, a construct companion or an ancient hoverboard. Once that choice is made it cannot be changed.

If she chooses the weapon she gain the Bonded Object ability with a weapon. She automatically gains proficiency with the weapon.

If she choose the construct she gain a Robot Companion as a Roboticist of her class level -3.

If she chooses a hoverboard she gains a technological hoverboard, while riding her hoverboard she gains a monk’s unarmored speed bonus and hover 5 ft. above the ground. This is treated as riding a mount of your size, you can be dismounted by a successful trip check. Your hoverboard has 10 energy charge (as a technological item), each hours of use it uses 1 charge. Your hoverboard charges are automatically regained after your rest for at least 8 hours. Additionally you can spend 1 charge as a swift action to grant your hoverboard a fly speed equal to twice your land speed with poor maneuverability until the start of your next turn. The hoverboard only functions for the ranger, although it can carry other creatures alongside her.

If any of her 'ancient technological bonds are destroyed or permanently lost she may recreate them with 8 hours of work. This restores any further abilities placed on the bond.

This ability replaces hunter’s bond.

Ruin Stride (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a ranger may move through any sort of debris, caltrops and similar artificial difficult terrain at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.

This ability replaces woodland stride.

Salvager's Touch (Su): A 8th level tech salvager can replicate the effect of mending with one minute of work. Once per day she may spend 10 minutes to replicate the effect of make whole instead.

This ability replaces swift tracking.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4507 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassRanger +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe wonders of ancient civilization are of
The wonders of ancient civilization are often lost to time, and some adventurous sort often brave ancient ruins and abandoned sites in search of their technology. The tech salvager seeks wonders of the ancient time, eschewing natural skills to become better ruin delvers.
ural skills to become better ruin delvers. +
TitleTech Salvager +