Talk:Snarrgoth (3.5e Race)

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Is this intended to be LA+1? It is what it is listed at currently, but ECL is goofed at 0, so I wasn't sure since it might actually supposed to be LA 0/ECL 1. Without knowing what you're aiming for I really can't help further. --Ganteka Future (talk) 19:59, 10 October 2022 (UTC)

Just a mistake on my part. I'd like it to be LA/ECL 0 but I feel I can't really do it. I'll correct it. --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 20:22, 10 October 2022 (UTC)
Getting this down to LA0/ECL1 is going to be tricky. With a Strength bonus and Small size and powerful build and optional reach, you're going to be hitting more often, getting full attacks more often and dealing that good damage (than a typical LA0 race). Without associated combat-themed penalties, you're definitely looking at that LA 1 zone. However, there is another, insidious, forbidden, dark route you can go... one of which is taboo to even speak of... and that's Racial Hit Dice! I tease about that, but they can be a useful alternative to LA, with about 1 LA per 2 racial hit dice as a good conversion (remembering that a race with only 1 racial hit die loses it in place of their first class level as a character, which is why you'd have to go with a minimum of 2 to balance out that Level Adjustment). They do also mean slower class progressions and the characters need to be usable out of the box with those Hit dice, and can't be played at level 1, but it is an option. Also, ECL should currently be listed at 2 (not 1) since that's the minimum level it would be when you add a hit die to it. Hope any of this rambling helped. --Ganteka Future (talk) 19:46, 13 October 2022 (UTC)
Yeah, I will correct ECL, I always get confused by this bit of the rules and that's why I try to never touch it. RHD could be an idea, but I should rethink the race and I could be fine with LA +1, so that the race can be used as is. Thanks for the help! If you have any more comments feel free to post. them --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 20:10, 13 October 2022 (UTC)