SRD5:Giant Lizard

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This material from the 5th edition SRD is published under the OGL and CC-BY
Giant Lizard
original file name: Komodo dragon with tongue.jpg
by Mark Dumont
via Mediawiki Commons & Fickr
Image is not part of the SRD
Giant Lizard [SRD5 OGL/CC-BY][1] [2] [3] [4]
Large Beast (Lizards), Unaligned
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 19 (3d10+3)
Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
Senses: darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Habitat: Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Underground
Challenge: 1/4 (50 xp)Proficiency Bonus (PB): +2


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage.

[SRD5 OGL/CC-BY][1] A giant lizard can be ridden or used as a draft animal. Lizardfolk also keep them as pets, and subterranean giant lizards are used as mounts and pack animals by Drow, Duergar, and others.

End of the SRD5 material

Unofficial Description: Horse-sized lizard

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Wizards RPG Team (6 May 2015). SRD-OGL v5.1. (5e) Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: OGL & CC-BY.
  2. Habitat — Not part of the SRD5.
  3. habitat - Dungeon Master's Guide (5e) p.302-305
  4. habitat (Underground) - user:Rlyehable (unofficial)

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Facts about "Giant Lizard"
AlignmentUnaligned +
AuthorSRD5 +
CRval0.25 +
Canontrue +
Challenge Rating1/4 +
Creature NameGiant Lizard +
Experience Points50 +
Features{{{feature1}}} + and Bite +
HabitatCoastal +, Desert +, Forest +, Swamp +, Underdark + and Underground +
Hit Dice3d10+3 +
Hit Points19 +
Mounttrue +
Movement TypeWalk, Climb +
NameGiant Lizard +
PublicationSRD5 +
RidersDrow, Duergar, Lizardfolk +
SizeLarge +
SortTextLizard Giant +
SubtypeLizard +
SummaryHorse-sized lizard +
TypeBeast +