Meteorite Monk (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 19th June 2022
Status: Complete
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Meteorite Monk

An uncommon vocation for monastic fighters, meteorite monks attune themselves with the heavens above. Only a few monk orders, such as the Brotherhood of the Astrolabe or the Anchorite of the Stars train meteorite monks. Ultimately a meteorite monk learns how to control gravity, and imitate the sheer impact of a falling star with their unarmed strike.

Class: Monk

Level: 1st-15th

Replaces: Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist, Evasion, Slow Fall, Wholeness of Body, Improved Evasion, Quivering Palm

Benefit: A meteorite monk gain the following class features:

Bonus Feat: A meteorite monk add Light Gravity Acclimation and Heavy Gravity Acclimation to her list of bonus feat at 1st level. She adds Vital Strike to the list of bonus feat she may take at 6th level. At 10th level she adds the Improved and Greater version of Vital Strike, however she must meet the prerequisites of those feats, using her monk level as her BAB.

Gravity Fist (Su): Meteorite Monk can enhance their unarmed strike with gravitational energy, striking with incredible strength. A number of times per day equal to their monk level, but once per round, a meteorite monk can declare an unarmed strike a gravity fists. A gravity fists deals damage as if the attack was one size category larger (to a maximum of colossal) and the monk is able to make a free bull rush on the struck creature. The monk adds their Wisdom in addition to their Strength to this bull rush check. If the bull rush is successful, the struck creature also fall prone.

At 8th level a gravity fist deals damage as if it was two size category larger (to a maximum of colossal). At 12th level, three size categories larger (to a maximum of colossal). At 16th level the gravity fist attack deals damage as if it was colossal, unless it normally was larger.

This ability replaces stunning fist, but counts as stunning fist for the purpose of feat and prerequisites.

Heavy Mass (Ex): Due to intense training, a meteorite monk has fine control over her mass through the manipulation of gravity. She counts as one size category larger for the purpose of combat maneuvers and how she is affected by wind. At 8th level she counts as two size categories larger for the purpose of combat maneuvers how she is affected by wind, and one size category larger for the purpose of her unarmed strike and what size of weapons she can wield. At 15th level she counts as a colossal creature for the purpose of combat maneuvers how she is affected by wind.

This ability replaces Flurry of Blow.

Launch Meteorite (Su): At 2nd level, a meteorite monk can use her cosmic energy to cause a clump of loose rocks, ground and debris to form and launch it. As a standard action, the meteorite monk may use the mass of rock to strike at a single creature within 120 ft. The meteorite deals damage as if it was the monk's unarmed strike and can count as an unarmed strike for all intent and purposes, except that it is a ranged attack.

This ability replaces evasion.

Gravity Manipulation (Su): At 4th level, a meteorite monk is able to manipulate her own gravity. She gain the ability to use feather fall (self only) at-will. At 7th level the meteorite monk is able to alter her own gravity subjectively, granting her the effect of spider climb constantly except she does not need to keep her hands free. At 9th level the meteorite monk gains a fly speed equal to the bonus granted by her Fast Movement ability with good maneuverability.

This ability replaces Slow Fall, Wholeness of Body and Improved Evasion.

Meteor Strike (Su): At 15th level, by spending three uses of gravity fist, the meteorite monk may make a meteor strike attack. This attack behaves as a gravity fist, except all creatures within a 20-ft spread except the meteorite monk must make a Reflex save or take the full damage of the attack and fall prone. A successful save halves the damage and negates the prone effect. The damage taken by the secondary targets is not multiplied on a critical hit against the initial creature, but other damage increasing effect such as power attack and vital strike apply. If the meteorite monk fell at least 100 ft. before making the attack, the meteor strike attack is an automatic critical threat against the initial target of the attack.

This ability replaces Quivering Palm.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4526 Articles)
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AuthorLeziad +
ClassMonk +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
Rated ByThe bluez in the dungeon +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryAn uncommon vocation for monastic fighters
An uncommon vocation for monastic fighters, meteorite monks attune themselves with the heavens above. Only a few monk orders, such as the Brotherhood of the Astrolabe or the Anchorite of the Stars train meteorite monks. Ultimately a meteorite monk learns how to control gravity, and imitate the sheer impact of a falling star with their unarmed strike.
a falling star with their unarmed strike. +
TitleMeteorite Monk +