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Talk:Epic Rapid Spellcasting 2.0 (3.5e Feat)

Revision as of 05:43, 24 April 2022 by DeanSkell (talk | contribs)

This has all information required and is no less complete than the original 1.0 version from several years ago.

Seriously, be specific in the discussion Bluez and I'll fix it.

As with every homebrew feat on this site, it's up to DM discretion to accept or decline. The "Incomplete Article" tag is due to a singular individual feeling that the original author will bring their input after several years of inactivity for this singular page. So I ask those who review this to wait for 6 months for the 1.0 author to give their take before deleting it. I don't believe they will give their opinion during this time. If I'm incorrect, I will agree with their wishes whole-heartedly and won't contest it at all, even if I'm asked to delete this page myself. Thanks y'all --> Official things, I'm DeanSkell on 4/19/22.

Each page on the wiki uses a specific template, 3.5e feats is the 3.5e feat template.
I think it would have been easier to just adopt the original feat without making a new one altogether. Or if you just want it to be a reference that you could link people to for your games, you could create an original one in a sandbox. There are a number of options. --Ghostwheel (talk) 08:10, 19 April 2022 (UTC)
I agree with Ghostwheel, it's just a matter of formalities to keep the wiki organized. I suggest you read some other articles and the guidelines to help familiarize with the formats.
To be fair the original feat had the same problems as yours, as it doesn't fit the scaling format for spellcasting feat, if I'm not correct. I suggest you make your feat (or the original one, if you adopt it) into a standard feat and make it scale with caster level. I can help you, if you want.
Edit: I was right, even the original one's scaling is strange, and Ghostwheel took care of that already. Well DeanSkell, if you look at other spellcasting feats you'll see that they scale up with the highest spell level you can cast, not your caster level. To be fair you and LRimus made Epic Spellcasting feats, which didn't existed before, and effectively would not scale if taken by an epic, full spellcaster, so your intuition wasn't bad. The problem is that no such rules exist on the wiki so I don't know if and how you could implement them. Maybe Ghostwheel or other admins/old users can help you with that. If this is not possible I'd suggest, as said, that you removed the scaling and spellcasting tags and simply make it into a standard epic feat which gives additional effects upon reaching certain caster levels. As a reference, you can find more about Spellcasting feats here and here.
You can sign your posts with the Sign your username prompt below the save changes button. --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 08:23, 19 April 2022 (UTC)
Bluez, thank you. Epic feats won't conform to the prescribed scaling feats because it's epic. As far as I can tell, there's no clause for epic considerations on this site at all. I checked deletion and editing policies already. If it suggests epic, it should be explicit. If I'm mistaken, let me know. Otherwise, it seems someone's policing something that isn't specified whatsoever under the rules being "violated" without regard for said rules. DeanSkell (talk) 05:43, 24 April 2022 (UTC)
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