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The Painstalker (3.5e NPC)

Revision as of 02:02, 13 February 2022 by Eromythic (talk | contribs) (add links to atk options and abilities)
Author: Eromythic (talk)
Date Created: 12 2 2022
Status: In Progress
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The Painstalker

CR 15

Female Shoal HalflingStorm Scoundrel 15
CN Small Humanoid
Init/Senses +8 (roll twice, take highest)/Listen 16, Spot 14
Languages Common
AC 23, touch 19, flat-footed 15
(+1 size, +8 Dex, +4 armor)
hp 50(15d6) (15 HD); amphibious
Resist improved evasion
Fort/Ref/Will +6/+12/+10; +2 morale against fear
Speed 20, swim 20; Run, "Running" Swim
Melee Full attack: dagger+2 +19/+14/+9 1d3+3 and dagger+2 +19 1d3+3 or
Melee Standard attack: dagger+2 +21 1d3+3
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +11/+8
Atk Options Eager Strike (+15 dmg), Sneak Attack (+6d6+15 dmg), Analyze Surroundings (+3 dmg/AC), Delay Maneuver, Staggering StrikeCAdv, Maximize Strike, True Maximize Strike
Special Actions death attack
Scoundrel Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 15th):
Stances—hidden chameleon (class), child of shadow (1st), punk robs the store (1st), assassin's stance (3rd), unassuming ogre walk (5th), sandshuffle step (4th)
Strikes—forget me knot (class), stealing strike (class), clever positioning (2nd), silencing surprise (3rd), obscuring shadow veil (4th), striker in the night (6th), turncoat takedown (6th), shadow noose (6th), knife slits throat (7th), death in the dark (7th), hunting komodo slice (8th)
Boosts—focus strike (class), quick disguise (class), mongoose hunts the snake (4th), crane catches the fish (4th),
Counters—close call (class), hugging the wall (1st)
Other—scuttling centipede step (1st), up the walls (2nd), shadow stride (5th), octopus squeezes through mesh (5th), Cricket hops on head (5th), shadow blink (7th)
Disciplines: Shadow Hand, Setting Sun, Surreptitious Bandit, Eloquent Speech, Ravenous Succubi
† Readied maneuver
Abilities Str 12, Dex 26, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10
SQ trapfinding, use poison, disrupt detection, improvised proficiency, swift death
Feats CravenCoR, Two Weapon Fighting, Staggering StrikeCAdv, Maximize Strike, True Maximize Strike, Weapon Finesse,
Skills Bluff 9, Disguise 9, Hide 28, Listen 16, Move Silently 28, Open Lock 26, Spot 14 , Swim 18
Possessions gloves of dexterity (+6), ring of invisibility, masterwork thieves tools, 2 daggers+2, wand of mage armor, ring of anticipationDotU, rogue's vestMIC, 800 gp


  • add links to attack options, maneuvers/stances
  • add examples of "tactics"